* @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ /** * Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff. * * Ensures all the breaks and cases are aligned correctly according to their * parent switch's alignment and enforces other switch formatting. * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CodeSniffer * @author Greg Sherwood * @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff implements PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff { /** * A list of tokenizers this sniff supports. * * @var array */ public $supportedTokenizers = array( 'PHP', 'JS', ); /** * The number of spaces code should be indented. * * @var int */ public $indent = 4; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { return array(T_SWITCH); }//end register() /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the * stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); // We can't process SWITCH statements unless we know where they start and end. if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']) === false || isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']) === false ) { return; } $switch = $tokens[$stackPtr]; $nextCase = $stackPtr; $caseAlignment = ($switch['column'] + $this->indent); $caseCount = 0; $foundDefault = false; while (($nextCase = $phpcsFile->findNext(array(T_CASE, T_DEFAULT, T_SWITCH), ($nextCase + 1), $switch['scope_closer'])) !== false) { // Skip nested SWITCH statements; they are handled on their own. if ($tokens[$nextCase]['code'] === T_SWITCH) { $nextCase = $tokens[$nextCase]['scope_closer']; continue; } if ($tokens[$nextCase]['code'] === T_DEFAULT) { $type = 'Default'; $foundDefault = true; } else { $type = 'Case'; $caseCount++; } if ($tokens[$nextCase]['content'] !== strtolower($tokens[$nextCase]['content'])) { $expected = strtolower($tokens[$nextCase]['content']); $error = strtoupper($type).' keyword must be lowercase; expected "%s" but found "%s"'; $data = array( $expected, $tokens[$nextCase]['content'], ); $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextCase, $type.'NotLower', $data); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($nextCase, $expected); } } if ($tokens[$nextCase]['column'] !== $caseAlignment) { $error = strtoupper($type).' keyword must be indented '.$this->indent.' spaces from SWITCH keyword'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextCase, $type.'Indent'); if ($fix === true) { $padding = str_repeat(' ', ($caseAlignment - 1)); if ($tokens[$nextCase]['column'] === 1 || $tokens[($nextCase - 1)]['code'] !== T_WHITESPACE ) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($nextCase, $padding); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($nextCase - 1), $padding); } } } if ($type === 'Case' && ($tokens[($nextCase + 1)]['type'] !== 'T_WHITESPACE' || $tokens[($nextCase + 1)]['content'] !== ' ') ) { $error = 'CASE keyword must be followed by a single space'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextCase, 'SpacingAfterCase'); if ($fix === true) { if ($tokens[($nextCase + 1)]['type'] !== 'T_WHITESPACE') { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContent($nextCase, ' '); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($nextCase + 1), ' '); } } } if (isset($tokens[$nextCase]['scope_opener']) === false) { $error = 'Possible parse error: CASE missing opening colon'; $phpcsFile->addWarning($error, $nextCase, 'MissingColon'); continue; } $opener = $tokens[$nextCase]['scope_opener']; if ($tokens[($opener - 1)]['type'] === 'T_WHITESPACE') { $error = 'There must be no space before the colon in a '.strtoupper($type).' statement'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextCase, 'SpaceBeforeColon'.$type); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($opener - 1), ''); } } $nextBreak = $tokens[$nextCase]['scope_closer']; if ($tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_BREAK || $tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_RETURN || $tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_CONTINUE || $tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_THROW || $tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_EXIT ) { if ($tokens[$nextBreak]['scope_condition'] === $nextCase) { // Only need to check a couple of things once, even if the // break is shared between multiple case statements, or even // the default case. if ($tokens[$nextBreak]['column'] !== $caseAlignment) { $error = 'Case breaking statement must be indented '.$this->indent.' spaces from SWITCH keyword'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextBreak, 'BreakIndent'); if ($fix === true) { $padding = str_repeat(' ', ($caseAlignment - 1)); if ($tokens[$nextBreak]['column'] === 1 || $tokens[($nextBreak - 1)]['code'] !== T_WHITESPACE ) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($nextBreak, $padding); } else { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($nextBreak - 1), $padding); } } } $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_WHITESPACE, ($nextBreak - 1), $stackPtr, true); if ($tokens[$prev]['line'] !== ($tokens[$nextBreak]['line'] - 1)) { $error = 'Blank lines are not allowed before case breaking statements'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextBreak, 'SpacingBeforeBreak'); } $nextLine = $tokens[$tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']]['line']; $semicolon = $phpcsFile->findEndOfStatement($nextBreak); for ($i = ($semicolon + 1); $i < $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['type'] !== 'T_WHITESPACE') { $nextLine = $tokens[$i]['line']; break; } } if ($type === 'Case') { // Ensure the BREAK statement is followed by // a single blank line, or the end switch brace. if ($nextLine !== ($tokens[$semicolon]['line'] + 2) && $i !== $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']) { $error = 'Case breaking statements must be followed by a single blank line'; $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $nextBreak, 'SpacingAfterBreak'); if ($fix === true) { $phpcsFile->fixer->beginChangeset(); for ($i = ($semicolon + 1); $i <= $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $nextLine) { $phpcsFile->fixer->addNewlineBefore($i); break; } if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$semicolon]['line']) { continue; } $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, ''); } $phpcsFile->fixer->endChangeset(); } }//end if } else { // Ensure the BREAK statement is not followed by a blank line. if ($nextLine !== ($tokens[$semicolon]['line'] + 1)) { $error = 'Blank lines are not allowed after the DEFAULT case\'s breaking statement'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextBreak, 'SpacingAfterDefaultBreak'); } }//end if $caseLine = $tokens[$nextCase]['line']; $nextLine = $tokens[$nextBreak]['line']; for ($i = ($opener + 1); $i < $nextBreak; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['type'] !== 'T_WHITESPACE') { $nextLine = $tokens[$i]['line']; break; } } if ($nextLine !== ($caseLine + 1)) { $error = 'Blank lines are not allowed after '.strtoupper($type).' statements'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextCase, 'SpacingAfter'.$type); } }//end if if ($tokens[$nextBreak]['code'] === T_BREAK) { if ($type === 'Case') { // Ensure empty CASE statements are not allowed. // They must have some code content in them. A comment is not enough. // But count RETURN statements as valid content if they also // happen to close the CASE statement. $foundContent = false; for ($i = ($tokens[$nextCase]['scope_opener'] + 1); $i < $nextBreak; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CASE) { $i = $tokens[$i]['scope_opener']; continue; } if (isset(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens[$tokens[$i]['code']]) === false) { $foundContent = true; break; } } if ($foundContent === false) { $error = 'Empty CASE statements are not allowed'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextCase, 'EmptyCase'); } } else { // Ensure empty DEFAULT statements are not allowed. // They must (at least) have a comment describing why // the default case is being ignored. $foundContent = false; for ($i = ($tokens[$nextCase]['scope_opener'] + 1); $i < $nextBreak; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i]['type'] !== 'T_WHITESPACE') { $foundContent = true; break; } } if ($foundContent === false) { $error = 'Comment required for empty DEFAULT case'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextCase, 'EmptyDefault'); } }//end if }//end if } else if ($type === 'Default') { $error = 'DEFAULT case must have a breaking statement'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $nextCase, 'DefaultNoBreak'); }//end if }//end while if ($foundDefault === false) { $error = 'All SWITCH statements must contain a DEFAULT case'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'MissingDefault'); } if ($tokens[$switch['scope_closer']]['column'] !== $switch['column']) { $error = 'Closing brace of SWITCH statement must be aligned with SWITCH keyword'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $switch['scope_closer'], 'CloseBraceAlign'); } if ($caseCount === 0) { $error = 'SWITCH statements must contain at least one CASE statement'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'MissingCase'); } }//end process() }//end class