* 2008/12/07 * Fixed: * Fix for nasty recursion bug in sending routine when ''$conf['use_heading']'' was set * Fixed HTTP client to correctly accept all type 200 responses as successful * Give up sending immediately if instructionlist is empty or non-existant * 2008/04/06 * Fixed: * Akismet plugin was not called properly * Don't allow usage of syntax in comments * Minor cosmetic bugs * Added: * Logging system to log processing of incoming linkbacks. Antispam plugins can add own processing information via event-data * Additional antispam plugin to check if incoming trackbacks contain a link back to page * Option for displaying trackback URL for manual trackbacks * Admin component for bulk moderating linkbacks * URL of pinged page is now included in notification mail * ''exe/trackback.php'', ''exe/pingback.php'' and ''action/display.php'' now use the pluginutils to load the ''tools'' plugin * Use strftime() instead of date() * Change to new form handling in Dokuwiki * 2007/04/12: * Receiving and displaying of received linkbacks added, sending improved * 2007/04/07: * Initial release of the first prototype 2023-12-29 20:32 - v - Removing VERSION and Reverting CHANGELOG