hour-minutes-seconds, or hour-minutes. You can use the date by itself by selecting ' . 'date or no date-time at all by selecting none.'; $lang['time_format'] = 'If a time is appended to the date, then this option sets the time format. This format will be used for the image id, in the media manager, but when a '. 'page is visited, the time will be converted for mouse over events to the more familiar hour:minutes:seconds.'; $lang['fields'] = 'Select from here the fields which should be included in the tooltips:
  1. Camera: make and type;' . '
  2. File in which the image is stored on the server
  3. the Exposure data, if Camera is ' . 'selected
  4. the Date that the image or photo was created
  5. the name of the Artist or potographer who made the ' . 'image/photo
  6. Caption, ' . '
  7. Copyright info when available ' . 'if available;
  8. the Size of the image in pixels and size of the file on the server.
'; $lang['copypos'] = 'Choose where to place the copyright statment:
  1. in the tooltip
  2. '. '
  3. on-screen underneath the image
  4. both in the tooltip and under the image
  5. '; $lang['captionpos'] = 'This option sets the placement of the caption, either in the tooltip or beneath the image in the ' . 'traditional position of the caption, i.e. on-screen. If both copyright and caption are set to on-screen ' . ' the caption setting takes precedence and the caption statement will be included in the tooltip.';