address = $address; $this->bytes = null; $this->rangeType = null; $this->comparableString = null; } /** * Parse a string and returns an IPv4 instance if the string is valid, or null otherwise. * * @param string|mixed $address the address to parse * @param bool $mayIncludePort set to false to avoid parsing addresses with ports * * @return static|null */ public static function fromString($address, $mayIncludePort = true) { $result = null; if (is_string($address) && strpos($address, '.')) { $rx = '([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})'; if ($mayIncludePort) { $rx .= '(?::\d+)?'; } $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^'.$rx.'$/', $address, $matches)) { $ok = true; $nums = array(); for ($i = 1; $ok && $i <= 4; ++$i) { $ok = false; $n = (int) $matches[$i]; if ($n >= 0 && $n <= 255) { $ok = true; $nums[] = (string) $n; } } if ($ok) { $result = new static(implode('.', $nums)); } } } return $result; } /** * Parse an array of bytes and returns an IPv4 instance if the array is valid, or null otherwise. * * @param int[]|array $bytes * * @return static|null */ public static function fromBytes(array $bytes) { $result = null; if (count($bytes) === 4) { $chunks = array_map( function ($byte) { return (is_int($byte) && $byte >= 0 && $byte <= 255) ? (string) $byte : false; }, $bytes ); if (in_array(false, $chunks, true) === false) { $result = new static(implode('.', $chunks)); } } return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::toString() */ public function toString($long = false) { if ($long) { return $this->getComparableString(); } return $this->address; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::__toString() */ public function __toString() { return $this->address; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getBytes() */ public function getBytes() { if ($this->bytes === null) { $this->bytes = array_map( function ($chunk) { return (int) $chunk; }, explode('.', $this->address) ); } return $this->bytes; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getAddressType() */ public function getAddressType() { return Type::T_IPv4; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getDefaultReservedRangeType() */ public static function getDefaultReservedRangeType() { return RangeType::T_PUBLIC; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getReservedRanges() */ public static function getReservedRanges() { if (self::$reservedRanges === null) { $reservedRanges = array(); foreach (array( // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_THISNETWORK, array('' => RangeType::T_UNSPECIFIED)), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_PRIVATENETWORK), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_LOOPBACK), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_LINKLOCAL), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_PRIVATENETWORK), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_ANYCASTRELAY), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_PRIVATENETWORK), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_MULTICAST), // RFC 5735 '' => array(RangeType::T_RESERVED, array('' => RangeType::T_LIMITEDBROADCAST)), ) as $range => $data) { $exceptions = array(); if (isset($data[1])) { foreach ($data[1] as $exceptionRange => $exceptionType) { $exceptions[] = new AssignedRange(Subnet::fromString($exceptionRange), $exceptionType); } } $reservedRanges[] = new AssignedRange(Subnet::fromString($range), $data[0], $exceptions); } self::$reservedRanges = $reservedRanges; } return self::$reservedRanges; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getRangeType() */ public function getRangeType() { if ($this->rangeType === null) { $rangeType = null; foreach (static::getReservedRanges() as $reservedRange) { $rangeType = $reservedRange->getAddressType($this); if ($rangeType !== null) { break; } } $this->rangeType = $rangeType === null ? static::getDefaultReservedRangeType() : $rangeType; } return $this->rangeType; } /** * Create an IPv6 representation of this address. * * @return \IPLib\Address\IPv6 */ public function toIPv6() { $myBytes = $this->getBytes(); return IPv6::fromString('2002:'.sprintf('%02x', $myBytes[0]).sprintf('%02x', $myBytes[1]).':'.sprintf('%02x', $myBytes[2]).sprintf('%02x', $myBytes[3]).'::'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getComparableString() */ public function getComparableString() { if ($this->comparableString === null) { $chunks = array(); foreach ($this->getBytes() as $byte) { $chunks[] = sprintf('%03d', $byte); } $this->comparableString = implode('.', $chunks); } return $this->comparableString; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::matches() */ public function matches(RangeInterface $range) { return $range->contains($this); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getNextAddress() */ public function getNextAddress() { $overflow = false; $bytes = $this->getBytes(); for ($i = count($bytes) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($bytes[$i] === 255) { if ($i === 0) { $overflow = true; break; } $bytes[$i] = 0; } else { ++$bytes[$i]; break; } } return $overflow ? null : static::fromBytes($bytes); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \IPLib\Address\AddressInterface::getPreviousAddress() */ public function getPreviousAddress() { $overflow = false; $bytes = $this->getBytes(); for ($i = count($bytes) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($bytes[$i] === 0) { if ($i === 0) { $overflow = true; break; } $bytes[$i] = 255; } else { --$bytes[$i]; break; } } return $overflow ? null : static::fromBytes($bytes); } }