Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{ mantisReport\?mantisProjectId=\d* }}', $mode, 'plugin_mantisreporter'); } /** * set the parameters for $data for the render function * * @param string $match gematchte string * @param int $state * @param int $pos * @param DokuHandler $handler * * @return array */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) { return array($match, $state, $pos); } /** * Render the report html * * @param string $format * @param Doku_Renderer_metadata $renderer * @param array $data * * @return type boolean is de operatie geslaagd? */ public function render($format, &$renderer, $data) { if('xhtml' === $format) { try { $renderer->doc .= $this->saveIssue(); } catch (Exception $e) { print 'Er ging iets fout: ' . $e->getMessage(); unset($_POST['reporter']); } try { $this->parseData($data[0]); $renderer->doc .= $this->getHtml(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { print 'Er ging iets fout: ' . $e->getMessage(); return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Parse data to filter out variables * * @param string $data * * @return boolean success */ private function parseData($data) { $regexId = '#mantisProjectId=(\d*)#i'; $resultId = array(); preg_match($regexId, $data, $resultId); $this->setProjectId($resultId[1]); return true; } /** * Get the project id * * @return int */ private function getProjectId() { return $this->projectId; } /** * Set the project id * * @param int $projectId */ private function setProjectId($projectId) { $this->projectId = $projectId; } /** * Get the html for priorities * * @return string */ private function getPrioritiesHtml() { $html = "'; } /** * Get the html for reporters * * @return string */ private function getReportersHtml() { $caller = $_GET['caller']; $html = "'; } /** * Get the html for categories * * @return string */ private function getCategoriesHtml() { $html = "'; } /** * Get the html * * @return string */ private function getHtml() { $priorities = $this->getPrioritiesHtml(); $reporters = $this->getReportersHtml(); $categories = $this->getCategoriesHtml(); $prognose = $this->getPrognoseHtml(); $projectId = $this->getProjectId(); $str = <<
reporter categorie prioriteit
$reporters $categories $priorities
EOD; return $str; } /** * Get all priorities * * @return string */ private function getPriorities() { return $this->callSoapClient('mc_enum_priorities'); } /** * Get all possible reporters for this project * access 25 means reporters and higher * * @return string */ private function getReporters() { $reporters = $this->callSoapClient('mc_project_get_users', array('project_id' => (int) $this->getProjectId(), 'access' => 25)); foreach($reporters as $key => $reporter) { if($reporter->name === 'SoapUser') { unset($reporters[$key]); } } return $reporters; } /** * Get all possible reporters for this project * * @return string */ private function getCategories() { return $this->callSoapClient('mc_project_get_categories', array('project_id' => (int) $this->getProjectId())); } /** * Get all possible custom fields for this project * * @return string */ private function getCustomFields($projectId = null) { if($projectId === null) { $projectId = $this->getProjectId(); } return $this->callSoapClient('mc_project_get_custom_fields', array('project_id' => (int) $projectId)); } /** * Get html for prognose (if available for this project). * * @return string */ private function getPrognoseHtml() { foreach($this->getCustomFields() as $customField) { if('prognose' === $customField->field->name) { return 'prognose uur'; } } return ''; } private function getPrognoseId($projectId) { foreach($this->getCustomFields($projectId) as $customField) { if('prognose' === $customField->field->name) { return $customField->field->id; } } return ''; } /** * Get the soap client * * @return SoapClient */ private function getSoapClient() { if($this->soapClient === null) { ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 5); $this->soapClient = new SoapClient($this->getMantisUrl() . '/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl', array("connection_timeout"=>5)); } return $this->soapClient; } /** * Send a request to the soap client * * @param string $function what function should be called? * @param array $array extra parameters * * @return mixed result from the request. */ private function callSoapClient($function, $array = array()) { $sc = $this->getSoapClient(); $parameters = array('username' => $this->getConf('soap_user'), 'password' => $this->getConf('soap_password')); foreach($array as $key => $value) { $parameters[$key] = $value; } $returnValue = $sc->__call($function, $parameters, array()); return $returnValue; } /** * Save issue * * @return string HTML with a link to the issue. */ private function saveIssue() { if(isset($_POST['reporter'])) { $newIssue = new stdClass(); $newIssue->reporter = new stdClass(); $newIssue->reporter->id = (int) $_POST['reporter']; $newIssue->priority = new stdClass(); $newIssue->priority->id = (int) $_POST['priority']; $newIssue->project = new stdClass(); $newIssue->project->id = (int) $_POST['projectId']; $newIssue->category = $_POST['category']; $newIssue->summary = $_POST['summary']; $newIssue->description = $_POST['description']; if($_POST['prognose']) { $prognose = new stdClass(); $prognose->field = new stdClass(); $prognose->field->id = $this->getPrognoseId($_POST['projectId']); $prognose->field->name = 'prognose'; $prognose->value = (float) $_POST['prognose']; $newIssue->custom_fields = array( $prognose ); } $newIssueId = $this->callSoapClient('mc_issue_add', array('issue' => $newIssue)); unset($_POST['reporter']); return 'Nieuw issue aangemaakt: ' . $newIssueId . '

'; } } /** * Get the mantis Url * * @return string */ private function getMantisUrl() { return $this->getConf('soap_url'); } // configuration methods /** * getConf($setting) * * use this function to access plugin configuration variables */ function getConf($setting){ if (!$this->configloaded){ $this->loadConfig(); } return $this->conf[$setting]; } /** * loadConfig() * merges the plugin's default settings with any local settings * this function is automatically called through getConf() */ function loadConfig(){ global $conf; $defaults = $this->readDefaultSettings(); $plugin = $this->getPluginName(); foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) { if (isset($conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key])) continue; $conf['plugin'][$plugin][$key] = $value; } $this->configloaded = true; $this->conf =& $conf['plugin'][$plugin]; } /** * read the plugin's default configuration settings from conf/default.php * this function is automatically called through getConf() * * @return array setting => value */ function readDefaultSettings() { $path = DOKU_PLUGIN.$this->getPluginName().'/conf/'; $conf = array(); if (@file_exists($path.'default.php')) { include($path.'default.php'); } return $conf; } }