  • hash algorithm identifier; *
  • a sibling hash value; *
  • concatenation direction indicator; *
  • level restriction (limiting the number of preceding steps) of this computation step. * * * Hash chain entries are presented as GTHashEntry objects. * * @package tsp */ class GTHashChain { private $entries = array(); /** * Constructs a new GTHashChain instance. * * @throws GTException * @param array $bytes hash chain bytes * @param bool $checkLevel whether to check that level bytes are in increasing order */ private function __construct(array $bytes, $checkLevel) { if (empty($bytes)) { throw new GTException("parameter bytes is required"); } if (!is_array($bytes)) { throw new GTException("parameter bytes must be an array of bytes"); } $previousLevel = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($bytes);) { $algorithm = GTHashAlgorithm::getByGtid($bytes[$i++]); if ($i >= count($bytes)) { throw new GTException("Invalid chain: not enough bytes"); } $direction = $bytes[$i++]; if ($i >= count($bytes)) { throw new GTException("Invalid chain: not enough bytes"); } if ($direction != 0 && $direction != 1) { throw new GTException("invalid hash step direction: {$direction}"); } $siblingAlgorithm = GTHashAlgorithm::getByGtid($bytes[$i++]); $siblingHash = new GTDataHash($siblingAlgorithm, array_slice($bytes, $i, $siblingAlgorithm->getLength())); $i += $siblingAlgorithm->getLength(); if ($i >= count($bytes)) { throw new GTException("Invalid chain: not enough bytes"); } $level = $bytes[$i++] & 0xFF; if ($checkLevel && $previousLevel >= $level) { throw new GTException("invalid hash step level: {$level}"); } $previousLevel = $level; array_push($this->entries, new GTHashEntry($algorithm, $direction, $siblingHash, $level)); } } /** * Computes the result of passing the given bytes through this hash chain. * * @throws GTException * @param array $bytes bytes to compute chain output for * @return array chain output, the final hash value */ public function computeOutput(array $bytes) { if (empty($bytes)) { throw new GTException("parameter bytes is required"); } if (!is_array($bytes)) { throw new GTException("parameter bytes must be an array of bytes"); } $output = $bytes; foreach ($this->entries as $entry) { $output = $entry->computeOutput($output); } return $output; } /** * Checks that past entries match in this history chain and the other provided history chain. * * Past history chain entries are those which have a 0 direction. * * @param GTHashChain $hashChain history chain to compare this chain entries with * @return bool true if all past entries match, false otherwise */ public function checkPastEntries(GTHashChain $hashChain) { $iter1 = new ArrayIterator($this->entries); $iter2 = new ArrayIterator($hashChain->entries); while ($iter1->valid()) { $entry = null; do { $entry = $iter1->current(); $iter1->next(); } while ($iter1->valid() && $entry->getDirection() == 1); if ($entry->getDirection() == 0 && !$iter2->valid()) { return false; } $other = null; do { $other = $iter2->current(); $iter2->next(); } while ($iter2->valid() && $other->getDirection() == 1); if ($entry->getDirection() == 1 && $other->getDirection() == 1) { return true; } else if ($entry != $other) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Computes location ID of this chain. * * This computation is only sensible for location chains. * * @return GTBigInteger location ID computed on this location chain */ public function computeLocationId() { // Skip: machine bits + slot bits $topSkip = 3 + 3; $nationalSkip = 3 + 2; $stateSkip = 2 + 2; // Level: depth + machine bits + slot bits - 2 $topLevel = 60 + $topSkip - 2; $nationalLevel = 39 + $nationalSkip - 2; $stateLevel = 19 + $stateSkip - 2; $locationId = new GTBigInteger(0); $i = count($this->entries) - 1; $i--; // skip hasher bit // calculate national id $idNational = 0; while (true) { $entry = $this->entries[$i--]; if ($entry->getLevel() > $topLevel) { $idNational = 2 * $idNational + (1 - $entry->getDirection()); } else { break; } } $locationId = $locationId->shiftLeft(16)->bitOr(new GTBigInteger($idNational)); // Skip machine and slot bits of top-level aggregator $i -= $topSkip; // Calculate state ID $idState = 0; while (true) { $entry = $this->entries[$i--]; if ($entry->getLevel() > $nationalLevel) { $idState = 2 * $idState + (1 - $entry->getDirection()); } else { break; } } $locationId = $locationId->shiftLeft(16)->bitOr(new GTBigInteger($idState)); // Skip machine and slot bits of national-level aggregator $i -= $nationalSkip; // Calculate local ID $idLocal = 0; while (true) { $entry = $this->entries[$i--]; if ($entry->getLevel() > $stateLevel) { $idLocal = 2 * $idLocal + (1 - $entry->getDirection()); } else { break; } } $locationId = $locationId->shiftLeft(16)->bitOr(new GTBigInteger($idLocal)); // Skip machine and slot bits of state-level aggregator $i -= $stateSkip; // Calculate client ID $idClient = 0; while ($i > 0) { $entry = $this->entries[$i--]; $idClient = 2 * $idClient + (1 - $entry->getDirection()); } $locationId = $locationId->shiftLeft(16)->bitOr(new GTBigInteger($idClient)); return $locationId; } /** * Computes history ID of this hash chain. * * History ID is the number of seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC to * the time corresponding to the starting position of this hash chain * in the GuardTime calendar tree. * * This computation is only sensible for history chains. * * @param string $publicationId history ID corresponding to the root of the * calendar tree from which the history chain was extracted. * * @return GTBigInteger history ID computed on this history chain */ public function computeHistoryId($publicationId) { $N = $publicationId->add(new GTBigInteger(1)); $m = 0; // number of 1 bits in N $bits = $N->toBits(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bits); $i++) { if ($bits{$i} == '1') { $m++; } } $hashChainLength = count($this->entries); $hashChainDirs = new GTBigInteger(0); $i = $hashChainLength; while ($i > 0) { $i--; $hashChainDirs = $hashChainDirs->shiftLeft(1); $entry = $this->entries[$i]; if ($entry->getDirection() == 1) { $hashChainDirs = $hashChainDirs->bitOr(new GTBigInteger(1)); } } // number of leading zeroes in $hashChainDirs $bits = $hashChainDirs->toBits(); // pad to 64 bit while (strlen($bits) % 64 != 0) { $bits = '0' . $bits; } $z = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($bits); $i++) { if ($bits{$i} == '0') { $z++; } else { break; } } // Get leading zeros within `hashChainLen` number of last bits $z = $z - (64 - $hashChainLength); $count = 0; if ($z + 1 > $m) { $hashChainLength -= $m - 1; $count = 1; } else { $hashChainLength -= $z + 1; $count = $m - $z; } $mask = new GTBigInteger(0x1); $zero = new GTBigInteger(0x0); $i = 0; while ($i < $count && $N->comp($zero) > 0) { if ($N->bitAnd($mask)->comp($mask) == 0) { $N = $N->bitXOr($mask); $i++; } $mask = $mask->shiftLeft(1); } $hashChainDirs = $hashChainDirs->bitNot(); $mask = new GTBigInteger(0x1); $n = new GTBigInteger(0); $i = 0; while ($i < $hashChainLength) { if ($hashChainDirs->bitAnd($mask)->comp($mask) == 0) { $n = $n->add($mask); } $mask = $mask->shiftLeft(1); $i++; } $result = new GTBigInteger($n); $result = $result->add($N); return $result; } /** * Builds a new location hash chain out of the specified hash chain bytes. * * Hash chain bytes is a binary representation of a hash chain extracted * from the timestamp. * * @static * @param array $bytes byte array containing the hash chain bytes * @return GTHashChain hash chain object */ public static function getLocationInstance(array $bytes) { return new GTHashChain($bytes, true); } /** * Builds a new history hash chain out of the specified hash chain bytes. * * Hash chain bytes is a binary representation of a hash chain extracted * from the timestamp. * * @static * @param array $bytes byte array containing the hash chain bytes * @return GTHashChain hash chain object */ public static function getHistoryInstance(array $bytes) { return new GTHashChain($bytes, false); } } ?>