<?php $lang['adminlink'] = 'If you want this change to affect old LaTeX renders, you should delete the image cache from the <a href="'. wl($ID).'?do=admin&page=latex'. '" target="_blank" class=""wikilink1">admin page</a> and refresh your browser\'s cache.'; $lang['latex_path'] = 'Path to <code>latex</code> program'; $lang['dvips_path'] = 'Path to <code>dvips</code> program'; $lang['convert_path'] = 'Path to ImageMagick <code>convert</code> program'; $lang['convert_options'] = 'Options for <code>convert</code> program; e.g. <code>-density <number></code> controls rendering size, and <code>-transparent <colour></code> converts colour to transparency. '.$lang['adminlink']; $lang['identify_path'] = 'Path to ImageMagick <code>identify</code> program'; $lang['xsize_limit'] = 'Maximum width (in pixels) of rendered LaTeX images'; $lang['ysize_limit'] = 'Maximum height (in pixels) of rendered LaTeX images'; $lang['string_length_limit'] = 'Maximum length (in characters) of LaTeX code (not including pre/post-amble)'; $lang['image_format'] = 'Image format of rendered LaTeX; <code>png</code> looks best, but <code>gif</code> is more compact, especially if you add <code>+antialias</code> to the <code>convert</code> options below.'; $lang['latex_namespace'] = 'Media namespace in which to store cached image files; temporary files used during compilation will be stored in the <code>tmp</code> sub-namespace.'; $lang['preamble'] = 'LaTeX compilation preamble; here you can include <a href="http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors#Color_Models" target="_blank" class="urlextern">colours</a>, new packages, and more. '.$lang['adminlink']; $lang['postamble'] = 'LaTeX compilation postamble';