...mathematical formula.. * size (optional) base glyph size in pixels, * if not present will use the value of $mathplugin_size global, the value * of which can be set below (default: 12) * * Formulae syntax: refer http://www.xm1math.net/phpmathpublisher/doc/help.html * * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author Christopher Smith * @date 2005-12-17 * * phpmathpublisher * @link http://www.xm1math.net/phpmathpublisher/ * @author Pascal Brachet */ /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_mathpublish extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { protected $enable = false; protected $msg_sent = false; /** * syntax_plugin_mathpublish constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->enable = $this->_requirements_ok(); } /** * Syntax Type * * Needs to return one of the mode types defined in $PARSER_MODES in parser.php * * @return string */ public function getType() { return 'substition'; } /** * Paragraph Type * * Defines how this syntax is handled regarding paragraphs. This is important * for correct XHTML nesting. Should return one of the following: * * 'normal' - The plugin can be used inside paragraphs * 'block' - Open paragraphs need to be closed before plugin output * 'stack' - Special case. Plugin wraps other paragraphs. * * @see Doku_Handler_Block * * @return string */ public function getPType() { return 'normal'; } /** * Sort for applying this mode * * @return int */ public function getSort() { return 208; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer * @param string $mode */ public function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('.*?(?:)', $mode, 'plugin_mathpublish'); } /** * Handle the match * @param string $match * @param int $state * @param int $pos * @param Doku_Handler $handler * @return array */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { $match = substr($match, 2, -4); // strip '' list($size, $math) = explode('>', $match, 2); if(!$math) { $math = $size; $size = ''; } $size = (int) trim($size); if(!$size) $size = 12; if(strlen($math) > 1) { $c_first = $math[0]; $c_last = $math[strlen($math) - 1]; if($c_first == ' ') { if($c_last == ' ') { $align = 'center'; } else { $align = 'right'; } } else { if($c_last == ' ') { $align = 'left'; } else { $align = ''; } }; } else { $align = ''; } return (array($size, trim($math), $align)); } /** * Create output * @param string $mode * @param Doku_Renderer $R * @param array $data * @return bool */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $R, $data) { if(!$this->enable) return true; if($mode != 'xhtml' && $mode != 'odt') return false; global $INPUT; list($size, $math, $align) = $data; $scale = 1; if(is_a($R, 'renderer_plugin_dw2pdf')) $scale=3; $size = $size * $scale; $ident = md5($math . '-' . $size); // check if we have a cached version available $imagefile = getCacheName($ident, '.mathpublish.png'); if(!file_exists($imagefile) || $INPUT->bool('purge')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/phpmathpublisher/load.php'); $pmp = new \RL\PhpMathPublisher\PhpMathPublisher('', '', $size); $pmp->getHelper()->setTransparent(true); $pmp->renderImage($math, $imagefile) - 1000; } // pass local files to PDF renderer if(is_a($R, 'renderer_plugin_dw2pdf')) { $img = 'dw2pdf://' . $imagefile; } else { $img = DOKU_BASE . 'lib/plugins/mathpublish/img.php?img=' . $ident; } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imagefile); $width = $width/$scale; $height = $height/$scale; // output aligned image if($mode == 'odt') { if(!$align) { $align = 'left'; } $R->_odtAddImage($imagefile, $width, $height, $align, NULL, NULL); } else { if($align) { $display = 'block'; $align = "media$align"; } else { $display = 'inline-block'; } $R->doc .= ' $img, 'class' => $align . ' mathpublish', 'alt' => $math, 'title' => $math, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'style' => "display: $display; object-fit: fill;", ]).' />'; } return true; } /** * check if php installation has required libraries/functions */ private function _requirements_ok() { if(!function_exists('imagepng')) { $this->_msg($this->getLang('nopng'), -1); return false; } if(!function_exists('imagettftext')) { $this->_msg($this->getLang('noft'), -1); return false; } return true; } /** * used to avoid multiple messages * * @param string $str * @param int $lvl */ protected function _msg($str, $lvl = 0) { if($this->msg_sent) return; msg($str, $lvl); $this->msg_sent = true; } }