issueId = $issueId; $this->projectId = $projectKey; $this->isMergeRequest = $isMergeRequest; $this->serviceID = $serviceName; // $this->getFromDB(); } /** * Get the singleton instance of a issue * * @param $serviceName * @param $projectKey * @param $issueId * @param bool $isMergeRequest * @param bool $forcereload create a new instace * * @return Issue */ public static function getInstance( $serviceName, $projectKey, $issueId, $isMergeRequest = false, $forcereload = false ) { $issueHash = $serviceName . $projectKey . $issueId . '!' . $isMergeRequest; if (empty(self::$instances[$issueHash]) || $forcereload) { self::$instances[$issueHash] = new Issue($serviceName, $projectKey, $issueId, $isMergeRequest); } return self::$instances[$issueHash]; } /** * @return bool true if issue was found in database, false otherwise */ public function getFromDB() { /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */ $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db'); $issue = $db->loadIssue($this->serviceID, $this->projectId, $this->issueId, $this->isMergeRequest); if (empty($issue)) { return false; } $this->summary = $issue['summary'] ?: ''; $this->status = $issue['status']; $this->type = $issue['type']; $this->description = $issue['description']; $this->setComponents($issue['components']); $this->setLabels($issue['labels']); $this->priority = $issue['priority']; $this->duedate = $issue['duedate']; $this->setVersions($issue['versions']); $this->setUpdated($issue['updated']); return true; } public function __toString() { $sep = $this->pmService->getProjectIssueSeparator($this->isMergeRequest); return $this->projectId . $sep . $this->issueId; } /** * @return \Exception|null */ public function getLastError() { if (!end($this->errors)) { return null; } return end($this->errors); } /** * @return bool|self */ public function isMergeRequest($isMergeRequest = null) { if ($isMergeRequest === null) { return $this->isMergeRequest; } $this->isMergeRequest = $isMergeRequest; return $this; } /** * Specify data which should be serialized to JSON * * @link * @return mixed data which can be serialized by json_encode, * which is a value of any type other than a resource. * @since 5.4.0 * * @link */ public function jsonSerialize() { return [ 'service' => $this->serviceID, 'project' => $this->getProject(), 'id' => $this->getKey(), 'isMergeRequest' => $this->isMergeRequest ? '1' : '0', 'summary' => $this->getSummary(), 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'type' => $this->getType(), 'status' => $this->getStatus(), 'parent' => $this->getParent(), 'components' => $this->getComponents(), 'labels' => $this->getLabels(), 'priority' => $this->getPriority(), 'duedate' => $this->getDuedate(), 'versions' => $this->getVersions(), 'updated' => $this->getUpdated(), ]; } /** * @return string */ public function getProject() { return $this->projectId; } /** * Returns the key, i.e. number, of the issue * * @param bool $annotateMergeRequest If true, prepends a `!` to the key of a merge requests * * @return int|string */ public function getKey($annotateMergeRequest = false) { if ($annotateMergeRequest && $this->isMergeRequest) { return '!' . $this->issueId; } return $this->issueId; } public function getSummary() { return $this->summary; } /** * @param string $summary * * @return Issue * * todo: decide if we should test for non-empty string here */ public function setSummary($summary) { $this->summary = $summary; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string $description * * @return Issue */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string $type * * @return Issue */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * @param string $status * * @return Issue */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } public function setParent($key) { $this->parent = $key; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getComponents() { return $this->components; } /** * @param array|string $components * * @return Issue */ public function setComponents($components) { if (is_string($components)) { $components = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $components))); } if (!empty($components[0]['name'])) { $components = array_column($components, 'name'); } $this->components = $components; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getLabels() { return $this->labels; } /** * @param array|string $labels * * @return Issue */ public function setLabels($labels) { if (!is_array($labels)) { $labels = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $labels))); } $this->labels = $labels; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getPriority() { return $this->priority; } /** * @param string $priority * * @return Issue */ public function setPriority($priority) { $this->priority = $priority; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getDuedate() { return $this->duedate; } /** * Set the issues duedate * * @param string $duedate * * @return Issue */ public function setDuedate($duedate) { $this->duedate = $duedate; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getVersions() { return $this->versions; } /** * @param array|string $versions * * @return Issue */ public function setVersions($versions) { if (!is_array($versions)) { $versions = array_map('trim', explode(',', $versions)); } if (!empty($versions[0]['name'])) { $versions = array_map(function ($version) { return $version['name']; }, $versions); } $this->versions = $versions; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string|int $updated * * @return Issue */ public function setUpdated($updated) { /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_util $util */ $util = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_util'); if (!$util->isValidTimeStamp($updated)) { $updated = strtotime($updated); } $this->updated = (int)$updated; return $this; } /** * Get a fancy HTML-link to issue * * @param bool $addSummary add the issue's summary after it status * * @return string */ public function getIssueLinkHTML($addSummary = false) { $serviceProvider = ServiceProvider::getInstance(); $service = $serviceProvider->getServices()[$this->serviceID]; $name = $this->projectId . $service::getProjectIssueSeparator($this->isMergeRequest) . $this->issueId; $url = $this->getIssueURL(); $status = cleanID($this->getStatus()); if ($status) { $name .= $this->getformattedIssueStatus(); } if ($addSummary) { $name .= ' ' . $this->getSummary(); } $classes = 'issuelink ' . cleanID($this->getType()) . ($this->isMergeRequest ? ' mergerequest' : ''); $attributes = [ 'class' => $classes, 'target' => '_blank', 'rel' => 'noopener', 'data-service' => $this->serviceID, 'data-project' => $this->projectId, 'data-issueid' => $this->issueId, 'data-ismergerequest' => $this->isMergeRequest ? '1' : '0' ]; return "' . $this->getTypeHTML() . "$name"; } /** * @return string */ public function getIssueURL() { $serviceProvider = ServiceProvider::getInstance(); $serviceClassName = $serviceProvider->getServices()[$this->serviceID]; $service = $serviceClassName::getInstance(); return $service->getIssueURL($this->projectId, $this->issueId, $this->isMergeRequest); } /** * get the status of the issue as HTML string * * @param string|null $status * * @return string */ public function getformattedIssueStatus($status = null) { if ($status === null) { $status = $this->getStatus(); } $status = strtolower($status); return "$status"; } /** * @return string */ public function getTypeHTML() { if ($this->isMergeRequest) { return inlineSVG(__DIR__ . '/../images/mdi-source-pull.svg'); } $image = $this->getMaterialDesignTypeIcon(); return "$this->type"; } /** * ToDo: replace all with SVG * * @return string the path to the icon / base64 image if type unknown */ protected function getMaterialDesignTypeIcon() { $typeIcon = [ 'bug' => 'mdi-bug.png', 'story' => 'mdi-bookmark.png', 'epic' => 'mdi-flash.png', 'change_request' => 'mdi-plus.png', 'improvement' => 'mdi-arrow-up-thick.png', 'organisation_task' => 'mdi-calendar-text.png', 'technical_task' => 'mdi-source-branch.png', 'task' => 'mdi-check.png', ]; if (!isset($typeIcon[cleanID($this->type)])) { return DOKU_URL . '/lib/plugins/issuelinks/images/mdi-help-circle-outline.png'; } return DOKU_URL . '/lib/plugins/issuelinks/images/' . $typeIcon[cleanID($this->type)]; } public function setAssignee($name, $avatar_url) { $this->assignee['name'] = $name; $this->assignee['avatarURL'] = $avatar_url; } public function getAdditionalDataHTML() { $this->getFromService(); $data = []; if (!empty($this->assignee)) { $data['avatarHTML'] = "assignee['avatarURL']}\" alt=\"{$this->assignee['name']}\">"; } if (!empty($this->labelData)) { $labels = $this->getLabels(); $data['fancyLabelsHTML'] = ''; foreach ($labels as $label) { $colors = ''; $classes = 'label'; if (isset($this->labelData[$label])) { $colors = "style=\"background-color: {$this->labelData[$label]['background-color']};"; $colors .= " color: {$this->labelData[$label]['color']};\""; $classes .= ' color'; } $data['fancyLabelsHTML'] .= "$label"; } } return $data; } public function getFromService() { $serviceProvider = ServiceProvider::getInstance(); $serviceClassName = $serviceProvider->getServices()[$this->serviceID]; $service = $serviceClassName::getInstance(); try { $service->retrieveIssue($this); if ($this->isValid(true)) { $this->saveToDB(); } } catch (IssueLinksException $e) { $this->errors[] = $e; $this->isValid = false; return false; } return true; } /** * Check if an issue is valid. * * The specific rules depend on the service and the cached value may also be set by other functions. * * @param bool $recheck force a validity check instead of using cached value if available * * @return bool */ public function isValid($recheck = false) { if ($recheck || $this->isValid === null) { $serviceProvider = ServiceProvider::getInstance(); $service = $serviceProvider->getServices()[$this->serviceID]; $this->isValid = $service::isIssueValid($this); } return $this->isValid; } public function saveToDB() { /** @var \helper_plugin_issuelinks_db $db */ $db = plugin_load('helper', 'issuelinks_db'); return $db->saveIssue($this); } public function buildTooltipHTML() { $html = ''; return $html; } public function getServiceName() { return $this->serviceID; } /** * @param string $labelName the background color without the leading # * @param string $color */ public function setLabelData($labelName, $color) { $this->labelData[$labelName] = [ 'background-color' => $color, 'color' => $this->calculateColor($color), ]; } /** * Calculate if a white or black font-color should be with the given background color * * * * * @param string $color the background-color, without leading # * * @return string */ private function calculateColor($color) { /** @noinspection PrintfScanfArgumentsInspection */ list($r, $g, $b) = array_map(function ($color8bit) { $c = $color8bit / 255; if ($c <= 0.03928) { $cl = $c / 12.92; } else { $cl = pow(($c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); } return $cl; }, sscanf($color, "%02x%02x%02x")); if ($r * 0.2126 + $g * 0.7152 + $b * 0.0722 > 0.179) { return '#000000'; } return '#FFFFFF'; } }