obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.getVersion'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'getVersion'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns the running DokuWiki version.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.login'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:login'; $this->obj['args'] = array('integer','string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Tries to login with the given credentials and sets auth cookies.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.getPagelist'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:readNamespace'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'List all pages within the given namespace.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.getTime'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'time'; $this->obj['args'] = array('int'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Return the current time at the wiki server.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.getTitle'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getTitle'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Get wiki title.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.appendPage'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:appendPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'string', 'struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Appends text to a Wiki Page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'dokuwiki.setLocks'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:setLocks'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Lock or unlock pages.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPage'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:rawPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Get the raw Wiki text of page, latest version.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageVersion'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:rawPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Get the raw Wiki text of page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageHTML'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:htmlPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Return page in rendered HTML, latest version.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageHTMLVersion'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:htmlPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Return page in rendered HTML.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getAllPages'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:listPages'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a list of all pages. The result is an array of utf8 pagenames.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getAttachments'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:listAttachments'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a list of all media files.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getBackLinks'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:listBackLinks'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns the pages that link to this page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageInfo'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:pageInfo'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct with infos about the page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageInfoVersion'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:pageInfo'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct with infos about the page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageVersions'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:pageVersions'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns the available revisions of the page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.putPage'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:putPage'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'string', 'struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Saves a wiki page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.search'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:search'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Serches for a string in wiki pages.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.listLinks'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:listLinks'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct','string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Lists all links contained in a wiki page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getRecentChanges'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getRecentChanges'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct about all recent changes since given timestamp.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getRecentMediaChanges'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getRecentMediaChanges'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct about all recent media changes since given timestamp.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.aclCheck'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:aclCheck'; $this->obj['args'] = array('int', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns the permissions of a given wiki page.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.putAttachment'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:putAttachment'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'base64', 'struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Upload a file to the wiki.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.deleteAttachment'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:deleteAttachment'; $this->obj['args'] = array('int', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Delete a file from the wiki.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getAttachment'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getAttachment'; $this->obj['args'] = array('base64', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Download a file from the wiki.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getAttachmentInfo'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getAttachmentInfo'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct with infos about the attachment.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'wiki.getPageHTMLPart'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:htmlPagePart'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string','string','string','int','int'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Return parts of a page in rendered HTML, latest version.'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; } private function defineSystemMethods() { $this->obj['method'] = 'system.methodSignature'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:methodSignature'; $this->obj['args'] = array('array', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns an array describing the return type and required parameters of a method'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'system.getCapabilities'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:getCapabilities'; $this->obj['args'] = array('struct'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a struct describing the XML-RPC specifications supported by this server'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'system.listMethods'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:listMethods'; $this->obj['args'] = array('array'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns an array of available methods on this server'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; $this->obj['method'] = 'system.methodHelp'; $this->obj['callback'] = 'this:methodHelp'; $this->obj['args'] = array('string', 'string'); $this->obj['help'] = 'Returns a documentation string for the specified method'; $this->methods[] = $this->obj; } public function getWikiMethods() { $this->defineWikiMethods(); return $this->methods; } public function getSystemMethods() { $this->defineSystemMethods(); return $this->methods; } } ?>