# Dokuwiki Plugin MP3Play
Description The Mp3Play plugin let you add an flash mp3 player to your Webpage and Stream Mp3 files
Author Zahno Silvan
Email zaswiki@gmail.com
Type syntax
Lastupdate 2012-10-22
Tags music, mp3, stream, flash, embed
## Download * Download to Dokuwiki plugin folder * File : https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin/zipball/master ## Versions * **2011-02-17** * Init version * **2012-10-22** * Moved repo to GitHub ## Syntax ``` {{mp3play>path-to-playlist.xml}} ``` "Path to the Playlist" should look something like this: ``` namespace:folder:subfolder:....:playlist.xml ``` ## Settings
Admin setting Default value Description
Showplaylist 1 0 or 1
Showeq 1 0 or 1
Firsttrack 1 First track to play 1-x
Initvol 50 Start volume 0-100
Width 100% Width size in pixel or %
Height 320 Height in pixel or %
## Playlist example ```xml ``` Download the example playlist [here](http://zawiki.zapto.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:playlist.xml) ## Thanks The Flash Player used from [Charles](http://sexywp.com/flash-player-widget.htm). Originally a WordPress Plugin. ## Example ![Screennshot 1](http://zawiki.zapto.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_1.png) ![Screennshot 2](http://zawiki.zapto.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_2.png) ![Screennshot 3](http://zawiki.zapto.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/tschinz:programming:dw:mp3play:mp3play_3.png) ## Documentation All documentation for the Mp3Play Plugin is available online at: * [Dokuwiki Plugin Page](http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:mp3play2) * [ZaWiki Plugin Page](http://zawiki.zapto.org/doku.php/tschinz:dw_mp3play) * [Github Project Page](https://github.com/tschinz/dokuwiki_mp3play_plugin) 2011 by Zahno Silvan