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In this case, simply use a `true` parameter for the `toString` method: ```php echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::')->toString(true); // prints 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::1')->toString(true); // prints 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('fff::')->toString(true); // prints 0fff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::0:0')->toString(true); // prints 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8')->toString(true); // prints 0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008 echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('0:0::1/64')->toString(); // prints 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/64 ``` ### Check if an address is contained in a range All the range types offer a `contains` method, and all the IP address types offer a `matches` method: you can call them to check if an address is contained in a range: ```php $address = \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8'); $range = \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('0:0::1/64'); $contained = $address->matches($range); // that's equivalent to $contained = $range->contains($address); ``` Please remark that if the address is IPv4 and the range is IPv6 (or vice-versa), the result will always be `false`. ### Check if a range contains another range All the range types offer a `containsRange` method: you can call them to check if an address range fully contains another range: ```php $range1 = \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('0:0::1/64'); $range2 = \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('0:0::1/65'); $contained = $range1->containsRange($range2); ``` ### Getting the type of an IP address If you want to know if an address is within a private network, or if it's a public IP, or whatever you want, you can use the `getRangeType` method: ```php $address = \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::'); $typeID = $address->getRangeType(); $typeName = \IPLib\Range\Type::getName(); ``` The most notable values of the range type ID are: - `\IPLib\Range\Type::T_UNSPECIFIED` if the address is all zeros (`` or `::`) - `\IPLib\Range\Type::T_LOOPBACK` if the address is the localhost (usually `` or `::1`) - `\IPLib\Range\Type::T_PRIVATENETWORK` if the address is in the local network (for instance `` or `fc00::1`) - `\IPLib\Range\Type::T_PUBLIC` if the address is for public usage (for instance `` or `2001:503:ba3e::2:30`) ### Getting the type of an IP address range If you want to know the type of an address range, you can use the `getRangeType` method: ```php $range = \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('2000:0::1/64'); $type = $range->getRangeType(); // $type is \IPLib\Range\Type::T_PUBLIC echo \IPLib\Range\Type::getName($type); // 'Public address' ``` Please remark that if a range spans across multiple range types, you'll get NULL as the range type: ```php $range = \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('::/127'); $type = $range->getRangeType(); // $type is null echo \IPLib\Range\Type::getName($type); // 'Unknown type' ``` ### Converting IP ranges This library supports IPv4/IPv6 ranges in pattern format (eg. `192.168.*.*`) and in CIDR/subnet format (eg. ``), and it offers a way to convert between the two formats: ```php // This will print ::*:*:*:* echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('::/64')->asPattern()->toString(); // This will print 1:2::/96 echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('1:2::*:*')->asSubnet()->toString(); // This will print echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('192.168.0.*')->asSubnet()->toString(); // This will print 10.*.*.* echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('')->asPattern()->toString(); ``` ### Getting the subnet mask for IPv4 ranges You can use the `getSubnetMask()` to get the subnet mask for IPv4 ranges: ```php // This will print echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('192.168.0.*')->getSubnetMask()->toString(); // This will print echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('')->getSubnetMask()->toString(); ``` ### Using a database This package offers a great feature: you can store address ranges in a database table, and check if an address is contained in one of the saved ranges with a simple query. To save a range, you need to store the address type (for IPv4 it's `4`, for IPv6 it's `6`), as well as two values representing the start and the end of the range. These methods are: ```php $range->getAddressType(); $range->getComparableStartString(); $range->getComparableEndString(); ``` Let's assume that you saved the type in a field called `addressType`, and the range boundaries in two fields called `rangeFrom` and `rangeTo`. When you want to check if an address is within a stored range, simply use the `getComparableString` method of the address and check if it's between the fields `rangeFrom` and `rangeTo`, and check if the stored `addressType` is the same as the one of the address instance you want to check. Here's a sample code: ```php /* * Let's assume that: * - $pdo is a PDO instance * - $range is a range object * - $address is an address object */ // Save the $range object $insertQuery = $pdo->prepare(' insert into ranges (addressType, rangeFrom, rangeTo) values (:addressType, :rangeFrom, :rangeTo) '); $insertQuery->execute(array( ':addressType' => $range->getAddressType(), ':rangeFrom' => $range->getComparableStartString(), ':rangeTo' => $range->getComparableEndString(), )); // Retrieve the saved ranges where an address $address falls: $searchQuery = $pdo->prepare(' select * from ranges where addressType = :addressType and :address between rangeFrom and rangeTo '); $searchQuery->execute(array( ':addressType' => $address->getAddressType(), ':address' => $address->getComparableString(), )); $rows = $searchQuery->fetchAll(); $searchQuery->closeCursor(); ```