getConf('namespaces'); if (!empty($validNamespaces)) { $validNamespacesArr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $validNamespaces)); $thisNamespaceArr = explode(':', $GLOBALS['INFO']['namespace']); return in_array($thisNamespaceArr[0], $validNamespacesArr); } return true; } private function check_event($event) { $etype = $event->data['changeType']; if (($etype == 'C') && ($this->getConf('notify_create') == 1)) { $this->_event = 'create'; } elseif (($etype == 'E') && ($this->getConf('notify_edit') == 1)) { $this->_event = 'edit'; } elseif (($etype == 'e') && ($this->getConf('notify_edit') == 1) && ($this->getConf('notify_edit_minor') == 1)) { $this->_event = 'edit minor'; } elseif (($etype == 'D') && ($this->getConf('notify_delete') == 1)) { $this->_event = 'delete'; } /* elseif (($etype == 'R') && ($this->getConf('notify_revert') == 1)) { $this->_event = 'revert'; return true; } */ else { return false; } $summary = $event->data['summary']; if (!empty($summary)) { $this->_summary = $summary; } return true; } private function update_payload($event) { $user = $GLOBALS['INFO']['userinfo']['name']; /* TODO: This doesn't seem to be properly populuated when the user edit comes via XMLRPC, * see: */ if (empty($user)) { /* hotfix */ $user = sprintf($this->getLang('anonymous'), gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); /* TODO: do we need to handle fail safe? */ } $link = $this->compose_url($event, null); $page = $event->data['id']; $data = [ 'create' => ['loc_title' => 't_created', 'loc_event' => 'e_created', 'emoji' => '๐Ÿ“„'], 'edit' => ['loc_title' => 't_updated', 'loc_event' => 'e_updated', 'emoji' => '๐Ÿ“'], 'edit minor' => ['loc_title' => 't_minor_upd', 'loc_event' => 'e_minor_upd', 'emoji' => '๐Ÿ“'], 'delete' => ['loc_title' => 't_removed', 'loc_event' => 'e_removed', 'emoji' => "\u{1F5D1}"], /* 'Wastebasket' emoji */ ]; $d = $data[$this->_event]; $title = $this->getLang($d['loc_title']); $useraction = $user.' '.$this->getLang($d['loc_event']); $descr_raw = $title.' ยท '.$useraction.' "'.$page.'" ('.$link.')'; $descr_html = $d['emoji'].' '.htmlspecialchars($title).' ยท '.htmlspecialchars($useraction).' "'.htmlspecialchars($page).'"'; if (($this->_event != 'delete') && ($this->_event != 'create')) { $oldRev = $GLOBALS['INFO']['meta']['last_change']['date']; if (!empty($oldRev)) { $diffURL = $this->compose_url($event, $oldRev); $descr_raw .= ' ('.$this->getLang('compare').': '.$diffURL.')'; $descr_html .= ' ('.$this->getLang('compare').')'; } } if (($this->_event != 'delete') && $this->getConf('notify_show_summary')) { $summary = strip_tags($this->_summary); if ($summary) { $descr_raw .= ' ยท '.$this->getLang('l_summary').': '.$summary; $descr_html .= ' ยท '.$this->getLang('l_summary').': '.$summary.''; } } $this->_payload = array( 'msgtype' => 'm.text', 'body' => $descr_raw, 'format' => 'org.matrix.custom.html', 'formatted_body' => $descr_html, ); } private function compose_url($event = null, $rev = null) { $page = $event->data['id']; $userewrite = $GLOBALS['conf']['userewrite']; /* 0 = no rewrite, 1 = htaccess, 2 = internal */ if ((($userewrite == 1) || ($userewrite == 2)) && $GLOBALS['conf']['useslash'] == true) { $page = str_replace(":", "/", $page); } $url = sprintf(['%sdoku.php?id=%s', '%s%s', '%sdoku.php/%s'][$userewrite], DOKU_URL, $page); if ($rev != null) { $url .= ('&??'[$userewrite])."do=diff&rev={$rev}"; } return $url; } private function submit_payload() { $homeserver = $this->getConf('homeserver'); $roomid = $this->getConf('room'); $accesstoken = $this->getConf('accesstoken'); if (!($homeserver && $roomid && $accesstoken)) { error_log('matrixnotifer: At least one of the required configuration options \'homeserver\', \'room\', or \'accesstoken\' is not set.'); return; } $homeserver = rtrim(trim($homeserver), '/'); $endpoint = $homeserver.'/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/'.rawurlencode($roomid).'/send/'.uniqid('docuwiki', true).'-'.md5(strval(random_int(0, PHP_INT_MAX))); $json_payload = json_encode($this->_payload); if (!is_string($json_payload)) { return; } $ch = curl_init($endpoint); if ($ch) { /* Use a proxy, if defined * * Note: still entirely untested, was full of very obvious bugs, so nobody * has ever used this succesfully anyway */ $proxy = $GLOBALS['conf']['proxy']; if (!empty($proxy['host'])) { // configure proxy address and port $proxyAddress = $proxy['host'].':'.$proxy['port']; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyAddress); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // include username and password if defined if (!empty($proxy['user']) && !empty($proxy['pass'])) { $proxyAuth = $proxy['user'].':'.conf_decodeString($proxy['pass']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyAuth ); } } /* Submit Payload */ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-type: application/json', 'Content-length: '.strlen($json_payload), 'User-agent: DocuWiki Matrix Notifier Plugin '.self::__PLUGIN_VERSION__, 'Authorization: Bearer '.$accesstoken, 'Cache-control: no-cache', )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_payload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); /* kludge, temp. fix for Let's Encrypt madness. */ if($this->getConf('nosslverify')) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } $r = curl_exec($ch); if ($r === false) { error_log('matrixnotifier: curl_exec() failure <'.strval(curl_error($ch)).'>'); } curl_close($ch); } } public function sendUpdate($event) { if((strpos($event->data['file'], 'data/attic') === false) && $this->valid_namespace() && $this->check_event($event)) { $this->update_payload($event); $this->submit_payload(); } } }