* @author Kris Wallsmith */ class LessphpFilter implements DependencyExtractorInterface { private $presets = array(); private $formatter; private $preserveComments; private $customFunctions = array(); private $options = array(); /** * Lessphp Load Paths * * @var array */ protected $loadPaths = array(); /** * Adds a load path to the paths used by lessphp * * @param string $path Load Path */ public function addLoadPath($path) { $this->loadPaths[] = $path; } /** * Sets load paths used by lessphp * * @param array $loadPaths Load paths */ public function setLoadPaths(array $loadPaths) { $this->loadPaths = $loadPaths; } public function setPresets(array $presets) { $this->presets = $presets; } public function setOptions(array $options) { $this->options = $options; } /** * @param string $formatter One of "lessjs", "compressed", or "classic". */ public function setFormatter($formatter) { $this->formatter = $formatter; } /** * @param boolean $preserveComments */ public function setPreserveComments($preserveComments) { $this->preserveComments = $preserveComments; } public function filterLoad(AssetInterface $asset) { $lc = new \lessc(); if ($dir = $asset->getSourceDirectory()) { $lc->importDir = $dir; } foreach ($this->loadPaths as $loadPath) { $lc->addImportDir($loadPath); } foreach ($this->customFunctions as $name => $callable) { $lc->registerFunction($name, $callable); } if ($this->formatter) { $lc->setFormatter($this->formatter); } if (null !== $this->preserveComments) { $lc->setPreserveComments($this->preserveComments); } if (method_exists($lc, 'setOptions') && count($this->options) > 0 ) { $lc->setOptions($this->options); } $asset->setContent($lc->parse($asset->getContent(), $this->presets)); } public function registerFunction($name, $callable) { $this->customFunctions[$name] = $callable; } public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset) { } public function getChildren(AssetFactory $factory, $content, $loadPath = null) { $loadPaths = $this->loadPaths; if (null !== $loadPath) { $loadPaths[] = $loadPath; } if (empty($loadPaths)) { return array(); } $children = array(); foreach (LessUtils::extractImports($content) as $reference) { if ('.css' === substr($reference, -4)) { // skip normal css imports // todo: skip imports with media queries continue; } if ('.less' !== substr($reference, -5)) { $reference .= '.less'; } foreach ($loadPaths as $loadPath) { if (file_exists($file = $loadPath.'/'.$reference)) { $coll = $factory->createAsset($file, array(), array('root' => $loadPath)); foreach ($coll as $leaf) { $leaf->ensureFilter($this); $children[] = $leaf; goto next_reference; } } } next_reference: } return $children; } }