*/ class UglifyJs2Filter extends BaseNodeFilter { private $uglifyjsBin; private $nodeBin; private $compress; private $beautify; private $mangle; private $screwIe8; private $comments; private $wrap; private $defines; public function __construct($uglifyjsBin = '/usr/bin/uglifyjs', $nodeBin = null) { $this->uglifyjsBin = $uglifyjsBin; $this->nodeBin = $nodeBin; } public function setCompress($compress) { $this->compress = $compress; } public function setBeautify($beautify) { $this->beautify = $beautify; } public function setMangle($mangle) { $this->mangle = $mangle; } public function setScrewIe8($screwIe8) { $this->screwIe8 = $screwIe8; } public function setComments($comments) { $this->comments = $comments; } public function setWrap($wrap) { $this->wrap = $wrap; } public function setDefines(array $defines) { $this->defines = $defines; } public function filterLoad(AssetInterface $asset) { } public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset) { $pb = $this->createProcessBuilder( $this->nodeBin ? array($this->nodeBin, $this->uglifyjsBin) : array($this->uglifyjsBin) ); if ($this->compress) { $pb->add('--compress'); if (is_string($this->compress) && !empty($this->compress)) { $pb->add($this->compress); } } if ($this->beautify) { $pb->add('--beautify'); } if ($this->mangle) { $pb->add('--mangle'); } if ($this->screwIe8) { $pb->add('--screw-ie8'); } if ($this->comments) { $pb->add('--comments')->add(true === $this->comments ? 'all' : $this->comments); } if ($this->wrap) { $pb->add('--wrap')->add($this->wrap); } if ($this->defines) { $pb->add('--define')->add(implode(',', $this->defines)); } // input and output files $input = FilesystemUtils::createTemporaryFile('uglifyjs2_in'); $output = FilesystemUtils::createTemporaryFile('uglifyjs2_out'); file_put_contents($input, $asset->getContent()); $pb->add('-o')->add($output)->add($input); $proc = $pb->getProcess(); $code = $proc->run(); unlink($input); if (0 !== $code) { if (file_exists($output)) { unlink($output); } if (127 === $code) { throw new \RuntimeException('Path to node executable could not be resolved.'); } throw FilterException::fromProcess($proc)->setInput($asset->getContent()); } if (!file_exists($output)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error creating output file.'); } $asset->setContent(file_get_contents($output)); unlink($output); } }