*/ class HandlebarsFilter extends BaseNodeFilter { private $handlebarsBin; private $nodeBin; private $minimize = false; private $simple = false; public function __construct($handlebarsBin = '/usr/bin/handlebars', $nodeBin = null) { $this->handlebarsBin = $handlebarsBin; $this->nodeBin = $nodeBin; } public function setMinimize($minimize) { $this->minimize = $minimize; } public function setSimple($simple) { $this->simple = $simple; } public function filterLoad(AssetInterface $asset) { $pb = $this->createProcessBuilder($this->nodeBin ? array($this->nodeBin, $this->handlebarsBin) : array($this->handlebarsBin)); if ($sourcePath = $asset->getSourcePath()) { $templateName = basename($sourcePath); } else { throw new \LogicException('The handlebars filter requires that assets have a source path set'); } $inputDirPath = FilesystemUtils::createThrowAwayDirectory('handlebars_in'); $inputPath = $inputDirPath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$templateName; $outputPath = FilesystemUtils::createTemporaryFile('handlebars_out'); file_put_contents($inputPath, $asset->getContent()); $pb->add($inputPath)->add('-f')->add($outputPath); if ($this->minimize) { $pb->add('--min'); } if ($this->simple) { $pb->add('--simple'); } $process = $pb->getProcess(); $returnCode = $process->run(); unlink($inputPath); rmdir($inputDirPath); if (127 === $returnCode) { throw new \RuntimeException('Path to node executable could not be resolved.'); } if (0 !== $returnCode) { if (file_exists($outputPath)) { unlink($outputPath); } throw FilterException::fromProcess($process)->setInput($asset->getContent()); } if (!file_exists($outputPath)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error creating output file.'); } $compiledJs = file_get_contents($outputPath); unlink($outputPath); $asset->setContent($compiledJs); } public function filterDump(AssetInterface $asset) { } }