label = $data['label'][$conf['lang']]; if (isset($data['title'][$conf['lang']])) $this->title = $data['title'][$conf['lang']]; if (isset($data['link'])) $this->link = $data['link']; if (isset($data['svg'])) $this->svg = $data['svg']; if (isset($data['attr'])) $this->attributes = $data['attr']; parent::__construct(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getLink() { return $this->linkReplacements($this->link); } /** * Auto-Download material design icons * @inheritDoc */ public function getSvg() { if (file_exists($this->svg)) return $this->svg; $file = mediaFN($this->svg); if (file_exists($file)) return $file; $base = ''; $file = getCacheName($this->svg, '.svg'); if (!file_exists($file)) { io_download($base . $this->svg, $file); clearstatcache(true, $file); } if (file_exists($file)) return $file; return DOKU_INC . 'lib/images/menu/00-default_checkbox-blank-circle-outline.svg'; } /** @@inheritDoc */ public function getLinkAttributes($classprefix = 'menuitem ') { $attr = parent::getLinkAttributes($classprefix); if (is_array($this->attributes)) { $attr = array_merge($attr, $this->attributes); } return $attr; } /** * Replace all placeholders in given link * * Basically the same as parsePageTemplate but does URL encoding * * @param string $link the link with placeholders * @return string * @see parsePageTemplate */ protected function linkReplacements($link) { global $ID; global $USERINFO; global $conf; /* @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; // replace placeholders $file = noNS($ID); $page = strtr($file, $conf['sepchar'], ' '); $link = strftime($link); // time first $link = str_replace( [ '@ID@', '@NS@', '@CURNS@', '@!CURNS@', '@!!CURNS@', '@!CURNS!@', '@FILE@', '@!FILE@', '@!FILE!@', '@PAGE@', '@!PAGE@', '@!!PAGE@', '@!PAGE!@', '@USER@', '@NAME@', '@MAIL@', '@DATE@', ], array_map('rawurlencode', [ $ID, getNS($ID), curNS($ID), PhpString::ucfirst(curNS($ID)), PhpString::ucwords(curNS($ID)), PhpString::strtoupper(curNS($ID)), $file, PhpString::ucfirst($file), PhpString::strtoupper($file), $page, PhpString::ucfirst($page), PhpString::ucwords($page), PhpString::strtoupper($page), $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'), $USERINFO ? $USERINFO['name'] : '', $USERINFO ? $USERINFO['mail'] : '', $conf['dformat'], ]), $link ); return $link; } }