# MediaList Plugin for DokuWiki ![example](https://github.com/ssahara/dokuwiki-plugin-medialist/raw/master/sample1.png) This plugin shows a list of media files referred in a given wikipage or stored in a given namespace. Note, the plugin is aware of your ACLs. In the namespace mode list, the button to open the namespace by the Fullscreen Media Manager is shown at the upper-right corner of the list area. ## Usage Specify a scope parameter that defines the output of the list of media files. The scope can be a “page id” or a “namespace”. 1. **Page id** : look up media files linked in the page (i.e. curly brackets `{{...}}` in page text). 2. **namespace** : look up media files stored in the namespace. The parameter ends by `:` or `:*`, Some replacement patterns for namespace templates --- `@ID@`, `@NS@`, `@PAGE@` --- are available in order to specify the scope parameter. To list media files linked in the current page use: {{medialist>@ID@}} or {{medialist>@NS@:@PAGE@}} To list media files stored in the current namespace use: {{medialist>@NS@:}} To list media files stored in the current namespace and its sub-namesapces use: {{medialist>@NS@:*}} More examples: {{medialist>wikipage}} {{medialist>ns1:ns2:*}} {{medialist>@NS@:start}} {{medialist>@ID@:}} #### legacy syntax support In ehe older release 2009-05-21 version, the scope parameter could be one of literal keywords, `@PAGE@`, `@NAMESPACE@` and `@ALL`. These literal keywords must be used as is, and are not kind of replacement pattens. * `{{medialist>@PAGE@}}` shows files linked in the current page. * `{{medialist>@NAMESPACE@}}` shows files stored in the current namespace and sub namecpaces. * `{{medialist>@ALL@}}` shows all files when `@PAGE@` and `@NAMESPACE@` keywords given. Legacy literal keywords should be corrected using replacement patterns: {{medialist>@PAGE@}} is same as {{medialist>@ID@}} {{medialist>@NAMESPACE@}} is same as {{medialist>@NS@:}} ---- See the MediList plugin page on DokuWiki.org for further information: * http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:medialist (c) 2005 - 2009 by Michael Klier (chi@chimeric\.de) (c) 2016 by Satoshi Sahara (sahara\.satoshi@gmail\.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.