/*! * jquery.fancytree.glyph.js * * Use glyph-fonts, ligature-fonts, or SVG icons instead of icon sprites. * (Extension module for jquery.fancytree.js: https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Martin Wendt (https://wwWendt.de) * * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/wiki/LicenseInfo * * @version 2.38.3 * @date 2023-02-01T20:52:50Z */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(["jquery", "./jquery.fancytree"], factory); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS require("./jquery.fancytree"); module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } })(function ($) { "use strict"; /****************************************************************************** * Private functions and variables */ var FT = $.ui.fancytree, PRESETS = { awesome3: { // Outdated! _addClass: "", checkbox: "icon-check-empty", checkboxSelected: "icon-check", checkboxUnknown: "icon-check icon-muted", dragHelper: "icon-caret-right", dropMarker: "icon-caret-right", error: "icon-exclamation-sign", expanderClosed: "icon-caret-right", expanderLazy: "icon-angle-right", expanderOpen: "icon-caret-down", loading: "icon-refresh icon-spin", nodata: "icon-meh", noExpander: "", radio: "icon-circle-blank", radioSelected: "icon-circle", // radioUnknown: "icon-circle icon-muted", // Default node icons. // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data) doc: "icon-file-alt", docOpen: "icon-file-alt", folder: "icon-folder-close-alt", folderOpen: "icon-folder-open-alt", }, awesome4: { _addClass: "fa", checkbox: "fa-square-o", checkboxSelected: "fa-check-square-o", checkboxUnknown: "fa-square fancytree-helper-indeterminate-cb", dragHelper: "fa-arrow-right", dropMarker: "fa-long-arrow-right", error: "fa-warning", expanderClosed: "fa-caret-right", expanderLazy: "fa-angle-right", expanderOpen: "fa-caret-down", // We may prevent wobbling rotations on FF by creating a separate sub element: loading: { html: "" }, nodata: "fa-meh-o", noExpander: "", radio: "fa-circle-thin", // "fa-circle-o" radioSelected: "fa-circle", // radioUnknown: "fa-dot-circle-o", // Default node icons. // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data) doc: "fa-file-o", docOpen: "fa-file-o", folder: "fa-folder-o", folderOpen: "fa-folder-open-o", }, awesome5: { // fontawesome 5 have several different base classes // "far, fas, fal and fab" The rendered svg puts that prefix // in a different location so we have to keep them separate here _addClass: "", checkbox: "far fa-square", checkboxSelected: "far fa-check-square", // checkboxUnknown: "far fa-window-close", checkboxUnknown: "fas fa-square fancytree-helper-indeterminate-cb", radio: "far fa-circle", radioSelected: "fas fa-circle", radioUnknown: "far fa-dot-circle", dragHelper: "fas fa-arrow-right", dropMarker: "fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right", error: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle", expanderClosed: "fas fa-caret-right", expanderLazy: "fas fa-angle-right", expanderOpen: "fas fa-caret-down", loading: "fas fa-spinner fa-pulse", nodata: "far fa-meh", noExpander: "", // Default node icons. // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data) doc: "far fa-file", docOpen: "far fa-file", folder: "far fa-folder", folderOpen: "far fa-folder-open", }, bootstrap3: { _addClass: "glyphicon", checkbox: "glyphicon-unchecked", checkboxSelected: "glyphicon-check", checkboxUnknown: "glyphicon-expand fancytree-helper-indeterminate-cb", // "glyphicon-share", dragHelper: "glyphicon-play", dropMarker: "glyphicon-arrow-right", error: "glyphicon-warning-sign", expanderClosed: "glyphicon-menu-right", // glyphicon-plus-sign expanderLazy: "glyphicon-menu-right", // glyphicon-plus-sign expanderOpen: "glyphicon-menu-down", // glyphicon-minus-sign loading: "glyphicon-refresh fancytree-helper-spin", nodata: "glyphicon-info-sign", noExpander: "", radio: "glyphicon-remove-circle", // "glyphicon-unchecked", radioSelected: "glyphicon-ok-circle", // "glyphicon-check", // radioUnknown: "glyphicon-ban-circle", // Default node icons. // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data) doc: "glyphicon-file", docOpen: "glyphicon-file", folder: "glyphicon-folder-close", folderOpen: "glyphicon-folder-open", }, material: { _addClass: "material-icons", checkbox: { text: "check_box_outline_blank" }, checkboxSelected: { text: "check_box" }, checkboxUnknown: { text: "indeterminate_check_box" }, dragHelper: { text: "play_arrow" }, dropMarker: { text: "arrow-forward" }, error: { text: "warning" }, expanderClosed: { text: "chevron_right" }, expanderLazy: { text: "last_page" }, expanderOpen: { text: "expand_more" }, loading: { text: "autorenew", addClass: "fancytree-helper-spin", }, nodata: { text: "info" }, noExpander: { text: "" }, radio: { text: "radio_button_unchecked" }, radioSelected: { text: "radio_button_checked" }, // Default node icons. // (Use tree.options.icon callback to define custom icons based on node data) doc: { text: "insert_drive_file" }, docOpen: { text: "insert_drive_file" }, folder: { text: "folder" }, folderOpen: { text: "folder_open" }, }, }; function setIcon(node, span, baseClass, opts, type) { var map = opts.map, icon = map[type], $span = $(span), $counter = $span.find(".fancytree-childcounter"), setClass = baseClass + " " + (map._addClass || ""); // #871 Allow a callback if (typeof icon === "function") { icon = icon.call(this, node, span, type); } // node.debug( "setIcon(" + baseClass + ", " + type + "): " + "oldIcon" + " -> " + icon ); // #871: propsed this, but I am not sure how robust this is, e.g. // the prefix (fas, far) class changes are not considered? // if (span.tagName === "svg" && opts.preset === "awesome5") { // // fa5 script converts to so call a specific handler. // var oldIcon = "fa-" + $span.data("icon"); // // node.debug( "setIcon(" + baseClass + ", " + type + "): " + oldIcon + " -> " + icon ); // if (typeof oldIcon === "string") { // $span.removeClass(oldIcon); // } // if (typeof icon === "string") { // $span.addClass(icon); // } // return; // } if (typeof icon === "string") { // #883: remove inner html that may be added by prev. mode span.innerHTML = ""; $span.attr("class", setClass + " " + icon).append($counter); } else if (icon) { if (icon.text) { span.textContent = "" + icon.text; } else if (icon.html) { span.innerHTML = icon.html; } else { span.innerHTML = ""; } $span .attr("class", setClass + " " + (icon.addClass || "")) .append($counter); } } $.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({ name: "glyph", version: "2.38.3", // Default options for this extension. options: { preset: null, // 'awesome3', 'awesome4', 'bootstrap3', 'material' map: {}, }, treeInit: function (ctx) { var tree = ctx.tree, opts = ctx.options.glyph; if (opts.preset) { FT.assert( !!PRESETS[opts.preset], "Invalid value for `options.glyph.preset`: " + opts.preset ); opts.map = $.extend({}, PRESETS[opts.preset], opts.map); } else { tree.warn("ext-glyph: missing `preset` option."); } this._superApply(arguments); tree.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-glyph"); }, nodeRenderStatus: function (ctx) { var checkbox, icon, res, span, node = ctx.node, $span = $(node.span), opts = ctx.options.glyph; res = this._super(ctx); if (node.isRootNode()) { return res; } span = $span.children(".fancytree-expander").get(0); if (span) { // if( node.isLoading() ){ // icon = "loading"; if (node.expanded && node.hasChildren()) { icon = "expanderOpen"; } else if (node.isUndefined()) { icon = "expanderLazy"; } else if (node.hasChildren()) { icon = "expanderClosed"; } else { icon = "noExpander"; } // span.className = "fancytree-expander " + map[icon]; setIcon(node, span, "fancytree-expander", opts, icon); } if (node.tr) { span = $("td", node.tr).find(".fancytree-checkbox").get(0); } else { span = $span.children(".fancytree-checkbox").get(0); } if (span) { checkbox = FT.evalOption("checkbox", node, node, opts, false); if ( (node.parent && node.parent.radiogroup) || checkbox === "radio" ) { icon = node.selected ? "radioSelected" : "radio"; setIcon( node, span, "fancytree-checkbox fancytree-radio", opts, icon ); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary icon = node.selected ? "checkboxSelected" : node.partsel ? "checkboxUnknown" : "checkbox"; // span.className = "fancytree-checkbox " + map[icon]; setIcon(node, span, "fancytree-checkbox", opts, icon); } } // Standard icon (note that this does not match .fancytree-custom-icon, // that might be set by opts.icon callbacks) span = $span.children(".fancytree-icon").get(0); if (span) { if (node.statusNodeType) { icon = node.statusNodeType; // loading, error } else if (node.folder) { icon = node.expanded && node.hasChildren() ? "folderOpen" : "folder"; } else { icon = node.expanded ? "docOpen" : "doc"; } setIcon(node, span, "fancytree-icon", opts, icon); } return res; }, nodeSetStatus: function (ctx, status, message, details) { var res, span, opts = ctx.options.glyph, node = ctx.node; res = this._superApply(arguments); if ( status === "error" || status === "loading" || status === "nodata" ) { if (node.parent) { span = $(".fancytree-expander", node.span).get(0); if (span) { setIcon(node, span, "fancytree-expander", opts, status); } } else { // span = $( ".fancytree-statusnode-" + status, node[this.nodeContainerAttrName] ) .find(".fancytree-icon") .get(0); if (span) { setIcon(node, span, "fancytree-icon", opts, status); } } } return res; }, }); // Value returned by `require('jquery.fancytree..')` return $.ui.fancytree; }); // End of closure