config->has('component-styleFilters')) {
$customFilters = $this->config->get('component-styleFilters');
if (isset($customFilters) && is_array($customFilters)) {
foreach ($customFilters as $filter => $filterParams) {
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($filter);
$filters[] = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($filterParams);
$filterCollection = new FilterCollection($filters);
$assets = new AssetCollection();
$styles = $this->packageStyles($this->packages);
foreach ($styles as $package => $packageStyles) {
$packageAssets = new AssetCollection();
$packagePath = $this->componentDir.'/'.$package;
foreach ($packageStyles as $style => $paths) {
foreach ($paths as $path) {
// The full path to the CSS file.
$assetPath = realpath($path);
// The root of the CSS file.
$sourceRoot = dirname($path);
// The style path to the CSS file when external.
$sourcePath = $package . '/' . $style;
//Replace glob patterns with filenames.
$filename = basename($style);
if(preg_match('~^\*(\.[^\.]+)$~', $filename, $matches)){
$sourcePath = str_replace($filename, basename($assetPath), $sourcePath);
// Where the final CSS will be generated.
$targetPath = $this->componentDir;
// Build the asset and add it to the collection.
$asset = new FileAsset($assetPath, $filterCollection, $sourceRoot, $sourcePath);
// Add asset to package collection.
$sourcePath = preg_replace('{^.*'.preg_quote($package).'/}', '', $sourcePath);
$asset = new FileAsset($assetPath, $filterCollection, $sourceRoot, $sourcePath);
if (file_put_contents($packagePath.'/'.$package.'-built.css', $packageAssets->dump()) === FALSE) {
$this->io->write("Error writing $package-built.css to destination");
if (file_put_contents($this->componentDir . '/require.css', $assets->dump()) === FALSE) {
$this->io->write('Error writing require.css to destination');
return false;
return null;
* Retrieves an array of styles from a collection of packages.
* @param array $packages
* An array of packages from the composer.lock file.
* @return array
* A set of package styles.
public function packageStyles(array $packages)
$output = array();
// Construct the packages configuration.
foreach ($packages as $package) {
// Retrieve information from the extra options.
$extra = isset($package['extra']) ? $package['extra'] : array();
$name = $this->getComponentName($package['name'], $extra);
$component = isset($extra['component']) ? $extra['component'] : array();
$styles = isset($component['styles']) ? $component['styles'] : array();
$vendorDir = $this->getVendorDir($package);
// Loop through each style.
foreach ($styles as $style) {
// Find the style path from the vendor directory.
$path = strtr($vendorDir.'/'.$style, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// Search for the candidate with a glob recursive file search.
$files = $this->fs->recursiveGlobFiles($path);
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Provide the package name, style and full path.
$output[$name][$style][] = $file;
return $output;