*/ /******************************************************************************/ // Issue Report controls $lang['msg_reporttrue'] = 'Your report has been successfully stored as issue #'; $lang['wmsg1'] = 'Please enter valid eMail address, preferrably your own, for clarifications and/or feedback regarding your reported issue.'; $lang['wmsg2'] = 'Please enter a valid product version to relate this issue properly.'; $lang['wmsg3'] = 'Please provide a better description of your issue.'; $lang['wmsg4'] = ' Please Sign in if you want to report an issue.'; $lang['wmsg5'] = 'Please provide a descriptive issue title.'; $lang['wmsg6'] = 'Upload Error: The max file-size of %s bytes was exceeded'; $lang['wmsg7'] = 'Upload Error: The file extension is invalid.'; $lang['wmsg8'] = 'Upload Error: The Mime-Type of the file is faulty or not supported.'; $lang['wmsg9'] = 'Spam security: Upload from your IP is blocked for at least another %s minutes.'; $lang['lbl_symptomupload'] = 'Symptom file upload:'; $lang['btn_reportsave'] = 'Submit'; // further settings see 'th_...' options at Issue List controls section below /******************************************************************************/ // Issue List controls $lang['lbl_issueqty'] = 'Quantity of Issues: '; $lang['lbl_scroll'] = 'Scroll Issue List:  '; $lang['lbl_filtersev'] = 'Filter Severity: '; $lang['lbl_filterstat'] = 'Filter Status: '; $lang['lbl_filterprod'] = 'Filter Product: '; $lang['lbl_filtervers'] = 'Filter Version: '; $lang['lbl_filtercomp'] = 'Filter Component: '; $lang['lbl_filterblock'] = 'Filter Test blocking: '; $lang['lbl_filterassi'] = 'Filter Assignee: '; $lang['lbl_filterreporter'] = 'Filter Reporter: '; $lang['cbx_myissues'] = 'MyIssues: '; $lang['btn_go'] = 'Go'; $lang['btn_previuos'] = '<<<'; $lang['btn_previuos_title'] = 'previous Issues'; $lang['btn_next'] = '>>>'; $lang['btn_next_title'] = 'next Issues'; $lang['lbl_showid'] = 'Show details of Issue:'; $lang['btn_showid'] = 'Show'; $lang['btn_showid_title'] = 'Show'; $lang['lbl_sort'] = 'Sort by:'; $lang['btn_sort'] = 'Sort'; $lang['btn_sort_title'] = 'Sort the issue list globally by array key.'; $lang['msg_commentfalse'] = 'This comment does already exist and was not added again.'; $lang['msg_commenttrue'] = 'Your comment has been successfully stored with ID #'; $lang['msg_wroundtrue'] = 'Your workaround has been successfully stored'; $lang['msg_commentmodtrue'] = 'Your comment was successfully modified as ID #'; $lang['msg_commentdeltrue'] = 'Your comment #%s successfully deleted.'; $lang['msg_commentmodfalse'] = 'No diff of comment ID #'; $lang['msg_pfilemissing'] = 'Project file does not exist: %s.issues. '; $lang['msg_issuemissing'] = 'There does no Issue exist with ID '; $lang['msg_inotexisting1'] = 'The issue does not exist at the given project.
Project = %s
Issue ID = %s
<< back'; $lang['msg_captchawrong'] = 'Wrong answer to the antispam question.'; $lang['msg_descrmodtrue'] = 'Description successfully modified.'; $lang['msg_slinkmodtrue'] = 'Symptom links modified successfully.'; $lang['msg_severitymodtrue'] = 'Severity modified successfully.'; $lang['msg_statusmodtrue'] = 'Status modified successfully.'; $lang['msg_addFollower_true'] = 'ID: %s -> Follower added: '; $lang['msg_rmvFollower_true'] = 'ID: %s -> Follower removed: '; $lang['msg_addFollower_failed'] = 'ID: %s -> failed to update Follower: '; $lang['itd_follower'] = '(Follower: %s)'; $lang['msg_showCase'] = 'This Issue ID exist on multiple projects. Please choose which one you mean:'; $lang['lbl_project'] = 'Project:'; $lang['lbl_issueid'] = 'ID:'; $lang['lbl_reporter'] = 'Creator:'; $lang['lbl_reporterdtls'] = 'Creator Details'; $lang['lbl_initdescr'] = 'Initial description'; $lang['lbl_reportername'] = 'Name:'; $lang['lbl_reportermail'] = 'eMail:'; $lang['lbl_reporterphone'] = 'Phone:'; $lang['lbl_reporteradcontact'] = 'Add contact:'; $lang['lbl_symptlinks'] = 'Links to symptom files'; $lang['lbl_cmts_wlog'] = 'Comments (work log)'; $lang['lbl_cmts_adcmt'] = 'Add a new comment'; $lang['lbl_cmts_edtres'] = 'Resolution'; $lang['btn_add'] = 'Add'; $lang['btn_add_title'] = 'Add'; $lang['btn_mod'] = 'Update'; // to submit comment modification $lang['btn_mod_title'] = 'Update'; $lang['del_title'] = 'Delete this comment'; $lang['lbl_signin'] = 'Sign in if you want to add a comment or resolution note.'; // necessary to close the link tag $lang['lbl_please'] = 'Please '; $lang['lbl_lessPermission'] = 'Your permission level is to low. Please contact the admin.'; $lang['lbl_workaround'] = 'Workaround'; $lang['th_project'] = 'Project'; $lang['th_id'] = 'Id'; $lang['th_created'] = 'Created'; $lang['th_product'] = 'Product'; $lang['th_components'] = 'Component'; $lang['th_tblock'] = 'Test blocking'; $lang['th_tversion'] = 'Target version'; $lang['th_begin'] = 'Begin'; $lang['th_deadline'] = 'Deadline'; $lang['th_progress'] = 'Progress in %'; $lang['th_version'] = 'Version'; $lang['th_severity'] = 'Severity'; $lang['th_status'] = 'Status'; $lang['th_user_name'] = 'Creator'; $lang['th_usermail'] = 'Creator email'; $lang['th_userphone'] = 'Creator phone'; $lang['th_reporteradcontact'] = 'Add contact'; $lang['th_title'] = 'Title'; $lang['th_description'] = 'Issue Description'; $lang['th_sympt'] = 'Symptom link '; $lang['th_assigned'] = 'Assigned to'; $lang['th_resolution'] = 'Resolution'; $lang['th_modified'] = 'Modified'; $lang['th_showmodlog'] = 'Status history'; $lang['h_modlog'] = 'Status modification history of #'; $lang['mod_valempty'] = '[deleted]'; $lang['back'] = 'back'; $lang['gen_tab_open'] = 'Details'; $lang['descr_tab_mod'] = 'Modify'; $lang['cmt_tab_open'] = 'add Comment'; $lang['cmt_tab_mod'] = 'modify Comment'; $lang['rsl_tab_open'] = 'add / modify Resolution'; $lang['dtls_usr_hidden'] = 'user details hidden'; $lang['dtls_reporter_hidden'] = 'Creator'; $lang['dtls_follower_hidden'] = 'Follower'; $lang['dtls_assignee_hidden'] = 'Assignee'; $lang['dtls_foreigner_hidden'] = 'Foreigner'; $lang['minor_mod'] = 'Minor change'; $lang['minor_mod_cbx_title'] = 'prevent sending eMails upon cosmetic changes'; /******************************************************************************/ /* send an e-mail to user due to issue modificaion /* _emailForIssueMod */ $lang['cmnt_new_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: new comment added'; // $issue['id'], $project $lang['cmnt_mod_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: comment modified'; // $issue['id'], $project $lang['cmnt_del_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: comment deleted'; // $issue['id'], $project $lang['cmnt_wa_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: workaround provided'; // $issue['id'], $project $lang['issuemod_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: %s'; //$issue['id'], $project, $column $lang['issuemod_head'] = 'Dear user,'; $lang['issuemod_intro'] = 'Your reported issue was modified.'; $lang['cmt_del_intro'] = 'A comment was deleted.'; $lang['issuemod_issueid'] = 'ID: '; $lang['issuemod_status'] = 'Status: '; $lang['issuemod_product'] = 'Product: '; $lang['issuemod_version'] = 'Version: '; $lang['issuemod_severity'] = 'Severity: '; $lang['issuemod_creator'] = 'Creator: '; $lang['issuemod_assignee'] = 'Assignee: '; $lang['issuemod_title'] = 'Title: '; $lang['issuemod_cmntauthor'] = 'Comment by: '; $lang['issuemod_date'] = 'submitted on: '; $lang['issuemod_cmnt'] = 'Comment: '; $lang['issuemod_see'] = 'see details: '; $lang['issuemod_br'] = 'best regards'; $lang['issuemod_end'] = ' Issue Tracker'; // project name placed before this $lang['issuedescrmod_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s: initial description modified'; // $issue['id'], $project $lang['issuemod_changes'] = 'The issue changed on %s from %s to %s.'; //$column, $old_value, $new_value $lang['btn_upd_addinfo'] = 'Save'; /******************************************************************************/ /* send an e-mail to user due to issue set to resolved on details /* _emailForResolutionMod */ $lang['issue_resolved_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s was resolved'; $lang['issue_resolved_intro'] = 'Your reported issue was resolved.'; $lang['issue_resolved_status'] = 'Solved'; $lang['issue_resolved_text'] = 'Solution: '; $lang['msg_resolution_true'] = 'Your Resolution was added sucessfully to ID'; /******************************************************************************/ /* deviations from before for send an e-mail to admin due to new issue created /* _emailForNewIssue */ $lang['issuenew_subject'] = '%s issue reported for %s on Product: %s (%s)'; $lang['issuenew_head'] = 'Dear admin,'; $lang['issuenew_intro'] = 'a new issue was created for the project:'; $lang['issuenew_descr'] = 'Description: '; /******************************************************************************/ /* deviations from before for sending an e-mail to assignee /* _emailForNewIssue */ $lang['issueassigned_subject'] = 'Issue #%s on %s assigned to you'; //$issue['id'], $project $lang['issueassigned_head'] = 'Hi,'; $lang['issueassigned_intro'] = 'you are assigned to following Issue:'; $lang['it__none'] = '--'; /******************************************************************************/ /* following text is related to search feature */ $lang['lbl_search'] = 'Search for following:  '; $lang['btn_search'] = 'Start'; $lang['btn_search_title'] = 'Search'; $lang['search_hl1'] = '


'; $lang['search_txt1'] = "You can find the results of your search below. Please remember that this is a simple search, which is looking for single word items and does not understand query logics."; $lang['search_hl2'] = '


'; $lang['search_Issue'] = 'Issue'; $lang['search_Comment'] = 'Comment'; $lang['search_Type'] = 'Type'; $lang['search_ID'] = 'ID'; $lang['search_Subject'] = 'Subject'; /******************************************************************************/ $lang['table_kit_OK'] = 'OK'; $lang['table_kit_Cancel'] = ' Cancel'; $lang['yes'] = ' YES'; $lang['no'] = ' NO'; /******************************************************************************/ // Report Manager $lang['it_btn_rprt_mngr'] = 'Create Report';