1.1.2 (July 18, 2013) ------------------- * Fixed deep mtime on asset collections * `CallablesFilter` now implements `DependencyExtractorInterface` * Fixed detection of "partial" children in subfolders in `SassFilter` * Restored `PathUtils` for BC 1.1.1 (June 1, 2013) -------------------- * Fixed cloning of asset collections * Fixed environment var inheritance * Replaced `AssetWriter::getCombinations()` for BC, even though we don't use it * Added support for `@import-once` to Less filters 1.1.0 (May 15, 2013) -------------------- * Added LazyAssetManager::getLastModified() for determining "deep" mtime * Added DartFilter * Added EmberPrecompile * Added GssFilter * Added PhpCssEmbedFilter * Added RooleFilter * Added TypeScriptFilter * Added the possibility to configure additional load paths for less and lessphp * Added the UglifyCssFilter * Fixed the handling of directories in the GlobAsset. #256 * Added Handlebars support * Added Scssphp-compass support * Added the CacheBustingWorker * Added the UglifyJs2Filter 1.1.0-alpha1 (August 28, 2012) ------------------------------ * Added pure php css embed filter * Added Scssphp support * Added support for Google Closure language option * Added a way to set a specific ruby path for CompassFilter and SassFilter * Ensure uniqueness of temporary files created by the compressor filter. Fixed #61 * Added Compass option for generated_images_path (for generated Images/Sprites) * Added PackerFilter * Add the way to contact closure compiler API using curl, if available and allow_url_fopen is off * Added filters for JSMin and JSMinPlus * Added the UglifyJsFilter * Improved the error message in getModifiedTime when a file asset uses an invalid file * added support for asset variables: Asset variables allow you to pre-compile your assets for a finite set of known variable values, and then to simply deliver the correct asset version at runtime. For example, this is helpful for assets with language, or browser-specific code. * Removed the copy-paste of the Symfony2 Process component and use the original one * Added ability to pass variables into lessphp filter * Added google closure stylesheets jar filter * Added the support of `--bare` for the CoffeeScriptFilter