/*! * jquery.fancytree.ariagrid.js * * Support ARIA compliant markup and keyboard navigation for tree grids with * embedded input controls. * (Extension module for jquery.fancytree.js: https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/) * * @requires ext-table * * Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Martin Wendt (https://wwWendt.de) * * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/wiki/LicenseInfo * * @version 2.38.3 * @date 2023-02-01T20:52:50Z */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([ "jquery", "./jquery.fancytree", "./jquery.fancytree.table", ], factory); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS require("./jquery.fancytree.table"); // core + table module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } })(function ($) { "use strict"; /******************************************************************************* * Private functions and variables */ // Allow these navigation keys even when input controls are focused var FT = $.ui.fancytree, clsFancytreeActiveCell = "fancytree-active-cell", clsFancytreeCellMode = "fancytree-cell-mode", clsFancytreeCellNavMode = "fancytree-cell-nav-mode", VALID_MODES = ["allow", "force", "start", "off"], // Define which keys are handled by embedded control, and should // *not* be passed to tree navigation handler in cell-edit mode: INPUT_KEYS = { text: ["left", "right", "home", "end", "backspace"], number: ["up", "down", "left", "right", "home", "end", "backspace"], checkbox: [], link: [], radiobutton: ["up", "down"], "select-one": ["up", "down"], "select-multiple": ["up", "down"], }, NAV_KEYS = ["up", "down", "left", "right", "home", "end"]; /* Set aria-activedescendant on container to active cell's ID (generate one if required).*/ function setActiveDescendant(tree, $target) { var id = $target ? $target.uniqueId().attr("id") : ""; tree.$container.attr("aria-activedescendant", id); } /* Calculate TD column index (considering colspans).*/ function getColIdx($tr, $td) { var colspan, td = $td.get(0), idx = 0; $tr.children().each(function () { if (this === td) { return false; } colspan = $(this).prop("colspan"); idx += colspan ? colspan : 1; }); return idx; } /* Find TD at given column index (considering colspans).*/ function findTdAtColIdx($tr, colIdx) { var colspan, res = null, idx = 0; $tr.children().each(function () { if (idx >= colIdx) { res = $(this); return false; } colspan = $(this).prop("colspan"); idx += colspan ? colspan : 1; }); return res; } /* Find adjacent cell for a given direction. Skip empty cells and consider merged cells */ function findNeighbourTd(tree, $target, keyCode) { var nextNode, node, navMap = { "ctrl+home": "first", "ctrl+end": "last" }, $td = $target.closest("td"), $tr = $td.parent(), treeOpts = tree.options, colIdx = getColIdx($tr, $td), $tdNext = null; keyCode = navMap[keyCode] || keyCode; switch (keyCode) { case "left": $tdNext = treeOpts.rtl ? $td.next() : $td.prev(); break; case "right": $tdNext = treeOpts.rtl ? $td.prev() : $td.next(); break; case "up": case "down": case "ctrl+home": case "ctrl+end": node = $tr[0].ftnode; nextNode = tree.findRelatedNode(node, keyCode); if (nextNode) { nextNode.makeVisible(); nextNode.setActive(); $tdNext = findTdAtColIdx($(nextNode.tr), colIdx); } break; case "home": $tdNext = treeOpts.rtl ? $tr.children("td").last() : $tr.children("td").first(); break; case "end": $tdNext = treeOpts.rtl ? $tr.children("td").first() : $tr.children("td").last(); break; } return $tdNext && $tdNext.length ? $tdNext : null; } /* Return a descriptive string of the current mode. */ function getGridNavMode(tree) { if (tree.$activeTd) { return tree.forceNavMode ? "cell-nav" : "cell-edit"; } return "row"; } /* .*/ function activateEmbeddedLink($td) { // $td.find( "a" )[ 0 ].trigger("click"); // does not work (always)? // $td.find( "a" ).trigger("click"); var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"), a = $td.find("a")[0]; // document.getElementById('nameOfID'); event = new CustomEvent("click"); a.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * [ext-ariagrid] Set active cell and activate cell-nav or cell-edit mode if needed. * Pass $td=null to enter row-mode. * * See also FancytreeNode#setActive(flag, {cell: idx}) * * @param {jQuery | Element | integer} [$td] * @param {Event|null} [orgEvent=null] * @alias Fancytree#activateCell * @requires jquery.fancytree.ariagrid.js * @since 2.23 */ $.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.activateCell = function ( $td, orgEvent ) { var colIdx, $input, $tr, res, tree = this, $prevTd = this.$activeTd || null, newNode = $td ? FT.getNode($td) : null, prevNode = $prevTd ? FT.getNode($prevTd) : null, anyNode = newNode || prevNode, $prevTr = $prevTd ? $prevTd.closest("tr") : null; anyNode.debug( "activateCell(" + ($prevTd ? $prevTd.text() : "null") + ") -> " + ($td ? $td.text() : "OFF") ); // Make available as event if ($td) { FT.assert($td.length, "Invalid active cell"); colIdx = getColIdx($(newNode.tr), $td); res = this._triggerNodeEvent("activateCell", newNode, orgEvent, { activeTd: tree.$activeTd, colIdx: colIdx, mode: null, // editMode ? "cell-edit" : "cell-nav" }); if (res === false) { return false; } this.$container.addClass(clsFancytreeCellMode); this.$container.toggleClass( clsFancytreeCellNavMode, !!this.forceNavMode ); $tr = $td.closest("tr"); if ($prevTd) { // cell-mode => cell-mode if ($prevTd.is($td)) { return; } $prevTd .removeAttr("tabindex") .removeClass(clsFancytreeActiveCell); if (!$prevTr.is($tr)) { // We are moving to a different row: only the inputs in the // active row should be tabbable $prevTr.find(">td :input,a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); } } $tr.find(">td :input:enabled,a").attr("tabindex", "0"); newNode.setActive(); $td.addClass(clsFancytreeActiveCell); this.$activeTd = $td; $input = $td.find(":input:enabled,a"); this.debug("Focus input", $input); if ($input.length) { $input.focus(); setActiveDescendant(this, $input); } else { $td.attr("tabindex", "-1").focus(); setActiveDescendant(this, $td); } } else { res = this._triggerNodeEvent("activateCell", prevNode, orgEvent, { activeTd: null, colIdx: null, mode: "row", }); if (res === false) { return false; } // $td == null: switch back to row-mode this.$container.removeClass( clsFancytreeCellMode + " " + clsFancytreeCellNavMode ); // console.log("activateCell: set row-mode for " + this.activeNode, $prevTd); if ($prevTd) { // cell-mode => row-mode $prevTd .removeAttr("tabindex") .removeClass(clsFancytreeActiveCell); // In row-mode, only embedded inputs of the active row are tabbable $prevTr .find("td") .blur() // we need to blur first, because otherwise the focus frame is not reliably removed(?) .removeAttr("tabindex"); $prevTr.find(">td :input,a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); this.$activeTd = null; // The cell lost focus, but the tree still needs to capture keys: this.activeNode.setFocus(); setActiveDescendant(this, $tr); } else { // row-mode => row-mode (nothing to do) } } }; /******************************************************************************* * Extension code */ $.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({ name: "ariagrid", version: "2.38.3", // Default options for this extension. options: { // Internal behavior flags activateCellOnDoubelclick: true, cellFocus: "allow", // TODO: use a global tree option `name` or `title` instead?: label: "Tree Grid", // Added as `aria-label` attribute }, treeInit: function (ctx) { var tree = ctx.tree, treeOpts = ctx.options, opts = treeOpts.ariagrid; // ariagrid requires the table extension to be loaded before itself if (tree.ext.grid) { this._requireExtension("grid", true, true); } else { this._requireExtension("table", true, true); } if (!treeOpts.aria) { $.error("ext-ariagrid requires `aria: true`"); } if ($.inArray(opts.cellFocus, VALID_MODES) < 0) { $.error("Invalid `cellFocus` option"); } this._superApply(arguments); // The combination of $activeTd and forceNavMode determines the current // navigation mode: this.$activeTd = null; // active cell (null in row-mode) this.forceNavMode = true; this.$container .addClass("fancytree-ext-ariagrid") .toggleClass(clsFancytreeCellNavMode, !!this.forceNavMode) .attr("aria-label", "" + opts.label); this.$container .find("thead > tr > th") .attr("role", "columnheader"); // Store table options for easier evaluation of default actions // depending of active cell column this.nodeColumnIdx = treeOpts.table.nodeColumnIdx; this.checkboxColumnIdx = treeOpts.table.checkboxColumnIdx; if (this.checkboxColumnIdx == null) { this.checkboxColumnIdx = this.nodeColumnIdx; } this.$container .on("focusin", function (event) { // Activate node if embedded input gets focus (due to a click) var node = FT.getNode(event.target), $td = $(event.target).closest("td"); // tree.debug( "focusin: " + ( node ? node.title : "null" ) + // ", target: " + ( $td ? $td.text() : null ) + // ", node was active: " + ( node && node.isActive() ) + // ", last cell: " + ( tree.$activeTd ? tree.$activeTd.text() : null ) ); // tree.debug( "focusin: target", event.target ); // TODO: add ":input" as delegate filter instead of testing here if ( node && !$td.is(tree.$activeTd) && $(event.target).is(":input") ) { node.debug("Activate cell on INPUT focus event"); tree.activateCell($td); } }) .on("fancytreeinit", function (event, data) { if ( opts.cellFocus === "start" || opts.cellFocus === "force" ) { tree.debug("Enforce cell-mode on init"); tree.debug( "init", tree.getActiveNode() || tree.getFirstChild() ); ( tree.getActiveNode() || tree.getFirstChild() ).setActive(true, { cell: tree.nodeColumnIdx }); tree.debug( "init2", tree.getActiveNode() || tree.getFirstChild() ); } }) .on("fancytreefocustree", function (event, data) { // Enforce cell-mode when container gets focus if (opts.cellFocus === "force" && !tree.$activeTd) { var node = tree.getActiveNode() || tree.getFirstChild(); tree.debug("Enforce cell-mode on focusTree event"); node.setActive(true, { cell: 0 }); } }) // .on("fancytreeupdateviewport", function(event, data) { // tree.debug(event.type, data); // }) .on("fancytreebeforeupdateviewport", function (event, data) { // When scrolling, the TR may be re-used by another node, so the // active cell marker an // tree.debug(event.type, data); if (tree.viewport && tree.$activeTd) { tree.info("Cancel cell-mode due to scroll event."); tree.activateCell(null); } }); }, nodeClick: function (ctx) { var targetType = ctx.targetType, tree = ctx.tree, node = ctx.node, event = ctx.originalEvent, $target = $(event.target), $td = $target.closest("td"); tree.debug( "nodeClick: node: " + (node ? node.title : "null") + ", targetType: " + targetType + ", target: " + ($td.length ? $td.text() : null) + ", node was active: " + (node && node.isActive()) + ", last cell: " + (tree.$activeTd ? tree.$activeTd.text() : null) ); if (tree.$activeTd) { // If already in cell-mode, activate new cell tree.activateCell($td); if ($target.is(":input")) { return; } else if ( $target.is(".fancytree-checkbox") || $target.is(".fancytree-expander") ) { return this._superApply(arguments); } return false; } return this._superApply(arguments); }, nodeDblclick: function (ctx) { var tree = ctx.tree, treeOpts = ctx.options, opts = treeOpts.ariagrid, event = ctx.originalEvent, $td = $(event.target).closest("td"); // console.log("nodeDblclick", tree.$activeTd, ctx.options.ariagrid.cellFocus) if ( opts.activateCellOnDoubelclick && !tree.$activeTd && opts.cellFocus === "allow" ) { // If in row-mode, activate new cell tree.activateCell($td); return false; } return this._superApply(arguments); }, nodeRenderStatus: function (ctx) { // Set classes for current status var res, node = ctx.node, $tr = $(node.tr); res = this._super(ctx); if (node.parent) { $tr.attr("aria-level", node.getLevel()) .attr("aria-setsize", node.parent.children.length) .attr("aria-posinset", node.getIndex() + 1); // 2018-06-24: not required according to // https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/132#issuecomment-397698250 // if ( $tr.is( ":hidden" ) ) { // $tr.attr( "aria-hidden", true ); // } else { // $tr.removeAttr( "aria-hidden" ); // } // this.debug("nodeRenderStatus: " + this.$activeTd + ", " + $tr.attr("aria-expanded")); // In cell-mode, move aria-expanded attribute from TR to first child TD if (this.$activeTd && $tr.attr("aria-expanded") != null) { $tr.remove("aria-expanded"); $tr.find("td") .eq(this.nodeColumnIdx) .attr("aria-expanded", node.isExpanded()); } else { $tr.find("td") .eq(this.nodeColumnIdx) .removeAttr("aria-expanded"); } } return res; }, nodeSetActive: function (ctx, flag, callOpts) { var $td, node = ctx.node, tree = ctx.tree, $tr = $(node.tr); flag = flag !== false; node.debug("nodeSetActive(" + flag + ")", callOpts); // Support custom `cell` option if (flag && callOpts && callOpts.cell != null) { // `cell` may be a col-index, , or `$(td)` if (typeof callOpts.cell === "number") { $td = findTdAtColIdx($tr, callOpts.cell); } else { $td = $(callOpts.cell); } tree.activateCell($td); return; } // tree.debug( "nodeSetActive: activeNode " + this.activeNode ); return this._superApply(arguments); }, nodeKeydown: function (ctx) { var handleKeys, inputType, res, $td, $embeddedCheckbox = null, tree = ctx.tree, node = ctx.node, treeOpts = ctx.options, opts = treeOpts.ariagrid, event = ctx.originalEvent, eventString = FT.eventToString(event), $target = $(event.target), $activeTd = this.$activeTd, $activeTr = $activeTd ? $activeTd.closest("tr") : null, colIdx = $activeTd ? getColIdx($activeTr, $activeTd) : -1, forceNav = $activeTd && tree.forceNavMode && $.inArray(eventString, NAV_KEYS) >= 0; if (opts.cellFocus === "off") { return this._superApply(arguments); } if ($target.is(":input:enabled")) { inputType = $target.prop("type"); } else if ($target.is("a")) { inputType = "link"; } if ($activeTd && $activeTd.find(":checkbox:enabled").length === 1) { $embeddedCheckbox = $activeTd.find(":checkbox:enabled"); inputType = "checkbox"; } tree.debug( "nodeKeydown(" + eventString + "), activeTd: '" + ($activeTd && $activeTd.text()) + "', inputType: " + inputType ); if (inputType && eventString !== "esc" && !forceNav) { handleKeys = INPUT_KEYS[inputType]; if (handleKeys && $.inArray(eventString, handleKeys) >= 0) { return; // Let input control handle the key } } switch (eventString) { case "right": if ($activeTd) { // Cell mode: move to neighbour (stop on right border) $td = findNeighbourTd(tree, $activeTd, eventString); if ($td) { tree.activateCell($td); } } else if ( node && !node.isExpanded() && node.hasChildren() !== false ) { // Row mode and current node can be expanded: // default handling will expand. break; } else { // Row mode: switch to cell-mode $td = $(node.tr).find(">td").first(); tree.activateCell($td); } return false; // no default handling case "left": case "home": case "end": case "ctrl+home": case "ctrl+end": case "up": case "down": if ($activeTd) { // Cell mode: move to neighbour $td = findNeighbourTd(tree, $activeTd, eventString); // Note: $td may be null if we move outside bounds. In this case // we switch back to row-mode (i.e. call activateCell(null) ). if (!$td && "left right".indexOf(eventString) < 0) { // Only switch to row-mode if left/right hits the bounds return false; } if ($td || opts.cellFocus !== "force") { tree.activateCell($td); } return false; } break; case "esc": if ($activeTd && !tree.forceNavMode) { // Switch from cell-edit-mode to cell-nav-mode // $target.closest( "td" ).focus(); tree.forceNavMode = true; tree.debug("Enter cell-nav-mode"); tree.$container.toggleClass( clsFancytreeCellNavMode, !!tree.forceNavMode ); return false; } else if ($activeTd && opts.cellFocus !== "force") { // Switch back from cell-mode to row-mode tree.activateCell(null); return false; } // tree.$container.toggleClass( clsFancytreeCellNavMode, !!tree.forceNavMode ); break; case "return": // Let user override the default action. // This event is triggered in row-mode and cell-mode res = tree._triggerNodeEvent( "defaultGridAction", node, event, { activeTd: tree.$activeTd ? tree.$activeTd[0] : null, colIdx: colIdx, mode: getGridNavMode(tree), } ); if (res === false) { return false; } // Implement default actions (for cell-mode only). if ($activeTd) { // Apply 'default action' for embedded cell control if (colIdx === this.nodeColumnIdx) { node.toggleExpanded(); } else if (colIdx === this.checkboxColumnIdx) { // TODO: only in checkbox mode! node.toggleSelected(); } else if ($embeddedCheckbox) { // Embedded checkboxes are always toggled (ignoring `autoFocusInput`) $embeddedCheckbox.prop( "checked", !$embeddedCheckbox.prop("checked") ); } else if (tree.forceNavMode && $target.is(":input")) { tree.forceNavMode = false; tree.$container.removeClass( clsFancytreeCellNavMode ); tree.debug("enable cell-edit-mode"); } else if ($activeTd.find("a").length === 1) { activateEmbeddedLink($activeTd); } } else { // ENTER in row-mode: Switch from row-mode to cell-mode // TODO: it was also suggested to expand/collapse instead // https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/132#issuecomment-407634891 $td = $(node.tr).find(">td").nth(this.nodeColumnIdx); tree.activateCell($td); } return false; // no default handling case "space": if ($activeTd) { if (colIdx === this.checkboxColumnIdx) { node.toggleSelected(); } else if ($embeddedCheckbox) { $embeddedCheckbox.prop( "checked", !$embeddedCheckbox.prop("checked") ); } return false; // no default handling } break; default: // Allow to focus input by typing alphanum keys } return this._superApply(arguments); }, treeSetOption: function (ctx, key, value) { var tree = ctx.tree, opts = tree.options.ariagrid; if (key === "ariagrid") { // User called `$().fancytree("option", "ariagrid.SUBKEY", VALUE)` if (value.cellFocus !== opts.cellFocus) { if ($.inArray(value.cellFocus, VALID_MODES) < 0) { $.error("Invalid `cellFocus` option"); } // TODO: fix current focus and mode } } return this._superApply(arguments); }, }); // Value returned by `require('jquery.fancytree..')` return $.ui.fancytree; }); // End of closure