*/ // based on http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:tutorial // must be run within Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'mantis/lib/nusoap.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_mantis extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { private $sPath = "data/cache/mantis/"; function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Christoph Lang', 'email' => 'calbity@gmx.de', 'date' => '2010-04-05', 'name' => 'Mantis Bug Tracker', 'desc' => 'Show Bugs from Mantis', 'url' => 'http://www.sdzecom.de' ); } private function _load($filename){ $Cache = null; $Update = true; if(file_exists($filename)){ $Content = file_get_contents($filename); $Content = unserialize($Content); $Update = $Content["Update"]; if(time() > $Update) $Update = true; else $Update = false; $Cache = $Content["Content"]; } return array($Update,$Cache); } private function _save($filename,$rs,$timestamp){ $timestamp = (time() + ($timestamp*60)); $Cache = array(); $Cache["Update"] = $timestamp; $Cache["Content"] = $rs; $Cache = serialize($Cache); $handle = fopen($filename,"w"); fwrite($handle,$Cache); fclose($handle); } private function getBox($text){ $sText = '
'; return $sText; } private function replace($data) { $info = $this->getInfo(); $sReturn = ""; if(!class_exists("soapclient")){ $text = str_replace('[url]',$info['url'],$this->getLang('nosoap')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } $server = $this->getConf('mantis_server'); $user = $this->getConf('mantis_user'); $pass = $this->getConf('mantis_password'); $refresh = $this->getConf('mantis_refresh'); $limit = $this->getConf('mantis_limit'); if(empty($server) || empty($user) || empty($pass)){ $text = str_replace('[url]',$info['url'],$this->getLang('noconfig')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } if(!is_dir($this->sPath)) mkdir($this->sPath); $filename = $this->sPath.md5(implode(".",$data)); $Cache = $this->_load($filename); //print_r($Cache); if(is_array($Cache)){ if($Cache[0] == false) return $Cache[1]; } if (extension_loaded('soap')) $client = new soapclient($server); else $client = new soapclient($server,true); $sReturn .= "

Project: "; if(!is_numeric($data[1])){ try{ if (extension_loaded('soap')){ $return = $client->mc_projects_get_user_accessible($user,$pass); $i=1; $project_name = $data[$i]; while(isset($project_name) && !empty($project_name)){ if($return == false){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($server,$project_name),$this->getLang('accessdenied')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } if(empty($return)){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($info['url'],$project_name),$this->getLang('projectnotfound')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } foreach($return as $project){ if($project->name == $project_name){ $projectid = $project->id; $return = $project->subprojects; } } if($i > 1) $sReturn .= " > "; $sReturn .= $project_name." (".$projectid.")"; $i++; $project_name = $data[$i]; } if(empty($projectid)){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($info['url'],$data[($i-1)]),$this->getLang('projectnotfound')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } }else{ $return = $client->call("mc_projects_get_user_accessible",array($user,$pass)); $i=1; $project_name = $data[$i]; while(isset($project_name) && !empty($project_name)){ if($return == false){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($server,$project_name),$this->getLang('accessdenied')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } if(empty($return)){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($info['url'],$project_name),$this->getLang('projectnotfound')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } foreach($return as $project){ if($project["name"] == $project_name){ $projectid = $project["id"]; $return = $project["subprojects"]; } } if($i > 1) $sReturn .= " > "; $sReturn .= $project_name." (".$projectid.")"; $i++; $project_name = $data[$i]; } if(empty($projectid)){ $text = str_replace(array('[url]','[project]'),array($info['url'],$data[($i-1)]),$this->getLang('projectnotfound')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } } }catch(Exception $ex){ $text = str_replace('[url]',$server,$this->getLang('accessdenied')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } }else{ $projectid = $data[1]; } // make the call try{ if (extension_loaded('soap')) $return = $client->mc_project_get_issues($user,$pass,$projectid,1,$limit); else $return = $client->call("mc_project_get_issues",array($user,$pass,$projectid,1,$limit)); }catch(Exception $ex){ $text = str_replace('[url]',$info['url'],$this->getLang('accessdenied')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } if(empty($return)){ $text = str_replace('[url]',$info['url'],$this->getLang('noissuesfound')); $sReturn = $this->getBox($text); return $sReturn; } $sReturn .= " - Issues: ".count($return)."

"; $sReturn .= ''; $i=0; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; foreach($return as $key => $value){ $i++; if (extension_loaded('soap')){ $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; }else{ $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= ''; } } $sReturn .= '
'; if($value->status->id == 60) $sReturn .= ""; $sReturn .= $value->summary; if($value->status->id == 60) $sReturn .= ""; $sReturn .= ''; if(!empty($value->reporter->real_name)) $sReturn .= $value->reporter->name; else $sReturn .= $value->reporter->real_name; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= nl2br(trim($value->description)); $sReturn .= '
'; if($value["status"]["id"] == 60) $sReturn .= ""; $sReturn .= $value["summary"]; if($value["status"]["id"] == 60) $sReturn .= ""; $sReturn .= ''; if(!empty($value["reporter"]["real_name"])) $sReturn .= $value["reporter"]["name"]; else $sReturn .= $value["reporter"]["real_name"]; $sReturn .= ''; $sReturn .= nl2br(trim($value["description"])); $sReturn .= '
'; $sReturn = utf8_encode($sReturn); $this->_save($filename,$sReturn,$refresh); return $sReturn; } function connectTo($mode) { //$this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\[\[Mantis\:.*?\]\]', $mode, 'plugin_mantis'); $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('{{Mantis>.*?}}', $mode, 'plugin_mantis'); } function getType() { return 'substition'; } function getSort() { return 215; } function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) { $match = substr($match,2,-2); $match = str_replace(":",">",$match); $arrData = explode(">",$match); return $arrData; } function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if ($mode == 'xhtml') { $renderer->doc .= $this->replace($data); return true; } return false; } }