DokuWiki Plugin: KaTeX # DokuWiki Plugin: KaTeX 🧩 _DokuWiki plugin for parsing_ $\TeX{}$ _expressions and rendering them to math/chemical equations with [KaTeX](https://katex.org/) and [mhchem](https://mhchem.github.io/MathJax-mhchem/)._ [![Plugin Page](https://img.shields.io/badge/PLUGIN%20PAGE--f5edcc.svg?logo=read-the-docs&style=flat-square)](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:katex) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/CHANGELOG--E08B32.svg?logo=git&style=flat-square)](./CHANGELOG.md)
## Installation There're roughly different 3 methods to install an extension on your DokuWiki instance: - **Method 01** — Search and install the plugin using the [Extension Manager](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:extension). - **Method 02** — Download the extension and unpack it into `/lib/plugins/katex` on your server. - **Method 03** — Maintain and install with [DokuWiki Command Line Tools](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:cli). Example of installing with DokuWiki Command Line Tools: ``` bash # Install KaTeX plugin via Git. $ ./bin/gittool.php clone katex # The same as clone, but install via download when no git source can be found. $ ./bin/gittool.php install katex ``` ## Configuration and Settings ### Resources Hosting You can choose to host KaTeX resource files on your server or deliver them by one of the following CDN (Content Delivery Network) providers: | Options | Description | | :---------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Self-hosted | Host the minified files on your own DokuWiki instance. Files will contained with the KaTeX plugin for Dokuwiki. | | [BootCDN](https://www.bootcdn.cn/) | BootCDN is the free CDN service maintained by [Bootstrap China](https://www.bootcss.com/) and hosted by [Jitu Cloud](https://www.jitucdn.com/). | | [cdnjs](https://cdnjs.com/) | cdnjs is a free and open-source CDN service trusted and used by over 12.5% of all websites, powered by Cloudflare. | | [UNPKG](https://www.unpkg.com/) | UNPKG is a fast, global CDN service for everything on npm, powered by Cloudflare. | | [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/) | JsDelivr is a free CDN service for open source files. There're no bandwidth limits or premium features and it's completely free to use by anybody. | | [jsHub](https://jshub.com/) | jsHub is an open source project dedicated to for providing stable, fast and free CDN service. The packages are mainly synchronized with the [cdnjs](https://github.com/cdnjs/cdnjs) repository. | | [Staticfile CDN](https://staticfile.org/) | Staticfile CDN provide stable and fast CDN service in China. Powered by [Quniu Cloud](http://qiniu.com/) and supported by [Juejin Community](https://juejin.cn/). | > **Note** The KaTeX plugin for DokuWiki contain the latest version of KaTeX from its [release page](https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX/releases). ### Extensions The KaTeX plugin for DokuWiki supports some of the [extensions](https://katex.org/docs/libs.html) provided by KaTeX for improving user experiences and additional functions: | Configuration | Explanation | | :------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `extension-copy-tex` | If enabled, when selecting and copying KaTeX-rendered elements, copies their TeX expressions to the clipboard. | | `extension-mhchem` | If enabled, you can write beautiful chemical equations easily. | You can enable or disable them from the Configuration Settings page on your DokuWiki site. ### Rendering Options The KaTeX plugin for DokuWiki allows you to customize some of the rendering [options](https://katex.org/docs/options.html) of KaTeX: | Configuration | Explanation | | :----------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `option-output` | The markup language of the rendering output. | | `option-delimiters` | List of delimiters to look for expressions, processed in the same order as the list. | | `option-ignored-tags` | List of types of DOM node to ignore when recursing through. | | `option-ignored-classes` | List of class names of DOM node to ignore when recursing through. | | `option-throwonerror` | Throw a `ParseError` when it encounters an unsupported command or invalid $\LaTeX{}$ syntax; Else, KaTeX will render unsupported commands as text by given color. | | `option-error-color` | The color that unsupported commands and invalid $\LaTeX{}$ syntax are rendered in when `throwonerror` is disabled. | | `option-macros` | Collection of custom macros. Each macro maps a command to given expansion. | #### Configuration: `option-output` - `HTML` outputs KaTeX in HTML only. - `MathML` outputs KaTeX in MathML only. - `HTML and MathML` outputs HTML for visual rendering and includes MathML for accessibility. #### Configuration: `option-delimiters` **Example** ``` plain { "left": "$$", "right": "$$", "display": true } { "left": "$", "right": "$", "display": false } { "left": "\(", "right": "\)", "display": false } { "left": "\[", "right": "\]", "display": true } ``` **Explanation** - Each line can only contain one delimiter, and there is no need to add a comma at the end. - Each delimiter has three properties. - `left`: a **string** which starts the math expression (the left delimiter) - `right`: a **string** which ends the math expression (the right delimiter) - `display`: a **boolean** of whether the math in the expression should be rendered in display mode or not. - Each delimiter should satisfy the [JSON](http://www.json.org/) format, and double quotes should be used instead of single quotes when representing strings. - The order of line matters. #### Configuration: `option-ignored-tags` **Example** ``` plain script, noscript, style, textarea, pre, code, option ``` **Explanation** - Each tag should be separated with comma in one line. #### Configuration: `option-ignored-classes` **Exmaple** ``` plain code-mirror, annotation-box ``` **Explanation** - Each class should be separated with comma in one line. #### Configuration: `option-error-color` **Example** ``` plain #CCDDFF #719 ``` **Explanation** - The color string should be given in HEX3 (`#XXX`) or HEX6 (`#XXXXXX`) format. #### Configuration: `option-macros` **Example** ``` plain { "command": "\NN", "expansion": "\mathbb{N}" } { "command": "\ZZ", "expansion": "\mathbb{Z}" } { "command": "\QQ", "expansion": "\mathbb{Q}" } { "command": "\RR", "expansion": "\mathbb{R}" } { "command": "\CC", "expansion": "\mathbb{C}" } ``` **Explanation** - Each line can only contain one macro, and there is no need to add a comma at the end. - Each macro has two properties: - `command`: a **string** as the name for mapping to the expansion. - `expansion`: a **string** that describes the expansion of the macro. - Each macro should satisfy the [JSON](http://www.json.org/) format, and double quotes should be used instead of single quotes when representing strings. ## Sreenshots and Demo Sites ### Screenshots
Rendering Configuration
![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26391143/232169170-80e367da-a854-473e-a017-1dc50b5ea1d8.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26391143/232169642-e2c2e4e4-653c-4d98-8515-31cd41e250c8.png)
### Demo Sites The following DokuWiki sites use the KaTeX plugin: > **Note** If you're and using KaTeX plugin on your DokuWiki instance, feel free to add it to the list 😊. ## Contribution This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute: ## License Licensed under the GPL-3.0 License, Copyright © 2023-present **H.-H. PENG (Hsins)**.
Assembled with ❤️ in Taiwan.