* * * */ //session_start(); if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'issuetracker/assilist.php'); /****************************************************************************** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_issuetracker extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /******************************************************************************/ /* return some info */ function getInfo(){ return confToHash(dirname(__FILE__).'/plugin.info.txt'); } function getType(){ return 'substition';} function getPType(){ return 'block';} function getSort(){ return 167;} /******************************************************************************/ /* Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode){ $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{issuetracker>[^}]*\}\}',$mode,'plugin_issuetracker'); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos,Doku_Handler &$handler){ $match = substr($match,15,-2); //strip markup from start and end //handle params $data = array(); $params = explode('|',$match); foreach($params as $param) { $splitparam = explode('=',$param); if ($splitparam[1] != '') { if ($splitparam[0]=='project') { $data['project'] = trim(strtolower($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='product') { $data['product'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='status') { $data['status'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='severity') { $data['severity'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='display') { $data['display'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='view') { $data['view'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='controls') { $data['controls'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='prod_limit') { $data['prod_limit'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='id') { $data['id'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='version') { $data['version'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='component') { $data['component'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='tblock') { $data['tblock'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='assignee') { $data['assignee'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='reporter') { $data['reporter'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='myissues') { $data['myissues'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='config') { $data['config'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='sort') { $data['sort'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='columns') { $data['columns'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='asympupl') { $data['asympupl'] = trim(strtoupper($splitparam[1])) ;} if ($splitparam[0]=='email_address') {$data['email_address'] = trim(strtolower($splitparam[1])) ;} /*continue;*/ } } return $data; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Captcha OK */ function _captcha_ok() { $helper = null; if(@is_dir(DOKU_PLUGIN.'captcha')) { $helper = plugin_load('helper','captcha'); } if(!is_null($helper) && $helper->isEnabled()) { return $helper->check(); } return ($this->getConf('use_captcha')); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create output */ function render($mode,Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $data) { global $ID; $project = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['project'])); if(strlen($project) <1) $project = $data['project']; else $data['project'] = $project; if ($mode == 'xhtml'){ $renderer->info['cache'] = false; $Generated_Header = ''; $Generated_Table = ''; $Generated_Scripts = ''; $Generated_Report = ''; if ($data['display'] == '') {$data['display'] = 'ISSUES';} if ($data['view'] == '') {$data['view'] = '10';} if ($data['controls'] == '') {$data['controls'] = 'ON';} if ($data['prod_limit'] == '') {$data['prod_limit'] = 'OFF';} if ($data['id'] == '') {$data['id'] = '0';} if ($data['severity'] == '') {$data['severity'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['status'] == '') {$data['status'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['product'] == '') {$data['product'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['version'] == '') {$data['version'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['component'] == '') {$data['component'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['tblock'] == '') {$data['tblock'] = false;} else { $data['tblock'] = true; } if ($data['assignee'] == '') {$data['assignee'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['reporter'] == '') {$data['reporter'] = 'ALL';} if ($data['myissues'] == '') {$data['myissues'] = false;} else { $data['myissues']= true; } if ($data['config'] == '') {$data['config'] = false;} else { $data['config'] = true; } if($data['asympupl'] == '') {$data['asympupl']=false;} else{$data['asympupl']=true;} if ($this->validEmail($data['email_address'])===false ) { if($data['email_address']!='') { msg("invalid mail given by syntax",-1);} $data['email_address'] = $this->getConf('email_address'); } if (stristr($data['display'],'FORM')!= false) { //If it is a user report add it to the db-file if (isset($_REQUEST['severity'])) { if ($_REQUEST['severity']) { // check if captcha is to be used by issue tracker in general if ($this->getConf('use_captcha') === 0) { $captcha_ok = 1;} else { $captcha_ok = ($this->_captcha_ok());} if ($captcha_ok) { if (checkSecurityToken()) { // get issues file contents $all = false; $issues = $this->_get_issues($data, $all); //Add it to the issue file $issue_id=count($issues); foreach ($issues as $value) {if ($value['id'] >= $issue_id) {$issue_id=$value['id'] + 1;}} $issues[$issue_id]['id'] = $issue_id; $issues[$issue_id]['product'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['product'])); $issues[$issue_id]['version'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['version'])); $issues[$issue_id]['component'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['component'])); $issues[$issue_id]['tblock'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['tblock'])); $issues[$issue_id]['severity'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['severity'])); $issues[$issue_id]['created'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['created'])); $status = explode(',', $this->getConf('status')) ; $issues[$issue_id]['status'] = $status[0]; $issues[$issue_id]['user_name'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['user_name'])); $issues[$issue_id]['user_mail'] = trim(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['user_mail']))); $issues[$issue_id]['user_phone'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['user_phone'])); $issues[$issue_id]['add_user_mail'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['add_user_mail'])); // $issues[$issue_id]['title'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['title'])); $issues[$issue_id]['title'] = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['title']); // $issues[$issue_id]['description'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['description'])); $issues[$issue_id]['description'] = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['description']); $issues[$issue_id]['attachment1'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['attachment1'])); $issues[$issue_id]['attachment2'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['attachment2'])); $issues[$issue_id]['attachment3'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['attachment3'])); $issues[$issue_id]['assigned'] = ''; $issues[$issue_id]['resolution'] = ''; $issues[$issue_id]['comments'] = ''; $issues[$issue_id]['modified'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['modified'])); $xuser = $issues[$issue_id]['user_mail']; $xdescription = $issues[$issue_id]['description']; //echo "Beschreibung: ".$xdescription."
"; // ***************************************************************************** // upload a symptom file // ***************************************************************************** // check if current user is admin/assignee // check if syntax parameter asympupl is switched on $user_grp = pageinfo(); if(array_key_exists('userinfo', $user_grp)) { foreach ($user_grp['userinfo']['grps'] as $ugrp) { $user_grps = $user_grps . $ugrp; } } else { $user_grps = 'all'; } $allowed_users = explode('|', $this->getConf('assign')); $cFlag = false; foreach ($allowed_users as $w) { // check if one of the assigned user roles does match with current user roles if (strpos($user_grps,$w)!== false) { $cFlag = true; break; } } $mime_type1 = $_FILES['attachment1']['type']; if((($this->getConf('upload')> 0) ||(($cFlag === true) && ($data['asympupl']=true)) || ($this->getConf('registered_users')== 0)) && (strlen($mime_type1)>1)) { $Generated_Header = $this->_symptom_file_upload($issues,$issue_id,'attachment1'); } $mime_type2 = $_FILES['attachment2']['type']; if(($this->getConf('upload')> 0) && (strlen($mime_type2)>1)) { $Generated_Header = $this->_symptom_file_upload($issues,$issue_id,'attachment2'); } $mime_type3 = $_FILES['attachment3']['type']; if(($this->getConf('upload')> 0) && (strlen($mime_type3)>1)) { $Generated_Header = $this->_symptom_file_upload($issues,$issue_id,'attachment3'); } //check user mail address, necessary for further clarification of the issue $valid_umail = $this->validEmail($xuser); if ( ($valid_umail == true) && ((stripos($xdescription, " ") > 0) || (strlen($xdescription)>5)) && (strlen($issues[$issue_id]['version']) >0)) { // assemble the path to IssueTracker data store & file if($this->getConf('it_data')==false) $pfile = DOKU_CONF."../data/meta/".$data['project'].'.issues'; else $pfile = DOKU_CONF."../". $this->getConf('it_data').$data['project'].'.issues'; //save issue-file $xvalue = io_saveFile($pfile,serialize($issues)); $this->_log_mods($data['project'], $issues[$issue_id], $issues[$issue_id]['user_name'], 'status', '', $issues[$issue_id]['status']); $pstring = sprintf("showid=%s&project=%s", urlencode($issues[$issue_id]['id']), urlencode($project)); $tmp_link = ''.$issue_id.''; $Generated_Header .= '
'; $this->_emailForNewIssue($data['project'],$issues[$issue_id],$data['email_address']); $_REQUEST['description'] = ''; } else { $wmsg =''; if ($valid_umail == false) { $wmsg = $this->getLang('wmsg1'); } elseif (strlen($issues[$issue_id]['version']) <1) { $wmsg = $this->getLang('wmsg2'); } else { $wmsg = $this->getLang('wmsg3').' ('.stripos($xdescription, " ").', '.strlen($xdescription).')'; } $Generated_Header .= '
'; } } else { $Generated_Header .= ':
'; } } } } else {$Generated_Report = $this->_report_render($data);} } // Create issue list elseif (stristr($data['display'],'ISSUES')!= false) { // get issues file contents $all = true; $issues = $this->_get_issues($data, $all); // global sort of issues array if($data['sort']='') $data['sort']='id'; $sort_key = $data['sort']; $issues = $this->_issues_globalsort($issues, $sort_key); $step = $data['view']; $Generated_Table = $this->_table_render($data['project'],$issues,$data,$step,$start); if (strtolower($data['controls'])==='on') { $Generated_Scripts = $this->_scripts_render($project); } } // Count only ... elseif (stristr($data['display'],'COUNT')!= false) { // get issues file contents $all = true; $issues = $this->_get_issues($data, $all); $a_result = $this->_count_render($issues,$start,$step,$next_start,$data,$project); $Generated_Table =$a_result[1]; $count = $a_result[0]; } // syntax to display a single issue inside wiki text elseif (stristr($data['display'],'single_issue')!= false) { // retrieve issue details $all = false; $issues = $this->_get_issues($data, $all); $issue_id = $data['id']; if($issues[$issue_id]['status'] == $this->getLang('issue_resolved_status')) { $a_style=""; $e_style="";} // define output $Generated_Table = $a_style."".NL; $Generated_Table .= "#".$issue_id.": "; $Generated_Table .= "".$issues[$issue_id]['title']." "; $Generated_Table .= "(".$issues[$issue_id]['status'].")"; $Generated_Table .= "".$e_style; $Generated_Header = ""; $Generated_Scripts = ""; $Generated_Report = ""; } // ***************************************************************************** // Show configuration // ***************************************************************************** elseif (stristr($data['display'],'config')!= false) { /* 1. load the defined elements per type - the related config file (it_matrix.cfg) is stored to the plugin folder - the matrix structure is as follows elmnt_type | elmnt_name | rel_childs - type project has childs of type product - type product has at least one relative parent or is just newly created */ /* $cfg_file = DOKU_PLUGIN."issuetracker/conf/it_matrix.cfg"; $it_cfg = array(); if (@file_exists($cfg_file)) { $it_cfg = unserialize(@file_get_contents($cfg_file)); } echo "
".print_r($it_cfg, true)."
"; // 2. replace the placeholder with config values // a) loop through the matrix and collect all defined projects // initially we start with projects // string to be built according: $itm_counter = 0; $itm_counter2 = 0; foreach($it_cfg as $item) { if ($item['elmnt_type']=="project") { $itm_counter++; if($itm_counter===1){ $name2 .= ''.NL; $sel_prod = $item['elmnt_name']; } else { $name2 .= ''.NL; } } // list all potential childs and check the already related items elseif ($item['elmnt_type']=="product") { $itm_counter2++; if (stripos($item['rel_childs'],$sel_prod)!== false) { $cfgelements .= '
'.NL; } else { $cfgelements .= '
'.NL; } } } $type1 = ' '.NL; */ /* $name2 = ' '.NL; $cfgelements = '

'.NL; */ /* // 3. load html-skeleton $html_skeleton = DOKU_PLUGIN."issuetracker/cfg_skeleton.html"; if (@file_exists($html_skeleton)) { $Generated_config = @file_get_contents($html_skeleton); } else { msg("The file 'cfg_skeleton.html' was not found at plugin directory.",-1); return;} // 4. replace placeholders at html-skeleton $Generated_config = str_ireplace("%%ID%%",$ID,$Generated_config); $Generated_config = str_ireplace("%%type1%%",$type1,$Generated_config); $Generated_config = str_ireplace("%%name2%%",$name2,$Generated_config); $Generated_config = str_ireplace("%%cfgelements%%",$cfgelements,$Generated_config); // 5. load the script to assemble the element childs for submit to action.php $it_script = DOKU_PLUGIN."issuetracker/it_matrix.script"; if (@file_exists($it_script)) { $it_cfg_script = @file_get_contents($it_script); } else { msg("The file 'it_matrix.script' was not found at plugin directory.",-1); } $Generated_config = $it_cfg_script .NL. $Generated_config; */ } // Render $renderer->doc .= $Generated_Header.$Generated_Table.$Generated_Scripts.$Generated_Report.$Generated_config; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create count output */ function _count_render($issues,$start,$step,$next_start,$data, $project) { global $ID; $count = array(); $productfilter=$data['product']; foreach ($issues as $issue) { if(($issue['project'] !== $project) && ($this->getConf('multi_projects')==0)) { continue; } elseif((strcasecmp($productfilter,'ALL')===0) || (stristr($productfilter,$this->_get_one_value($issue,'product'))!= false)) { $status = trim($this->_get_one_value($issue,'status')); $a_count = $a_count + 1; if (($status != '') && (stripos($this->getConf('status_special'),$status)===false)) { if ($this->_get_one_value($count,strtoupper($status))=='') {$count[strtoupper($status)] = array(1,$status);} else {$count[strtoupper($status)][0] += 1;} } } } $rendered_count = '
'.''; foreach ($count as $value) { //http://www.fristercons.de/fcon/doku.php?id=issuetracker:issuelist&do=showcaselink&showid=19&project=fcon_project // $ID.'&do=issuelist_filter&itl_sev_filter='.$value[1] $rendered_count .= ''; } $rendered_count .= '
'.$value[1].'  '.$value[0].'
'; $ret_array = array($a_count,$rendered_count); return $ret_array; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create table scripts */ function _scripts_render($project) { // load status values from config into select control $s_counter = 0; $status = explode(',', $this->getConf('status')) ; foreach ($status as $x_status) { $s_counter = $s_counter + 1; $x_status = trim($x_status); $STR_STATUS = $STR_STATUS . "case '".$x_status."': val = ".$s_counter."; break;"; $pattern = $pattern . "|" . $x_status; $x_status_select = $x_status_select . "['".$x_status."','".$x_status."'],"; } // Build string to load products select $products = explode(',', $this->getConf('products')) ; foreach ($products as $x_products) { $x_products = trim($x_products); $x_products_select = $x_products_select . "['".$x_products."','".$x_products."'],"; } // Build string to load severity select $severity = explode(',', $this->getConf('severity')) ; foreach ($severity as $x_severity) { $x_severity = trim($x_severity); $x_severity_select = $x_severity_select . "['".$x_severity."','".$x_severity."'],"; } // see issue 37: AUTH:AD switch to provide text input instead // select with retriveing all_users from AD // search also action.php for 'auth_ad_overflow' if($this->getConf('auth_ad_overflow') == false) { global $auth; global $conf; $filter['grps'] = $this->getConf('assign'); $target = $auth->retrieveUsers(0,0,$filter); $shw_assignee_as = trim($this->getConf('shw_assignee_as')); if(stripos("login, mail, name",$shw_assignee_as) === false) $shw_assignee_as = "login"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build 'assign to' list from a simple textfile // 1. check if file exist else use configuration if($this->getConf('assgnee_list')==="") { foreach ($target as $key => $x_umail) { // show assignee by login, name, mail if($shw_assignee_as=='login') $x_umail_select = $x_umail_select . "['".$key."','".$x_umail['mail']."'],"; else $x_umail_select = $x_umail_select . "['".$x_umail[$shw_assignee_as]."','".$x_umail['mail']."'],"; } } else{ $fileextension = $this->getConf('assgnee_list'); $x_umail_select = __get_assignees_from_files($fileextension); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $x_umail_select .= "['',''],"; $authAD_selector = "TableKit.Editable.selectInput('assigned',{}, [".$x_umail_select."]);"; } //hack if DOKU_BASE is not properly set if(strlen(DOKU_BASE) < strlen(DOKU_URL)) $BASE = DOKU_URL."lib/plugins/issuetracker/"; else $BASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/"; return " "; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create list of Issues */ function _table_render($project,$issues,$data,$step,$start) { global $ID; global $lang; if ($step==0) $step=10; if ($start==0) $start=count($issues)-$step+1; $next_start = $start + $step + 1; if ($next_start>count($issues)) $next_start=count($issues); $imgBASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/images/"; $style =' style="text-align:center; white-space:pre-wrap;">'; // $date_style =' style="text-align:center; white-space:pre;">'; $user_grp = pageinfo(); $noStatIMG = $this->getConf('noStatIMG'); $noSevIMG = $this->getConf('noSevIMG'); $a_project = $data['project']; if(array_key_exists('userinfo', $user_grp)) { foreach ($user_grp['userinfo']['grps'] as $ugrp) { $user_grps = $user_grps . $ugrp; } } else { $user_grps = 'all'; } if (strtolower($data['controls'])==='on') { $ret = '

'; $ret .= formSecurityToken(false).''; } // the user maybe member of different user groups // check if one of its assigned groups match with configuration $allowed_users = explode('|', $this->getConf('assign')); $cFlag = false; foreach ($allowed_users as $w) { // check if one of the assigned user roles does match with current user roles if (strpos($user_grps,$w)!== false) { $cFlag = true; break; } } // members of defined groups $user_grps allowed to change issue contents if (($cFlag === true) || ($this->getConf('registered_users')== 0)) { $dynatable_id = "t_".uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1); if(($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) { $th_project = "".$this->getLang('th_project').""; } $head = "

".NL. "".NL. $th_project.NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL. "".NL; $body = ''.NL; // Note: The checked attribute is a boolean attribute. if($data['myissues'] == '') { $data['myissues']= false; } else { $data['myissues']= true; } for ($i=$next_start-1;$i>=0;$i=$i-1) { // check start and end of rows to be displayed if($i>count($issues)) break; // prevent the php-warning $issue = $issues[$i]; $a_status = strtolower($this->_get_one_value($issue,'status')); $a_severity = strtolower($this->_get_one_value($issue,'severity')); $a_product = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'product')); $a_version = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'version')); $a_component = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'component')); $a_tblock = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'tblock')); $a_assignee = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'assignee')); $a_reporter = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'user_name')); if ((($data['status'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['status'],$a_status) != false)) && (($data['severity'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['severity'],$a_severity) != false)) && (($data['product'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['product'],$a_product) != false)) && (($data['version'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['version'],$a_version) != false)) && (($data['component'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['component'],$a_component) != false)) && (($data['assignee'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['assignee'],$a_assignee) != false)) && (($data['reporter'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['reporter'],$a_reporter) != false)) && (($data['myissues'] == false ) || ($this->_find_myissues($issue, $user_grp) == true))) { if ($y>=$step) break; if (stripos($this->getConf('status_special'),$a_status) !== false) continue; $y=$y+1; // check if status image or text to be displayed if ($noStatIMG == false) { $status_img = $imgBASE . implode('', explode(' ',$this->img_name_encode($a_status))).'.gif'; // if(!file_exists(str_replace("//", "/", DOKU_INC.$status_img))) { $status_img = $imgBASE . 'status.gif' ;} $status_img =' class="it_center">'.$a_status.''.$a_status.''.NL; } else { $status_img = $style.$a_status; } // check if severity image or text to be displayed if ($noSevIMG == false) { $severity_img = $imgBASE . implode('', explode(' ',$this->img_name_encode($a_severity))).'.gif'; // if(!file_exists(str_replace("//", "/", DOKU_INC.$severity_img))) { $severity_img = $imgBASE . 'status.gif' ;} $severity_img =' class="it_center">'.$a_severity.''.$a_severity.''.NL; } else { $severity_img = $style.$a_severity; } $it_issue_username = $this->_get_one_value($issue,'user_name'); $a_project = $this->_get_one_value($issue,'project'); if(($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) { $td_project = ''; } // build parameter for $_GET method $pstring = sprintf("showid=%s&project=%s", urlencode($this->_get_one_value($issue,'id')), urlencode($a_project)); $itl_item_title = ''.$this->_get_one_value($issue,'title').''.NL; if((($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) || $project == $a_project ) { if($rowEven==="it_roweven") $rowEven="it_rowodd"; else $rowEven="it_roweven"; $body .= ''.NL. $td_project.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL; // check how the assignee to be displayed: login, name or mail $a_display = $this->_get_assignee($issue,'assigned'); $body .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL; } } } $body .= '
".$this->getLang('th_id')."" .$this->getLang('th_created') ."" .$this->getLang('th_product') ."" .$this->getLang('th_version') ."" .$this->getLang('th_severity') ."" .$this->getLang('th_status') ."" .$this->getLang('th_user_name') ."" .$this->getLang('th_title') ."" .$this->getLang('th_assigned') ."".$this->getLang('th_resolution')."" .$this->getLang('th_modified') ."
'.NL; } else { //$head = "
"; $dynatable_id = "t_".uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1); //Build table header according settings or syntax if(strlen($data['columns'])>0) { $configs = explode(',', strtolower($data['columns'])); } else { $configs = explode(',', $this->getConf('shwtbl_usr')) ; } if(($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) { $th_project = ""; } $reduced_header =''; $reduced_header = "
".NL. "".NL.$th_project.NL."".NL; foreach ($configs as $config) { $reduced_header .= "".NL; } $reduced_header .= "".NL; //Build rows according settings $reduced_issues=''; for ($i=$next_start-1;$i>=0;$i=$i-1) { // check start and end of rows to be displayed if($i>count($issues)) break; // prevent the php-warning $issue = $issues[$i]; $a_project = strtolower($this->_get_one_value($issue,'project')); $a_status = strtolower($this->_get_one_value($issue,'status')); $a_severity = strtolower($this->_get_one_value($issue,'severity')); $a_product = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'product')); $a_version = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'version')); $a_component = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'component')); $a_tblock = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'tblock')); $a_assignee = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'assignee')); $a_reporter = strtoupper($this->_get_one_value($issue,'user_name')); if ((($data['status'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['status'],$a_status) != false)) && (($data['severity'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['severity'],$a_severity) != false)) && (($data['product'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['product'],$a_product) != false)) && (($data['version'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['version'],$a_version) != false)) && (($data['component'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['component'],$a_component) != false)) && (($data['assignee'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['assignee'],$a_assignee) != false)) && (($data['reporter'] =='ALL') || (stristr($data['reporter'],$a_reporter) != false)) && (($data['myissues'] == false ) || ($this->_find_myissues($issue, $user_grp) == true))) { if (stripos($this->getConf('status_special'),$a_status) !== false) continue; if((($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) || $project == $a_project ) { if ($y>=$step) break; $y=$y+1; if($rowEven==="it_roweven") $rowEven="it_rowodd"; else $rowEven="it_roweven"; if(($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==0) && ($this->getConf('shw_project_col')!==0)) { $a_project = $this->_get_one_value($issue,'project'); $td_project = ''; } else{$td_project="";} $reduced_issues = $reduced_issues.''.NL. $td_project.NL. '_get_one_value($issue,'id').''.NL; foreach ($configs as $config) { $isval = $this->_get_one_value($issue,strtolower($config)); if ($config == 'status') { if ($noStatIMG == false) { $status_img = $imgBASE . implode('', explode(' ',$this->img_name_encode($isval))).'.gif'; $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } else { $reduced_issues .= ''.NL; } } elseif ($config == 'severity') { if ($noSevIMG == false) { $severity_img = $imgBASE . implode('', explode(' ',$this->img_name_encode($isval))).'.gif'; $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } else { $reduced_issues .= ''.NL; } } elseif ($config == 'title') { // build parameter for $_GET method $pstring = sprintf("showid=%s&project=%s", urlencode($this->_get_one_value($issue,'id')), urlencode($a_project)); $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } elseif ($config == 'created') { $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } elseif ($config == 'modified') { $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } elseif ($config == 'resolution') { $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } elseif ($config == 'description') { $reduced_issues .=''.NL; } else { $reduced_issues .= ''.NL; } } $reduced_issues .= ''.NL; } } } $head = NL.$reduced_header.NL; $body = ''.$reduced_issues.''.NL.'
'.$a_status.''.$isval.''.$a_severity.''.$isval.''. ''.$isval.''.date($this->getConf('d_format'),strtotime($this->_get_one_value($issue,'created'))).''.date($this->getConf('d_format'),strtotime($this->_get_one_value($issue,'modified'))).''.$this->xs_format($this->_get_one_value($issue,'resolution')).''.$this->xs_format($this->_get_one_value($issue,'description')).'
'.NL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Control render if($data['myissues']==false) {$data['myissues'] = "";} else {$data['myissues'] = "checked='true'";} if($data['tblock']==false) { $data['tblock'] = ""; } else $data['tblock'] = "checked='true'"; if (strtolower($data['controls'])==='on') { $a_result = $this->_count_render($issues,$start,$step,$next_start,$data,$project); $li_count =$a_result[1]; $count = $a_result[0]; $ret = '
'.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ' '.NL; $ret .= ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ''.NL.''.NL.'
'.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.$li_count.'
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Severity')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Status')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Product')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Version')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Component')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Test blocking')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Assignee')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Reporter')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'MyIssues')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Sort by')=== false) $ret .= ''.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Severity')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Status')=== false) $ret .= '

'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Product')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Version')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Component')=== false) $ret .= '

'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Test blocking')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Assignee')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Filter Reporter')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'MyIssues')=== false) $ret .= '
'.NL; if(stripos($this->getConf('ltdListFilters'),'Sort by')=== false) $ret .= '

'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL; $ret .= ''.NL. '
 '.NL. '
'.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. '

'.NL. '
'.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. '
'.NL. '
'.NL; } $usr = '' ; //to log issue mods $usr .= '' ; // to log issue mods $a_lang = ''; // for tablekit.js $a_lang .= ''; // for tablekit.js $ret = $a_lang.$usr.$ret.$head.$body; return $ret; } /******************************************************************************/ /* pic-up a single value */ function _get_one_value($issue, $key) { if (@array_key_exists($key,$issue)) return $issue[$key]; return ''; } /******************************************************************************/ /* elaborate the display string of assignee (login, name or mail) */ function _get_assignee($issue, $key) { if(!$issue) return; if (array_key_exists($key,$issue)) { global $auth; global $conf; $filter['grps'] = $this->getConf('assign'); $usr_array = $auth->retrieveUsers(0,0,$filter); $shw_assignee_as = trim($this->getConf('shw_assignee_as')); if(stripos("login, mail, name",$shw_assignee_as) === false) $shw_assignee_as = "login"; foreach ($usr_array as $u_key => $usr) { if($usr['mail']==$issue[$key]) { if ($shw_assignee_as=='login') { return $u_key; } elseif($shw_assignee_as=='mail') { return $usr['mail']; } else { return $usr['name']; } } } } if(stripos("mail",$shw_assignee_as) !== false) return $issue[$key]; else { $b_display = explode("@",$issue[$key]); return $b_display[0]; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* send an e-mail to admin due to new issue created */ function _emailForNewIssue($project,$issue,$email_to) { if ($this->getConf('send_email')==1) { global $ID; if ($this->getConf('mail_templates')==1) { // load user html mail template $sFilename = DOKU_PLUGIN.'issuetracker/mailtemplate/new_issue_mail.html'; $bodyhtml = file_get_contents($sFilename); } $subject=sprintf($this->getLang('issuenew_subject'),$issue['severity'], $project, $issue['product'],$issue['version']); $subject= mb_encode_mimeheader($subject, "UTF-8", "Q" ); $pstring = sprintf("showid=%s&project=%s", urlencode($issue['id']), urlencode($project)); $body = $this->getLang('issuenew_head').chr(10).chr(10). $this->getLang('issuenew_intro').chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_title').$issue['title'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_issueid').$issue['id'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_product').$issue['product'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_version').$issue['version'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_severity').$issue['severity'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_status').$issue['status'].chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_creator').$issue['user_name'].chr(10). $this->getLang('th_assigned').$issue['assigned'].chr(10).chr(10). $this->getLang('issuenew_descr').$this->xs_format($issue['description']).chr(10).chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_see').DOKU_URL.'doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=showcaselink&'.$pstring.chr(10).chr(10). $this->getLang('issuemod_br').chr(10).$this->getLang('issuemod_end'); $body = html_entity_decode($body); if ($this->getConf('mail_templates')==1) $bodyhtml = $this->replace_bodyhtml($bodyhtml, $pstring, $project, $issue, $comment); $from=$email_to ; $to=$from; $cc=$issue['add_user_mail']; if ($this->getConf('mail_templates')==1) { $headers = "Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable"; $this->mail_send_html($to, $subject, $body, $bodyhtml, $from, $cc, $bcc='', $headers, $params=null); } else { mail_send($to, $subject, $body, $from, $cc, $bcc='', $headers=null, $params=null); } } } /******************************************************************************/ /*********************************** * HTML Mail functions * * Sends HTML-formatted mail * By Lin Junjie (mail [dot] junjie [at] gmail [dot] com) * ***********************************/ function mail_send_html($to, $subject, $body, $bodyhtml, $from='', $cc='', $bcc='', $header='', $params=null){ if(defined('MAILHEADER_ASCIIONLY')){ $subject = utf8_deaccent($subject); $subject = utf8_strip($subject); } if(!defined('MAILHEADER_EOL')) define('MAILHEADER_EOL',"\n"); if(!utf8_isASCII($subject)) { $subject = '=?UTF-8?Q?'.mail_quotedprintable_encode($subject,0).'?='; // Spaces must be encoded according to rfc2047. Use the "_" shorthand $subject = preg_replace('/ /', '_', $subject); } $header = ''; $usenames = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? false : true; $random_hash = md5(date('r', time())); // added $to = mail_encode_address($to,'',$usenames); $header .= mail_encode_address($from,'From'); $header .= mail_encode_address($cc,'Cc'); $header .= mail_encode_address($bcc,'Bcc'); $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.MAILHEADER_EOL; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=PHP-alt-".$random_hash.MAILHEADER_EOL; $header = trim($header); $body = mail_quotedprintable_encode($body,0); $bodyhtml = mail_quotedprintable_encode($bodyhtml,0); $message = "--PHP-alt-".$random_hash."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"."\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable"."\n\n". $body."\n\n". "--PHP-alt-".$random_hash."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"."\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable"."\n\n". $bodyhtml."\n". "--PHP-alt-".$random_hash."--"; if($params == null){ return mail($to,$subject,$message,$header); }else{ return mail($to,$subject,$message,$header,$params); } } /******************************************************************************/ function replace_bodyhtml($bodyhtml, $pstring, $project, $issue, $comment) { global $ID; $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%_SEE%%",DOKU_URL.'doku.php?id='.$ID.'&do=showcaselink&'.$pstring,$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_head%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_head'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_issueid%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_issueid'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%ID%%",$issue['id'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_title%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_title'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%TITEL%%",$issue['title'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_status%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_status'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%STATUS%%",$issue['status'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%th_project%%",$this->getLang('th_project'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%PROJECT%%",$project,$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_product%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_product'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%PRODUCT%%",$issue['product'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_version%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_version'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%VERSION%%",$issue['version'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_severity%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_severity'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%SEVERITY%%",$issue['severity'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_creator%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_creator'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CREATOR%%",$issue['user_name'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CREATOR_MAIL%%",$issue['user_mail'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%th_assigned%%",$this->getLang('th_assigned'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%ASSIGNED%%",$issue['assigned'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%th_created%%",$this->getLang('th_created'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CREATED%%",$issue['created'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issue_resolved_intro%%",$this->getLang('issue_resolved_intro'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issue_resolved_text%%",$this->getLang('issue_resolved_text'),$bodyhtml); $frmt_res = str_ireplace(chr(10),"
",$issue['resolution']); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%RESOLUTION%%",$this->xs_format($frmt_res),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%TIMESTAMP%%",date($this->getConf('d_format')),$bodyhtml); $user_grp = pageinfo(); $usr = $user_grp['userinfo']['name'] ; $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%RESOLVER%%",$usr,$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%MOD_BY%%",$usr,$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuedescrmod_subject%%",sprintf($this->getLang('issuedescrmod_subject'),$issue['id'], $project),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%th_description%%",$this->getLang('th_description'),$bodyhtml); $frmt_descr = str_ireplace(chr(10),"
",$issue['description']); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%DESCRIPTION%%",$this->xs_format($frmt_descr),$bodyhtml); // if($comment) { $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%lbl_cmts_wlog%%",$this->getLang('lbl_cmts_wlog'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CMNT_ID%%",$comment['id'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CMNT_AUTHOR%%",$comment['author'],$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%CMNT_TIMESTAMP%%",date($this->getConf('d_format'),strtotime($comment['timestamp'])),$bodyhtml); $frmt_cmnt = str_ireplace(chr(10),"
",$comment['comment']); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%COMMENT%%",$this->xs_format($frmt_cmnt),$bodyhtml); // } $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_br%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_br'),$bodyhtml); $bodyhtml = str_ireplace("%%issuemod_end%%",$this->getLang('issuemod_end'),$bodyhtml); return $bodyhtml; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Report an Issue */ function _report_render($data) { global $lang; global $ID; $imgBASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/images/"; $project = $data['project']; // retrive some basic information $user_mail = pageinfo(); //to get mail address of reporter $cur_date = date($this->getConf('d_format')); $user_check = $this->getConf('registered_users'); // check if current user is admin/assignee // check if syntax parameter asympupl is switched on $user_mail = pageinfo(); if(array_key_exists('userinfo', $user_mail)) { foreach ($user_mail['userinfo']['grps'] as $ugrp) { $user_grps = $user_grps . $ugrp; } } else { $user_grps = 'all'; } $allowed_users = explode('|', $this->getConf('assign')); $cFlag = false; foreach ($allowed_users as $w) { // check if one of the assigned user roles does match with current user roles if (strpos($user_grps,$w)!== false) { $cFlag = true; break; } } $_cFlag = false; if($user_check == 0) { $_cFlag = true; } elseif (($user_check == 1) && ($user_mail['perm'] > 1)) { $_cFlag = true; } if($_cFlag === true) { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // load set of projects defined by admin /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $STR_PROJECT = ""; $l_projects = explode(',', $this->getConf('projects')) ; $STR_PROJECT = ''.NL; foreach ($l_projects as $a_project) { $a_project = trim($a_project); $STR_PROJECT .= '".NL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // load set of product names defined by admin /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if($data['prod_limit'] !== "OFF") { $temp2 = explode(',', $this->getConf('products')); foreach($temp2 as $a) { if(stripos(strtoupper($data['product']),strtoupper($a))!==false) { if(strlen($temp)<1){ $temp .= $a; } else $temp .= ','.$a; } } $products = explode(',', $temp); } else { $products = explode(',', $this->getConf('products')); } $STR_PRODUCTS = ""; foreach ($products as $_products) { $x_products = trim($x_products); //if product is preselected by syntax if(strtoupper ($_products) == strtoupper ($data['product'])) { $option_param = '".NL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // load set of components defined by admin /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $STR_COMPONENTS = ""; $components = explode(',', $this->getConf('components')) ; // $STR_COMPONENTS = ''.NL; foreach ($components as $_component) { $_component = trim($_component); $STR_COMPONENTS .= '".NL; } if($STR_COMPONENTS === "") $STR_COMPONENTS = ''.NL; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // load set of severity values defined by admin /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $STR_SEVERITY = ""; $severity = explode(',', $this->getConf('severity')) ; foreach ($severity as $_severity) { $_severity = trim($_severity); $STR_SEVERITY = $STR_SEVERITY . '".NL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // create the report template and check input on client site /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if($this->getConf('wysiwyg')==true) { $_editor_java ='if ((document.getElementById("a_description").innerHTML.length <= 5) & (document.getElementById("a_description").innerHTML.indexOf(" ") == -1)) { alert ("'.$this->getLang('wmsg3').'"); frm.description.focus(); return false;}'; $_editor_java_2 ='function myFunction() { document.getElementById("description").value = document.getElementById("a_description").innerHTML; }'; $myFunc = 'onsubmit="myFunction()"'; } else { $_editor_java ='if ((frm.description.value.length <= 5) & (frm.description.value.indexOf(" ") == -1)) { alert ("'.$this->getLang('wmsg3').'"); frm.description.focus(); return false;'; $_editor_java_2 =''; $myFunc = 'onsubmit="return chkFormular(this)"'; } $ret = '
'.NL; $ret .= '

'.NL. formSecurityToken(false). ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. // ''. '

'.NL. ''.NL; //Check config if hidden if($this->getConf('projects')==""){ $ret .= ''.NL; } else { $ret .=''.NL; } $ret .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ''; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Version')!==false){ $STR_VERSIONS = ' '; $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ' '; } $ret .= ''.NL; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Components')!==false){ $STR_COMPONENTS = ' '; $ret .= ''; } else { $ret .=''.NL; } $ret .= ''.NL; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Test blocking')!==false){ $ret .= ''; } else { $ret .=''.NL; } $ret .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'User phone')!==false){ $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ' '; } $ret .= ''.NL. ''; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Add contact')!==false){ $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ' '; } $ret .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ''; //Check config if hidden if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Severity')!==false){ $severity = explode(',', $this->getConf('severity')) ; $STR_SEVERITY = $severity[0]; $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ' '; } $ret .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ' '.NL; } // mod for editor --------------------------------------------------------------------- $ret .= ''; // check if symptom file upload is allowed if(($this->getConf('upload')>0) || (($cFlag === true) && ($data['asympupl']=true))) { //Check config if hidden if(($cFlag === true) && ($data['asympupl']=true)) { $ret .= ''; } elseif(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Symptom link 1')!==false){ $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ''; } if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Symptom link 2')!==false){ $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ''; } if(strpos($this->getConf('ltdReport'),'Symptom link 3')!==false){ $ret .= ' '; } else { $ret .= ''; } } $ret .= '
'.$this->getLang('th_description').' '.NL; // mod for editor --------------------------------------------------------------------- // check the config setting what editor to be used if($this->getConf('wysiwyg')==true) { //hack if DOKU_BASE is not properly set if(strlen(DOKU_BASE) < strlen(DOKU_URL)) $sFilename = DOKU_URL."lib/plugins/issuetracker/wysiwyg_editor.js"; else $sFilename = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/wysiwyg_editor.js"; $ret .= ''; $sFilename = DOKU_PLUGIN.'issuetracker/wysiwyg_editor.html'; $ret .= file_get_contents($sFilename); $ret = str_ireplace("%%DOKU_BASE%%",DOKU_BASE,$ret); $ret .= ' '.NL; $ret .= ''; } else { if(strlen(DOKU_BASE) < strlen(DOKU_URL)) $sFilename = DOKU_URL."lib/plugins/issuetracker/xsEditor.js"; else $sFilename = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/xsEditor.js"; $ret .= ''; $ret .= file_get_contents($sFilename); global $_FILES; $ret .= $this->it_edit_toolbar('description'); $ret .= '

'.NL. ''.NL; if ($this->getConf('use_captcha')==1) { $helper = null; if(@is_dir(DOKU_PLUGIN.'captcha')) $helper = plugin_load('helper','captcha'); if(!is_null($helper) && $helper->isEnabled()) { $ret .= '


'; } } // $ret .= '

'. '

'.NL; } // the user maybe registered within group "all" but the registered flag is turned on // eigther the user has to be moved into group "user" or the flag to be switched off elseif(($user_mail['perm'] < 2) && (strlen($user_mail['userinfo']['mail'])>1)) { $issue_edit_resolution =''; $issue_edit_resolution .= '
'.NL; $wmsg = $this->getLang('lbl_lessPermission'); $issue_edit_resolution .= '
'; } else { $ret .= '
'; } return $ret; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Display positive/negative message box according user input on submit->Report */ function _show_message($string){ return ""; } /******************************************************************************/ /* improved implode needed */ function array_implode($arrays, &$target = array()) { foreach ($arrays as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $this->array_implode($item, $target); } else { $target[] = $item; } } return $target; } /******************************************************************************/ /** http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9585?page=0,0 Validate an email address. Provide email address (raw input) Returns true if the email address has the email address format and the domain exists. */ function validEmail($email) { $isValid = true; $atIndex = strrpos($email, "@"); if (is_bool($atIndex) && !$atIndex) { $isValid = false; } else { $domain = substr($email, $atIndex+1); $local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex); $localLen = strlen($local); $domainLen = strlen($domain); if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64) { // local part length exceeded $isValid = false; } else if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255) { // domain part length exceeded $isValid = false; } else if ($local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen-1] == '.') { // local part starts or ends with '.' $isValid = false; } else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $local)) { // local part has two consecutive dots $isValid = false; } else if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain)) { // character not valid in domain part $isValid = false; } else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $domain)) { // domain part has two consecutive dots $isValid = false; } else if (!preg_match('/^(\\\\.|[A-Za-z0-9!#%&`_=\\/$\'*+?^{}|~.-])+$/', str_replace("\\\\","",$local))) { // character not valid in local part unless local part is quoted if (!preg_match('/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/', str_replace("\\\\","",$local))) { $isValid = false; } } if((!function_exists('checkdnsrr')) && ($this->getConf('validate_mail_addr')==true)) { function checkdnsrr($host, $type='') { if(!empty($host)) { $type = (empty($type)) ? 'MX' : $type; exec('nslookup -type='.$type.' '.escapeshellcmd($host), $result); $it = new ArrayIterator($result); foreach(new RegexIterator($it, '~^'.$host.'~', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH) as $result) { if($result) { return true; } } } return false; } } else if ($isValid && !(checkdnsrr($domain,"MX") || checkdnsrr($domain,"A")) && ($this->getConf('validate_mail_addr')==true)) { // domain not found in DNS $isValid = false; } } return $isValid; } /******************************************************************************/ /* replace simple formats used by editor buttons */ function xs_format($x_comment) { // bold , italic, underline, etc. $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[([bius])\]/i', '<\\1>', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/([bius])\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[ol\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/ol\]/i', '
', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[ul\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[li\]/i', '
  • ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/li\]/i', '
  • ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[sup\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/sup\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[sub\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/sub\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[hr\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[blockquote\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/blockquote\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[code\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/code\]/i', '
    ', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[red\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/red\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[grn\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/grn\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[bgy\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/bgy\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[blu\]/i', '', $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace('/\[\/blu\]/i', '', $x_comment); $urlsuch[]="/([^]_a-z0-9-=\"'\/])((https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)([^ \r\n\(\)\^\$!`\"'\|\[\]\{\}<>]*)/si"; $urlsuch[]="/^((https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)([^ \r\n\(\)\^\$!`\"'\|\[\]\{\}<>]*)/si"; $urlreplace[]="\\1[link]\\2\\4[/link]"; $urlreplace[]="[link]\\1\\3[/link]"; $x_comment = preg_replace($urlsuch, $urlreplace, $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link\]www.(.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "www.\\1", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link=www.(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "\\2", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link\](\:.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "\\1", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link=(\:.*?)\]\[\/link\]/si", "\\1", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link=(\:.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "\\2", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link\](.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "\\1", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[link=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/si", "\\2", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img\](http.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img=(http.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img\](file.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img=(file.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img\](\:.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img=(\:.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "\"\\1\"", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "", $x_comment); $x_comment = preg_replace("/\[img=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si", "", $x_comment); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * think about parsing content by dokuwiki renderer for dokuwiki syntax recognition * $x_comment = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($x_comment),$info); * take care to strip IssueTracker syntax to prevent endless loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return $x_comment; } /******************************************************************************/ /* return html-code for edit toolbar */ function it_edit_toolbar($type) { $imgBASE = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/issuetracker/images/"; $it_edit_tb = '
    '.NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "<>".NL; $it_edit_tb .= "
    ".NL; return $it_edit_tb; } /******************************************************************************/ /* log issue modificaions * who changed what and when per issue */ function _log_mods($project, $issue, $usr, $column, $new_value) { global $conf; // get mod-log file contents if($this->getConf('it_data')==false) $modfile = DOKU_CONF."../data/meta/".$project.'_'.$issue_id.'.mod-log'; else $modfile = DOKU_CONF."../". $this->getConf('it_data').$project.'_'.$issue_id.'.mod-log'; if (@file_exists($modfile)) {$mods = unserialize(@file_get_contents($modfile));} else {$mods = array();} $mod_id = count($mods); $mods[$mod_id]['timestamp'] = date ($this->getConf('d_format')); $mods[$mod_id]['user'] = $usr; $mods[$mod_id]['field'] = $column; $mods[$mod_id]['old_value'] = $old_value; $mods[$mod_id]['new_value'] = $new_value; // Save issues file contents $fh = fopen($modfile, 'w'); fwrite($fh, serialize($mods)); fclose($fh); } /******************************************************************************/ /* replace special characters in file names like German "Umlaute" */ function img_name_encode($f_name) { $umlaute = $this->getLang('umlaute'); $replace = $this->getLang('conv_umlaute'); if((count($umlaute)>1) && (count($replace)>1)) $f_name = preg_replace($umlaute, $replace, $f_name); $f_name = strtolower($f_name); return $f_name; } /******************************************************************************/ /* upload a file if valid on mime type and file extension */ function _symptom_file_upload(&$issues, $issue_id, $attachment_id) { global $conf; if($this->getConf('it_data')==false) $target_path = "data/meta/"; else $target_path = $this->getConf('it_data'); $ip_block_path = $target_path."ipblock"; $target_path .= 'symptoms/'; if(!is_dir(DOKU_CONF."../".$target_path)) { mkdir(DOKU_CONF."../".$target_path, 0777); } $valid_file_extensions = array(); $valid_mimetypes = array(); $mimetypes = getMimeTypes(); foreach($mimetypes as $key => $value) { $valid_file_extensions[] = $key; $valid_mimetypes[] = $value; } if($this->getConf('ip_blocked') == 1){ $ip_blocked_sec = $this->getConf('ip_blockd_time')*60; // search folder ipblock if(is_dir(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path)) { $path = openDir(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path); while(false !== ($filename = readdir($path))){ if($filename != "." && $filename != ".."){ // delete aged ipblocks if(file_exists(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$filename)) { $t_check = filemtime(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$filename)+$ip_blocked_sec; if($t_check <= time()) { @unlink(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$filename); } } } } closedir($path); } else { mkdir(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/', 0777); } $ip_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if($ip_addr == "") { if(getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { $ip_addr = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR'); } else { $ip_addr = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } } if($ip_addr != ""){ // check if ip already known if(file_exists(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$ip_addr)) { // check upload remaining attempts (to be larger than 0) $iplog = fopen(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$ip_addr, "r"); $attachments_left=fread($iplog, filesize(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$ip_addr)); fclose($iplog); if($attachments_left<1) { $error_code = 1; $t_check = intval((filemtime(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$filename)+$ip_blocked_sec-time())/60); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('wmsg9'), $t_check),-1); } } else $attachments_left = 3; } } if(isset($error_code)){ $t_check = intval((filemtime(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$filename)+$ip_blocked_sec-time())/60); $Generated_Header = '
    '.sprintf($this->getLang('wmsg9'), $t_check).'
    '; $renderer->doc .= $Generated_Header; return; } // get file extension $mime_type = $_FILES[$attachment_id]['type']; $file_extension = strrchr($_FILES[$attachment_id]['name'],'.'); // last occurance of dot to detect extension $file_dot_extension = strtolower($file_extension); $file_extension = str_replace(".", "", strtolower($file_dot_extension)); $error_flag = 0; // check validity of file extension if(!in_array($file_extension, $valid_file_extensions)) { $error_flag = 1; $Generated_Header .= ''.$this->getLang('wmsg7').' (File: '.$_FILES[$attachment_id]['name'].')
    '; } // check mime type if((!in_array($mime_type, $valid_mimetypes)) && (!in_array("!".$mime_type, $valid_mimetypes)) ) { $error_flag = 1; $Generated_Header .= ''.$this->getLang('wmsg8').' (File: '.$_FILES[$attachment_id]['name'].', Mime-Type: '.$mime_type.')
    '; } // check file-size if($_FILES[$attachment_id]['size'] > ($this->getConf('max_fsize'))){ $error_flag = 1; $Generated_Header .= ''.sprintf($this->getLang('wmsg6'), $this->getConf('max_fsize')).' (File: '.$_FILES[$attachment_id]['name'].')
    '; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if($error_flag > 0) { echo $Generated_Header = '
    '; } else { //$safe_filename = preg_replace(array("/\s+/", "/[^-\.\w]+/"),array("_", ""),trim(basename( $_FILES[$attachment_id]['name']))); // delete all other characters beside the following defined $safe_filename = preg_replace('#[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]#', '',trim(basename( $_FILES[$attachment_id]['name']))); $target_path = $target_path . $issue_id . '_sympt_' . $safe_filename; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$attachment_id]['tmp_name'], DOKU_INC.$target_path)) { $attachments_left = $attachments_left-1; $issues[$issue_id]['attachment1'] = DOKU_URL.$target_path; // msg("The file ".$safe_filename." has been successfully uploaded to ".DOKU_URL.$target_path,1); msg("The file ".$safe_filename." has been successfully uploaded.",1); } else{ // msg("There was an error uploading the file to ".DOKU_URL.$target_path." \n, please try again!",-1); msg("There was an error uploading the file, please try again!",-1); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // block ip if($this->getConf('ip_blocked') == 1) { $ip_addr=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if($ip_addr==""){ if(getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { $ip_addr = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR'); } else { $ip_addr = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } } if(!is_dir(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path) && ($ip_addr != "")) { @mkdir(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/', 0777); $iplog = fopen(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$ip_addr, "w+"); fwrite($iplog, $attachments_left); fclose($iplog); } elseif($ip_addr != ""){ $iplog = fopen(DOKU_INC.$ip_block_path.'/'.$ip_addr, "w+"); fwrite($iplog, $attachments_left); fclose($iplog); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- return $Generated_Header; } /******************************************************************************/ function __find_projects($path) { if(!is_dir($path)) return false; // prevent the php-warning if ($handle=opendir($path)) { while (false!==($file=readdir($handle))) { if ($file<>"." AND $file<>"..") { if (is_file($path.'/'.$file)) { $ext = explode('.',$file); $last = count($ext) - 1; if ($ext[$last] == 'issues') { $projects .= ','.substr($file,0,strlen($file)-strlen('.issues')); } } } } } return $projects; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Check for MyIssues * * Check if the issue is related to the current user * the user maybe the issue reporter, assignee or registered as follower * it will return true/false * * @author Taggic * @param array $issue the single issue * @param array $user the current user info * @return bool true if foo in bar * */ function _find_myissues($issue, $user) { // current user is issue reporter if($user['userinfo']['mail'] === $issue['user_mail']) return true; // current user is assigned to this issue if($user['userinfo']['mail'] === $issue['assigned']) return true; // current user is registered as follower within the comments log of actual issue if(stristr($issue['add_user_mail'],$user['userinfo']['mail']) !== false) return true; // else return false return false; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * Load all issues into an array * * Check if multi_project is set to true * Load current $project or all projects of it_data_store * Return the issues array * * @author Taggic * @param array $data * @return $issues * */ function _get_issues($data, $all = false) { // detect the IssueTracker data store (path) if($this->getConf('it_data')==false) $it_datastore = DOKU_CONF."../data/meta/"; else $it_datastore = DOKU_CONF."../". $this->getConf('it_data'); // check if last sign is a slash $i = strrchr ($it_datastore, chr(47)); // chr(47) = "/" $j = strrchr ($it_datastore, chr(92)); // chr(92) = "\" if(($i !== strlen($it_datastore)) && ($i !== strlen($it_datastore))) { $it_datastore .= chr(47); } if(($this->getConf('multi_projects')!==false) && ($all !== false)) { // loop through it_datastore and list all .issues files $xprojects = $this->__find_projects($it_datastore); $x_projects = explode(',',$xprojects); $issues = array(); $tmp = array(); foreach ($x_projects as $project) { $project = trim($project); if(is_file($it_datastore.$project.'.issues') == true) { $tmp = unserialize(@file_get_contents($it_datastore.$project.'.issues')); // loop through the field and add project to each row foreach($tmp as &$tmps) { $tmps['project'] = $project; } $issues = array_merge($issues, $tmp); $tmp = array(); } } } else { // get issues from single project file if($this->getConf('it_data')==false) $pfile = $it_datastore.$data['project'].'.issues'; else $pfile = $it_datastore.$data['project'].'.issues'; if (@file_exists($pfile)) {$issues = unserialize(@file_get_contents($pfile));} else {$issues = array();} } return $issues; } /******************************************************************************/ /* sort the issues array according the selected key */ function _issues_globalsort($issues, $sort_key) { /* $tmp = Array(); foreach($issues as &$ma) $tmp[] = &$ma[$sort_key]; array_multisort($tmp, $issues); */ foreach ($issues as $key => $row) { $down[$key] = $row['id']; $up[$key] = $row[$sort_key]; } if($up) { @array_multisort($up, constant($this->getConf('global_sort')), $down, SORT_ASC, $issues); } return $issues; } }