# Mizar Verifiable Docs Plugin for DokuWiki This plugin allows users to embed Mizar article blocks within wiki pages, enabling them to edit and verify mathematical proofs directly. It provides syntax highlighting, error reporting, proof checking, and supports cross-referencing of other articles within the wiki for dynamically verifiable documentation of mathmatics. ## Documentation For detailed information about installation, configuration, and usage, please visit: [Mzar Verifiable Docs Plugin Docs](https:/www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:mizarverifiabledocs) ## Installation Refer to the **Documentation** above for detailed installation instructions. ### Manual Installation If you install this plugin manually, make sure it is installed in: `lib/plugins/mizarverifiabledocs/` If the folder is named differently, it will not work. ## License This plugin is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.