methods = array(); $this->properties = array(); $this->info = array(); if($filename != "") $this->parseFromFile($filename); } /** * Deletes a property by name * @method deleteInfo * @param string name * @returns true if successful, false otherwise */ function deleteInfo($name) { $success = false; if(array_key_exists($name, $this->info)) { unset($this->info[$name]); $success = true; } return $success; } /** * Returns a property value by name * @method getInfo * @param string name * @returns string value if successful, false otherwise */ function getInfo($name) { if(array_key_exists($name, $this->info)) return $this->info[$name]; else return false; } /** * Parses a class from supplied filename * @method parseFromFile * @param string filename * @returns true if successful, false otherwise */ function parseFromFile($filename) { $success = false; if(file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) { $arrContents = file($filename); $parsing = false; $parsingBlocks = array(); $tempBlock = array(); foreach($arrContents as $line) { if(trim($line) == "/**") { $parsing = true; $blockstart = true; } elseif($parsing && trim($line) == "*/") { $parsing = false; $parsingBlocks[] = $tempBlock; $tempBlock = array(); } else { if($parsing) { if($blockstart) { $tempBlock[] = $line; $blockstart = false; } else { $tempBlock[] = $line; } } } } foreach($parsingBlocks as $blockLines) { $block = array(); foreach($blockLines as $line) { $str = strstr($line, "@"); $str = substr($str, 1); if($str !== false) { $separatorPos = (strpos($str, " ") && strpos($str, "\t")) ? min(strpos($str, " "), strpos($str, "\t")) : (strpos($str, " ") ? strpos($str, " ") : (strpos($str, "\t") ? strpos($str, "\t") : strlen($str))); $name = trim(substr($str, 0, $separatorPos)); $value = trim(substr($str, $separatorPos)); } else { $name = "description"; $value = trim($line); } if($name == "param" || $name == "description") $block[$name][] = $value; else $block[$name] = $value; } //print("
"); if(array_key_exists("method", $block)) { $tempMethod = new Method($block["method"]); unset($block["method"]); if(isset($block["param"]) && is_array($block["param"])) { foreach($block["param"] as $param) { $tempMethod->setParam($param, ""); } } unset($block["param"]); foreach($block as $name => $value) { $tempMethod->setInfo($name, $value); } $this->setMethod($tempMethod); } elseif(array_key_exists("class", $block)) { $this->setInfo("name", $block["class"]); unset($block["class"]); foreach($block as $name => $value) { $this->setInfo($name, $value); } } } $success = true; } return $success; } /** * Sets a property by name * @method setInfo * @param string name, string value * @returns none */ function setInfo($name, $value) { $this->info[$name] = $value; } /** * Adds a method to the class definition * @method setMethod * @param object method * @returns true if successful, false otherwise */ function setMethod($method) { $success = false; if(is_object($method) && get_class($method) == "method") { $this->methods[$method->getInfo("name")] = $method; $success = true; } return $success; } } ?>