* @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ /** * Generic_Sniffs_Whitespace_ScopeIndentSniff. * * Checks that control structures are structured correctly, and their content * is indented correctly. This sniff will throw errors if tabs are used * for indentation rather than spaces. * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CodeSniffer * @author Greg Sherwood * @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ class Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff implements PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff { /** * A list of tokenizers this sniff supports. * * @var array */ public $supportedTokenizers = array( 'PHP', 'JS', ); /** * The number of spaces code should be indented. * * @var int */ public $indent = 4; /** * Does the indent need to be exactly right? * * If TRUE, indent needs to be exactly $indent spaces. If FALSE, * indent needs to be at least $indent spaces (but can be more). * * @var bool */ public $exact = false; /** * Should tabs be used for indenting? * * If TRUE, fixes will be made using tabs instead of spaces. * The size of each tab is important, so it should be specified * using the --tab-width CLI argument. * * @var bool */ public $tabIndent = false; /** * The --tab-width CLI value that is being used. * * @var int */ private $_tabWidth = null; /** * List of tokens not needing to be checked for indentation. * * Useful to allow Sniffs based on this to easily ignore/skip some * tokens from verification. For example, inline HTML sections * or PHP open/close tags can escape from here and have their own * rules elsewhere. * * @var int[] */ public $ignoreIndentationTokens = array(); /** * List of tokens not needing to be checked for indentation. * * This is a cached copy of the public version of this var, which * can be set in a ruleset file, and some core ignored tokens. * * @var int[] */ private $_ignoreIndentationTokens = array(); /** * Any scope openers that should not cause an indent. * * @var int[] */ protected $nonIndentingScopes = array(); /** * Show debug output for this sniff. * * @var bool */ private $_debug = false; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === true) { $this->_debug = false; } return array(T_OPEN_TAG); }//end register() /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile All the tokens found in the document. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $debug = PHP_CodeSniffer::getConfigData('scope_indent_debug'); if ($debug !== null) { $this->_debug = (bool) $debug; } if ($this->_tabWidth === null) { $cliValues = $phpcsFile->phpcs->cli->getCommandLineValues(); if (isset($cliValues['tabWidth']) === false || $cliValues['tabWidth'] === 0) { // We have no idea how wide tabs are, so assume 4 spaces for fixing. // It shouldn't really matter because indent checks elsewhere in the // standard should fix things up. $this->_tabWidth = 4; } else { $this->_tabWidth = $cliValues['tabWidth']; } } $currentIndent = 0; $lastOpenTag = $stackPtr; $lastCloseTag = null; $openScopes = array(); $adjustments = array(); $setIndents = array(); $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_INLINE_HTML, $stackPtr); $trimmed = ltrim($tokens[$first]['content']); if ($trimmed === '') { $currentIndent = ($tokens[$stackPtr]['column'] - 1); } else { $currentIndent = (strlen($tokens[$first]['content']) - strlen($trimmed)); } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$stackPtr]['line']; echo "Start with token $stackPtr on line $line with indent $currentIndent".PHP_EOL; } if (empty($this->_ignoreIndentationTokens) === true) { $this->_ignoreIndentationTokens = array(T_INLINE_HTML => true); foreach ($this->ignoreIndentationTokens as $token) { if (is_int($token) === false) { if (defined($token) === false) { continue; } $token = constant($token); } $this->_ignoreIndentationTokens[$token] = true; } }//end if $this->exact = (bool) $this->exact; $this->tabIndent = (bool) $this->tabIndent; for ($i = ($stackPtr + 1); $i < $phpcsFile->numTokens; $i++) { if ($i === false) { // Something has gone very wrong; maybe a parse error. break; } $checkToken = null; $checkIndent = null; $exact = (bool) $this->exact; if ($exact === true && isset($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === true) { // Don't check indents exactly between parenthesis as they // tend to have custom rules, such as with multi-line function calls // and control structure conditions. $exact = false; } // Detect line changes and figure out where the indent is. if ($tokens[$i]['column'] === 1) { $trimmed = ltrim($tokens[$i]['content']); if ($trimmed === '') { if (isset($tokens[($i + 1)]) === true && $tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[($i + 1)]['line'] ) { $checkToken = ($i + 1); $tokenIndent = ($tokens[($i + 1)]['column'] - 1); } } else { $checkToken = $i; $tokenIndent = (strlen($tokens[$i]['content']) - strlen($trimmed)); } } // Closing parenthesis should just be indented to at least // the same level as where they were opened (but can be more). if (($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['parenthesis_opener']) === true) || ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS && isset($tokens[$i]['parenthesis_opener']) === true) ) { if ($checkToken !== null) { $parenCloser = $checkToken; } else { $parenCloser = $i; } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Closing parenthesis found on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $parenOpener = $tokens[$parenCloser]['parenthesis_opener']; if ($tokens[$parenCloser]['line'] !== $tokens[$parenOpener]['line']) { $parens = 0; if (isset($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === false ) { end($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']); $parens = key($tokens[$parenCloser]['nested_parenthesis']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$parens]['line']; echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis $parens on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } $condition = 0; if (isset($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']) === false ) { end($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']); $condition = key($tokens[$parenCloser]['conditions']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$condition]['line']; $type = $tokens[$condition]['type']; echo "\t* token is inside condition $condition ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } if ($parens > $condition) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using parenthesis *".PHP_EOL; } $parenOpener = $parens; $condition = 0; } else if ($condition > 0) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using condition *".PHP_EOL; } $parenOpener = $condition; $parens = 0; } $exact = false; $lastOpenTagConditions = array_keys($tokens[$lastOpenTag]['conditions']); $lastOpenTagCondition = array_pop($lastOpenTagConditions); if ($condition > 0 && $lastOpenTagCondition === $condition) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* open tag is inside condition; using open tag *".PHP_EOL; } $checkIndent = ($tokens[$lastOpenTag]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$condition]) === true) { $checkIndent += $adjustments[$condition]; } $currentIndent = $checkIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$lastOpenTag]['type']; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent set to $currentIndent by token $lastOpenTag ($type)".PHP_EOL; } } else if ($condition > 0 && isset($tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']) === true && isset($setIndents[$tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']]) === true ) { $checkIndent = $setIndents[$tokens[$condition]['scope_opener']]; if (isset($adjustments[$condition]) === true) { $checkIndent += $adjustments[$condition]; } $currentIndent = $checkIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$condition]['type']; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent set to $currentIndent by token $condition ($type)".PHP_EOL; } } else { $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $parenOpener, true); $checkIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* first token on line $line is $first ($type) *".PHP_EOL; } if ($first === $tokens[$parenCloser]['parenthesis_opener']) { // This is unlikely to be the start of the statement, so look // back further to find it. $first--; } $prev = $phpcsFile->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA); if ($prev !== $first) { // This is not the start of the statement. if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$prev]['line']; $type = $tokens[$prev]['type']; echo "\t* previous is $type on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); $prev = $phpcsFile->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA); $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* amended first token is $first ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* first token is a scope closer *".PHP_EOL; } if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_condition']) === true) { $scopeCloser = $first; $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition'], true); $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. if ($tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']]['code'] !== T_CLOSURE) { $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); } $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } }//end if } else { // Don't force current indent to divisible because there could be custom // rules in place between parenthesis, such as with arrays. $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end if } else if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t * ignoring single-line definition *".PHP_EOL; }//end if }//end if // Closing short array bracket should just be indented to at least // the same level as where it was opened (but can be more). if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_SHORT_ARRAY || ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_SHORT_ARRAY) ) { if ($checkToken !== null) { $arrayCloser = $checkToken; } else { $arrayCloser = $i; } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$arrayCloser]['line']; echo "Closing short array bracket found on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $arrayOpener = $tokens[$arrayCloser]['bracket_opener']; if ($tokens[$arrayCloser]['line'] !== $tokens[$arrayOpener]['line']) { $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $arrayOpener, true); $checkIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } $exact = false; if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* first token on line $line is $first ($type) *".PHP_EOL; } if ($first === $tokens[$arrayCloser]['bracket_opener']) { // This is unlikely to be the start of the statement, so look // back further to find it. $first--; } $prev = $phpcsFile->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA); if ($prev !== $first) { // This is not the start of the statement. if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$prev]['line']; $type = $tokens[$prev]['type']; echo "\t* previous is $type on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); $prev = $phpcsFile->findStartOfStatement($first, T_COMMA); $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* amended first token is $first ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } else if ($tokens[$first]['code'] === T_WHITESPACE) { $first = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, ($first + 1), null, true); } if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first ) { // The first token is a scope closer and would have already // been processed and set the indent level correctly, so // don't adjust it again. if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* first token is a scope closer; ignoring closing short array bracket *".PHP_EOL; } if (isset($setIndents[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent = $setIndents[$first]; if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t=> indent reset to $currentIndent".PHP_EOL; } } } else { // Don't force current indent to be divisible because there could be custom // rules in place for arrays. $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } }//end if } else if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t * ignoring single-line definition *".PHP_EOL; }//end if }//end if // Adjust lines within scopes while auto-fixing. if ($checkToken !== null && $exact === false && (empty($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']) === false || (isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']) === true && $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener'] === $checkToken)) ) { if (empty($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']) === false) { end($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']); $condition = key($tokens[$checkToken]['conditions']); } else { $condition = $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition']; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $condition, true); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true && (($adjustments[$first] < 0 && $tokenIndent > $currentIndent) || ($adjustments[$first] > 0 && $tokenIndent < $currentIndent)) ) { $padding = ($tokenIndent + $adjustments[$first]); if ($padding > 0) { if ($this->tabIndent === true) { $numTabs = floor($padding / $this->_tabWidth); $numSpaces = ($padding - ($numTabs * $this->_tabWidth)); $padding = str_repeat("\t", $numTabs).str_repeat(' ', $numSpaces); } else { $padding = str_repeat(' ', $padding); } } else { $padding = ''; } if ($checkToken === $i) { $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($checkToken, $padding.$trimmed); } else { // Easier to just replace the entire indent. $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($checkToken - 1), $padding); } if ($this->_debug === true) { $length = strlen($padding); $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line']; $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type']; echo "Indent adjusted to $length for $type on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $adjustments[$checkToken] = $adjustments[$first]; if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line']; $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type']; echo "\t=> Add adjustment of ".$adjustments[$checkToken]." for token $checkToken ($type) on line $line".PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end if // Scope closers reset the required indent to the same level as the opening condition. if (($checkToken !== null && isset($openScopes[$checkToken]) === true || (isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer'] === $checkToken && $tokens[$checkToken]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']]['line'])) || ($checkToken === null && isset($openScopes[$i]) === true || (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'] === $i && $tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_opener']]['line'])) ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { if ($checkToken === null) { $type = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type']; $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; } else { $type = $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['scope_condition']]['type']; $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line']; } echo "Close scope ($type) on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $scopeCloser = $checkToken; if ($scopeCloser === null) { $scopeCloser = $i; } else { array_pop($openScopes); } if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']) === true) { $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition'], true); $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. if ($tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['scope_condition']]['code'] !== T_CLOSURE) { $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); } $setIndents[$scopeCloser] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$scopeCloser]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $scopeCloser ($type)".PHP_EOL; } // We only check the indent of scope closers if they are // curly braces because other constructs tend to have different rules. if ($tokens[$scopeCloser]['code'] === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) { $exact = true; } else { $checkToken = null; } }//end if }//end if // Handle scope for JS object notation. if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS' && (($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_OBJECT && $tokens[$checkToken]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['bracket_opener']]['line']) || ($checkToken === null && $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_OBJECT && $tokens[$i]['line'] !== $tokens[$tokens[$i]['bracket_opener']]['line'])) ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Close JS object on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $scopeCloser = $checkToken; if ($scopeCloser === null) { $scopeCloser = $i; } else { array_pop($openScopes); } $parens = 0; if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']) === false ) { end($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']); $parens = key($tokens[$scopeCloser]['nested_parenthesis']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$parens]['line']; echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis $parens on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } $condition = 0; if (isset($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']) === false ) { end($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']); $condition = key($tokens[$scopeCloser]['conditions']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$condition]['line']; $type = $tokens[$condition]['type']; echo "\t* token is inside condition $condition ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } if ($parens > $condition) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using parenthesis *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $parens, true); $condition = 0; } else if ($condition > 0) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using condition *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $condition, true); $parens = 0; } else { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$tokens[$scopeCloser]['bracket_opener']]['line']; echo "\t* token is not in parenthesis or condition; using opener on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $tokens[$scopeCloser]['bracket_opener'], true); }//end if $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } if ($parens > 0 || $condition > 0) { $checkIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $checkIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } if ($condition > 0) { $checkIndent += $this->indent; $currentIndent += $this->indent; $exact = true; } } else { $checkIndent = $currentIndent; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($checkIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } }//end if if ($checkToken !== null && isset(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeOpeners[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === true && in_array($tokens[$checkToken]['code'], $this->nonIndentingScopes) === false && isset($tokens[$checkToken]['scope_opener']) === true ) { $exact = true; $lastOpener = null; if (empty($openScopes) === false) { end($openScopes); $lastOpener = current($openScopes); } // A scope opener that shares a closer with another token (like multiple // CASEs using the same BREAK) needs to reduce the indent level so its // indent is checked correctly. It will then increase the indent again // (as all openers do) after being checked. if ($lastOpener !== null && isset($tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$lastOpener]['level'] === $tokens[$checkToken]['level'] && $tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_closer'] === $tokens[$checkToken]['scope_closer'] ) { $currentIndent -= $this->indent; $setIndents[$lastOpener] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; $type = $tokens[$lastOpener]['type']; echo "Shared closer found on line $line".PHP_EOL; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $lastOpener ($type)".PHP_EOL; } } if ($tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSURE && $tokenIndent > $currentIndent ) { // The opener is indented more than needed, which is fine. // But just check that it is divisible by our expected indent. $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($tokenIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $exact = false; if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Closure found on line $line".PHP_EOL; echo "\t=> checking indent of $checkIndent; main indent remains at $currentIndent".PHP_EOL; } } }//end if // Method prefix indentation has to be exact or else if will break // the rest of the function declaration, and potentially future ones. if ($checkToken !== null && isset(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$methodPrefixes[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === true && $tokens[($checkToken + 1)]['code'] !== T_DOUBLE_COLON ) { $exact = true; } // JS property indentation has to be exact or else if will break // things like function and object indentation. if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_PROPERTY) { $exact = true; } // PHP tags needs to be indented to exact column positions // so they don't cause problems with indent checks for the code // within them, but they don't need to line up with the current indent. if ($checkToken !== null && ($tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG || $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO || $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_CLOSE_TAG) ) { $exact = true; $checkIndent = ($tokens[$checkToken]['column'] - 1); $checkIndent = (int) (ceil($checkIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); } // Special case for ELSE statements that are not on the same // line as the previous IF statements closing brace. They still need // to have the same indent or it will break code after the block. if ($checkToken !== null && $tokens[$checkToken]['code'] === T_ELSE) { $exact = true; } if ($checkIndent === null) { $checkIndent = $currentIndent; } /* The indent of the line is checked by the following IF block. Up until now, we've just been figuring out what the indent of this line should be. After this IF block, we adjust the indent again for the checking of future line. */ $adjusted = false; if ($checkToken !== null && isset($this->_ignoreIndentationTokens[$tokens[$checkToken]['code']]) === false && (($tokenIndent !== $checkIndent && $exact === true) || ($tokenIndent < $checkIndent && $exact === false)) ) { $type = 'IncorrectExact'; $error = 'Line indented incorrectly; expected '; if ($exact === false) { $error .= 'at least '; $type = 'Incorrect'; } if ($this->tabIndent === true) { $error .= '%s tabs, found %s'; $data = array( floor($checkIndent / $this->_tabWidth), floor($tokenIndent / $this->_tabWidth), ); } else { $error .= '%s spaces, found %s'; $data = array( $checkIndent, $tokenIndent, ); } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line']; $message = vsprintf($error, $data); echo "[Line $line] $message".PHP_EOL; } $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $checkToken, $type, $data); if ($fix === true || $this->_debug === true) { $padding = ''; if ($this->tabIndent === true) { $numTabs = floor($checkIndent / $this->_tabWidth); if ($numTabs > 0) { $numSpaces = ($checkIndent - ($numTabs * $this->_tabWidth)); $padding = str_repeat("\t", $numTabs).str_repeat(' ', $numSpaces); } } else if ($checkIndent > 0) { $padding = str_repeat(' ', $checkIndent); } if ($checkToken === $i) { $accepted = $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($checkToken, $padding.$trimmed); } else { // Easier to just replace the entire indent. $accepted = $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken(($checkToken - 1), $padding); } if ($accepted === true) { $adjustments[$checkToken] = ($checkIndent - $tokenIndent); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$checkToken]['line']; $type = $tokens[$checkToken]['type']; echo "\t=> Add adjustment of ".$adjustments[$checkToken]." for token $checkToken ($type) on line $line".PHP_EOL; } } } else { // Assume the change would be applied and continue // checking indents under this assumption. This gives more // technically accurate error messages. $adjustments[$checkToken] = ($checkIndent - $tokenIndent); }//end if }//end if if ($checkToken !== null) { $i = $checkToken; } // Completely skip here/now docs as the indent is a part of the // content itself. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_START_HEREDOC || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_START_NOWDOC ) { $i = $phpcsFile->findNext(array(T_END_HEREDOC, T_END_NOWDOC), ($i + 1)); continue; } // Completely skip multi-line strings as the indent is a part of the // content itself. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING ) { $i = $phpcsFile->findNext($tokens[$i]['code'], ($i + 1), null, true); $i--; continue; } // Completely skip doc comments as they tend to have complex // indentation rules. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_OPEN_TAG) { $i = $tokens[$i]['comment_closer']; continue; } // Open tags reset the indent level. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Open PHP tag found on line $line".PHP_EOL; } if ($checkToken === null) { $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true); $currentIndent = (strlen($tokens[$first]['content']) - strlen(ltrim($tokens[$first]['content']))); } else { $currentIndent = ($tokens[$i]['column'] - 1); } $lastOpenTag = $i; if (isset($adjustments[$i]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$i]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $i ($type)".PHP_EOL; } continue; }//end if // Close tags reset the indent level, unless they are closing a tag // opened on the same line. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_TAG) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Close PHP tag found on line $line".PHP_EOL; } if ($tokens[$lastOpenTag]['line'] !== $tokens[$i]['line']) { $currentIndent = ($tokens[$i]['column'] - 1); $lastCloseTag = $i; } else { if ($lastCloseTag === null) { $currentIndent = 0; } else { $currentIndent = ($tokens[$lastCloseTag]['column'] - 1); } } if (isset($adjustments[$i]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$i]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $i ($type)".PHP_EOL; } continue; }//end if // Anon classes and functions set the indent based on their own indent level. if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSURE || $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_ANON_CLASS) { $closer = $tokens[$i]['scope_closer']; if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$i]['type'], 2))); $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "* ignoring single-line $type on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $i = $closer; continue; } if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$i]['type'], 2))); $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Open $type on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true); $currentIndent = (($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1) + $this->indent); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (floor($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $i = $tokens[$i]['scope_opener']; $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $i ($type)".PHP_EOL; } continue; }//end if // Scope openers increase the indent level. if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_opener']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_opener'] === $i ) { $closer = $tokens[$i]['scope_closer']; if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; echo "* ignoring single-line $type on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $i = $closer; continue; } $condition = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code']; if (isset(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeOpeners[$condition]) === true && in_array($condition, $this->nonIndentingScopes) === false ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; $type = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type']; echo "Open scope ($type) on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $currentIndent += $this->indent; $setIndents[$i] = $currentIndent; $openScopes[$tokens[$i]['scope_closer']] = $tokens[$i]['scope_condition']; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $i ($type)".PHP_EOL; } continue; } }//end if // JS objects set the indent level. if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS' && $tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OBJECT ) { $closer = $tokens[$i]['bracket_closer']; if ($tokens[$i]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "* ignoring single-line JS object on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $i = $closer; continue; } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Open JS object on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $i, true); $currentIndent = (($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1) + $this->indent); if (isset($adjustments[$first]) === true) { $currentIndent += $adjustments[$first]; } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } continue; }//end if // Closing an anon class or function. if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true && $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'] === $i && ($tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'] === T_CLOSURE || $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'] === T_ANON_CLASS) ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type'], 2))); $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; echo "Close $type on line $line".PHP_EOL; } $prev = false; $object = 0; if ($phpcsFile->tokenizerType === 'JS') { $conditions = $tokens[$i]['conditions']; krsort($conditions, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($conditions as $token => $condition) { if ($condition === T_OBJECT) { $object = $token; break; } } if ($this->_debug === true && $object !== 0) { $line = $tokens[$object]['line']; echo "\t* token is inside JS object $object on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } $parens = 0; if (isset($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === true && empty($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']) === false ) { end($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']); $parens = key($tokens[$i]['nested_parenthesis']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$parens]['line']; echo "\t* token has nested parenthesis $parens on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } $condition = 0; if (isset($tokens[$i]['conditions']) === true && empty($tokens[$i]['conditions']) === false ) { end($tokens[$i]['conditions']); $condition = key($tokens[$i]['conditions']); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$condition]['line']; $type = $tokens[$condition]['type']; echo "\t* token is inside condition $condition ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } if ($parens > $object && $parens > $condition) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using parenthesis *".PHP_EOL; } $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($parens - 1), null, true); $object = 0; $condition = 0; } else if ($object > 0 && $object >= $condition) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using object *".PHP_EOL; } $prev = $object; $parens = 0; $condition = 0; } else if ($condition > 0) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* using condition *".PHP_EOL; } $prev = $condition; $object = 0; $parens = 0; }//end if if ($prev === false) { $prev = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(array(T_EQUAL, T_RETURN), ($tokens[$i]['scope_condition'] - 1), null, false, null, true); if ($prev === false) { $prev = $i; if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* could not find a previous T_EQUAL or T_RETURN token; will use current token *".PHP_EOL; } } } if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$prev]['line']; $type = $tokens[$prev]['type']; echo "\t* previous token is $type on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* first token on line $line is $first ($type) *".PHP_EOL; } $prev = $phpcsFile->findStartOfStatement($first); if ($prev !== $first) { // This is not the start of the statement. if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$prev]['line']; $type = $tokens[$prev]['type']; echo "\t* amended previous is $type on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } $first = $phpcsFile->findFirstOnLine(T_WHITESPACE, $prev, true); if ($this->_debug === true) { $line = $tokens[$first]['line']; $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t* amended first token is $first ($type) on line $line *".PHP_EOL; } } $currentIndent = ($tokens[$first]['column'] - 1); if ($object > 0 || $condition > 0) { $currentIndent += $this->indent; } if (isset($tokens[$first]['scope_closer']) === true && $tokens[$first]['scope_closer'] === $first ) { if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* first token is a scope closer *".PHP_EOL; } if ($condition === 0 || $tokens[$condition]['scope_opener'] < $first) { $currentIndent = $setIndents[$first]; } else if ($this->_debug === true) { echo "\t* ignoring scope closer *".PHP_EOL; } } // Make sure it is divisible by our expected indent. $currentIndent = (int) (ceil($currentIndent / $this->indent) * $this->indent); $setIndents[$first] = $currentIndent; if ($this->_debug === true) { $type = $tokens[$first]['type']; echo "\t=> indent set to $currentIndent by token $first ($type)".PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end for // Don't process the rest of the file. return $phpcsFile->numTokens; }//end process() }//end class