*/ use dokuwiki\Extension\ActionPlugin; use dokuwiki\Extension\EventHandler; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; use dokuwiki\plugin\menuext\MenuExtItem; class action_plugin_menuext extends ActionPlugin { protected $menuconf = []; /** * action_plugin_menuext constructor. */ public function __construct() { $cf = DOKU_CONF . 'menuext.json'; if (file_exists($cf)) { $config = @json_decode(file_get_contents($cf), true); if (!is_array($config)) { msg('Failed to parse config for MenuExt plugin in conf/menuext.json', -1, '', '', MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); } } else { msg('No config for MenuExt plugin found in conf/menuext.json', -1, '', '', MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); } $this->menuconf = $config; } /** * Registers a callback function for a given event * * @param EventHandler $controller DokuWiki's event controller object * * @return void */ public function register(EventHandler $controller) { $controller->register_hook('MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_menu_items_assembly', [], 999); } /** * [Custom event handler which performs action] * * Called for event: * * @param Event $event event object by reference * @param mixed $param [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this * handler was registered] * * @return void */ public function handle_menu_items_assembly(Event $event, $param) { $view = $event->data['view']; if (!isset($this->menuconf[$view])) return; foreach ($this->menuconf[$view] as $data) { $order = isset($data['order']) ? (int) $data['order'] : count($event->data['items']); // default action or custom one? if (isset($data['action'])) { try { $action = ucfirst(strtolower($data['action'])); $class = "\\dokuwiki\\Menu\\Item\\$action"; if (!class_exists($class)) { msg('No menu item for action ' . hsc($action), -1, '', '', MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); continue; } $item = new $class(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { // just ignore action exceptions, probably caused by insufficient permissions continue; } } elseif (isset($data['classname'])) { $class = $data['classname']; if (!class_exists($class)) { msg('Item class ' . hsc($class) . ' does not exist', -1, '', '', MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); continue; } $item = new $class(); if (!is_a($item, 'dokuwiki\Menu\Item\AbstractItem')) { msg('Not a menu item: ' . hsc($class), -1, '', '', MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); unset($item); continue; } } else { $item = new MenuExtItem($data); } array_splice($event->data['items'], $order, 0, [$item]); } } }