* @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) */ global $MIKIO_ICONS; /* You can add custom icon libraries into this file and use them with the theme. - Copy the CSS and FONT files into its own folder inside the icons folder - Add an array to the $MIKIO_ICONS array with the following keys: name this is the name used to identify the icon in the tag css the CSS file to load. If your icon collection has subtypes (like FontAwesome 5), you can create multiple entries with the same CSS file. The theme will prevent duplicate loadings of CSS files. You can also use CDN paths insert what to insert in place of the icon tag. Use $1 to tell the theme where to insert the icon-type specified by the page content The icon tag use can use on the DokuWiki page is: If no name is specified in the tag, the theme will use the first entry in $MIKIO_ICONS If a name is not found in the $MIKIO_ICONS array, the tag is removed from the output If you are using a SVG library, you can also use the extra parameters of the icon tag. Each parameter (seperated by space) can be put into the insert key as $2 - $9 If you include a key named as the parameter, if that parameter is not defined in the icon tag, then this will be used as the default value An example below is the twbs svg icon library. The extra parameter is used to define the svg fill color. You can use $0 for the URI path to the icons folder (defined by the dir key) */ /* Font Awesome 4 */ $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fa', 'css' => 'fontawesome/css/all.min.css', 'insert' => '']; /* Font Awesome 4 - CDN */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fa', 'css' => 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'insert' => '']; */ /* Font Awesome 5 */ /* $fa5 = 'fontawesome5/css/all.min.css'; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fas', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'far', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fal', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fab', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* Font Awesome 5 - CDN */ /* $fa5 = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.13.1/css/all.min.css'; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fas', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'far', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fal', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'fab', 'css' => $fa5, 'insert' => '']; */ /* Elusive 2 */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'el', 'css' => 'elusive/css/elusive-icons.min.css', 'insert' => '']; */ /* Elusive 2 - CDN */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = ['name' => 'el', 'css' => '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/elusive-icons/2.0.0/css/elusive-icons.min.css', 'insert' => '']; */ /* TWBS - https://github.com/twbs/icons/releases */ /* $MIKIO_ICONS[] = [ 'name' => 'bi', 'dir' => 'bootstrap-icons', 'css' => 'bootstrap-icons/bi.css', 'insert' => '', '$2' => 'black', ]; */ ?>