*/ class SassphpFilter implements DependencyExtractorInterface { private $includePaths = array(); private $outputStyle; public function filterLoad(AssetInterface $asset) { $sass = new \Sass(); $includePaths = array_merge( array($asset->getSourceDirectory()), $this->includePaths ); $sass->setIncludePath(implode(':', $includePaths)); if ($this->outputStyle) { $sass->setStyle($this->outputStyle); } $css = $sass->compile($asset->getContent()); $asset->setContent($css); } public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset) { } public function setOutputStyle($outputStyle) { $this->outputStyle = $outputStyle; } public function setIncludePaths(array $paths) { $this->includePaths = $paths; } public function addIncludePath($path) { $this->includePaths[] = $path; } public function getChildren(AssetFactory $factory, $content, $loadPath = null) { $children = array(); $includePaths = $this->includePaths; if (null !== $loadPath && !in_array($loadPath, $includePaths)) { array_unshift($includePaths, $loadPath); } if (empty($includePaths)) { return $children; } foreach (CssUtils::extractImports($content) as $reference) { if ('.css' === substr($reference, -4)) { continue; } // the reference may or may not have an extension or be a partial if (pathinfo($reference, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { $needles = array( $reference, $this->partialize($reference), ); } else { $needles = array( $reference . '.scss', $this->partialize($reference) . '.scss', ); } foreach ($includePaths as $includePath) { foreach ($needles as $needle) { if (file_exists($file = $includePath . '/' . $needle)) { $child = $factory->createAsset($file, array(), array('root' => $includePath)); $children[] = $child; $child->load(); $children = array_merge( $children, $this->getChildren($factory, $child->getContent(), $includePath) ); } } } } return $children; } private function partialize($reference) { $parts = pathinfo($reference); if ('.' === $parts['dirname']) { $partial = '_' . $parts['filename']; } else { $partial = $parts['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_' . $parts['filename']; } if (isset($parts['extension'])) { $partial .= '.' . $parts['extension']; } return $partial; } }