array('login', 'name', 'mail'));// show assignee by login, name or mail address $meta['shwtbl_usr'] = array('multicheckbox', '_choices' => array('created', 'product', 'version', 'severity', 'status', 'title', 'description', 'user_name', 'assigned', 'modified', 'resolution')); $meta['use_captcha'] = array('onoff'); // Use captcha on by default $meta['severity'] = array('string'); // Configure allowed severities $meta['status'] = array('string'); // Configure allowed status info $meta['status_special'] = array('string'); // hidden issues, only single status value allowed ! $meta['projects'] = array('string'); // Configure list of projects $meta['products'] = array('string'); // Configure list of products $meta['components'] = array('string'); // Configure list of components $meta['assign'] = array('string'); // Configure groups usable for issue asignments $meta['noStatIMG'] = array('onoff'); // define if status text instead of pictures will be displayed at Issue list $meta['noSevIMG'] = array('onoff'); // define if severity text instead of pictures will be displayed at Issue list $meta['ltdReport'] = array('multicheckbox', '_choices' => array('Version', 'Components', 'Test blocking', 'User phone', 'Add contact', 'Severity', 'Symptom link 1', 'Symptom link 2', 'Symptom link 3')); // default = false or a comma separated list of controls to be hidden $meta['ltdListFilters'] = array('multicheckbox', '_choices' => array('Filter Severity','Filter Status','Filter Product','Filter Version','Filter Component','Filter Test blocking','Filter Assignee','Filter Reporter','MyIssues','Sort by')); // default = false or a comma separated list of filter controls to be hidden $meta['multi_projects'] = array('onoff'); // global switch to tell IssueTracker that syntax parameter "project" to be ignored. However, the syntax has to contain the parameter. $meta['shw_project_col']= array('onoff'); // show an additional column for the project name per issue on ListView $meta['global_sort'] = array('multichoice', '_choices' => array('SORT_DESC', 'SORT_ASC')); // global sort order of selected key $meta['listview_sort'] = array('multichoice', '_choices' => array('sortfirstasc', 'sortfirstdesc')); // default listview sort order $meta['wysiwyg'] = array('onoff'); //