*/ /* must be invoked from syntax/*.php */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) die(); @require_once (DOKU_INC. 'inc/confutils.php'); // for mimetype() /** * @class DW_common_linkbonus * @brief Common interface for linkbonus preliminar */ class DW_common_linkbonus { static public function getInfo ($phandle=null) { return array( 'author' => 'Luis Machuca Bezzaza', 'email' => 'luis.machuca [at] gulix.cl', 'date' => '2010-09-30', 'name' => 'Linkbonus Plugin [preliminar]', 'desc' => $phandle->getLang('descr'), 'url' => 'http://ryan.gulix.cl/tests/doku.php/playground:linkbonus', ); } static public function getType () { return 'formatting'; } static public function getAllowedTypes() { return array('formatting'); } static public function getPType () { return 'normal'; } static public function syntax_render ($mode, &$renderer, $data, $type='external') { if ($mode == 'xhtml') { if (!empty($data) ) { // do XHTML rendering $info= array(); $link = $data['link']; $link['url'] = hsc($link['url']); // the following lines allow for rendering of internal syntax // but it is done the "wrong" way -- weird things may happen! //$link['name']= htmlentities($link['name'], ENT_NOQUOTES); //$link['name']= p_render('xhtml', p_get_instructions($link['name']) , $info); //$link['name']= substr($link['name'], 4, -5); // remove surrounding


if (array_key_exists('favicon', $link) && $type==='external' && !DW_common_linkbonus::_isSSL()) { $domain= parse_url($link['url']); $domain= $domain['scheme']. '://'. $domain['host']; $fvicon= $domain.'/favicon.ico'; $link['more'].= ' style="background-image: url('. $fvicon. ');"'; } $fmt_enabled= $link['format']; if ($fmt_enabled) { $link['name']= preg_replace('#//(.+?)//#', '$1', $link['name']); $link['name']= preg_replace('#\*\*(.+?)\*\*#', '$1', $link['name']); //$link['name']= preg_replace('#//(.+?)//#', '$1', $link['name']); } $outp= $renderer->_formatLink($link); // substitute //italics// and **bold** //$renderer->doc .= '
'. htmlspecialchars($outp). '
'; $renderer->doc .= ''; $renderer->doc .= $outp; } return true; } // end XHTML parsing return false; } /** * Helper functions from this point */ /** * @fn _getServerBase * @brief Returns the base URL of the server * For use of the external syntax mode, maybe others. */ static public function _getServerBase () { return ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http'. '://'. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //return $ans; } static public function _isSSL () { return ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? true : false; } /** * @fn _doTestPage * @brief Tests if the page is available * @return false if there is a retrieve error; the target type otherwise */ function _doTestPage ($url) { $context = stream_context_create(DW_common_linkbonus::_getDLContext()); $fc = @file_get_contents ($url, false, $context, 0, 2048); if ($fc === false) return false; // can not retrieve; else { // store the contents in a file to identify $tmpfname = tempnam('/tmp', 'dwlb_'); //echo "**$tmpfname*"; $handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w"); fwrite($handle, $fc); fclose($handle); $type= ''; // use fileinfo to identify, we want a "text/html" file $type = trim(shell_exec("file -bi " . $tmpfname)); return $type; } } // end function function _doGetPageTitle ($url) { $fetchsz = 2048; // will try to locate the title in the first 2kib $context = stream_context_create(DW_common_linkbonus::_getDLContext()); $fc = @file_get_contents ($url, NULL , $context , 0, $fetchsz); $title = array(); // try find the title inside $res = preg_match ("/(.+)<\/title>/is", $fc, $title); if ($res == 1) { $title= trim($title[1]); } else { $title= false; } // if there is a title limit, we return only the indicated number of words /* $limit= $this->getConf('titlelimit'); if ($limit != 'no') { $words= explode (' ', $title); $wc = count($words); for ($i= $limit; $i < $wc; $i++) { array_pop($words); } $title= implode(' ', $words); } */ return $title; } /** @brief parse a "key=value|key2=value2" string into an options map @param data the array containing the input data @param[Out] options a { key=>value } map that will contain the parsed values @param keys the list of allowed keys **/ static public function parse_options ($data, &$options, $keys) { $allow_all = ($keys === null); foreach ($data as $D) { list ($key, $val) = explode ('=', $D, 2); if (!empty($val)) $val= substr($val, 1, -1); // unquote else $val= ''; // explicit empty string // if the key can be added and check in, add it in with its value if ($allow_all || in_array($key, $keys, true)) { $options[$key] = $val; } } // exhausted all keys at this point } static private function _getDLContext () { $timeout= 1.0; if ($timeout > 5.0) $timeout= 5.0; else if ($timeout < 0.5) $timeout= 0.5; $copts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'max_redirects' => '2', 'timeout' => "$timeout", ) ); return $copts; } // end function } // end class