*/ // must be run within DokuWiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); if(!defined('DOKU_LF')) define('DOKU_LF',"\n"); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_gtd extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Michael Klier', 'email' => 'chi@chimeric.de', 'date' => @file_get_contents(DOKU_PLUGIN.'gtd/VERSION'), 'name' => 'GTD (Getting Things Done)', 'desc' => 'Implements a ToDo List following the principles of GTD.', 'url' => 'http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:gtd', ); } function getType() { return 'substition'; } function getPType() { return 'block'; } function getSort() { return 320; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('.+?',$mode,'plugin_gtd'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) { // check for modified expiries if(preg_match("##", $match, $params)) { if(!empty($params[1])) { $expiries = array(); if(preg_match_all("#((warn|due)=(\d+))#", $params[1], $opts)) { for($i=0;$i|#', '', $match); $todolist = $this->_todo2array($match, $expiries); return ($todolist); } /** * Creates the output * * @author Michael Klier */ function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if($mode == 'xhtml'){ $renderer->info['cache'] = false; $renderer->doc .= $this->_todolist_xhtml($data); return true; } return false; } /** * Parses the todo list into an associative array * * @author Michael Klier */ function _todo2array($data, $expiries) { global $conf; global $ACT; // check if we have a serialized todolist already if($ACT != 'save' and $ACT != 'preview' and $ACT != 'edit') { $fn = $this->_todoFN(md5($data)); if(file_exists($fn)) { return unserialize(io_readFile($fn, false)); } } $todos_bydate = array(); $todos_nodate = array(); $todolist = array(); $lines = explode("\n\n",trim($data)); foreach($lines as $line) { // skip empty lines if(empty($line)) continue; $todo = array(); $project = ''; $context = ''; $due = ''; $desc = ''; list($params, $desc) = explode("\n", trim($line)); $todo['desc'] = trim($desc); // check if done if($line{0} == '#') { $todo['done'] = true; $line = substr($line, 1); } else { $todo['done'] = false; } // filter context if(preg_match("#@(\S+)#", $params, $match)) { $todo['context'] = str_replace('_', ' ',$match[1]); $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } else { // no context was given - ignore continue; } // filter project if(preg_match("#\bp:(\S+)#", $params, $match)) { $todo['project'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $match[1]); $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } // filter warning expiries if(preg_match("#\bw:(\d{2})\b#", $params, $match)) { $expiries['warn'] = $match[1]; $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } // filter date if(preg_match("#\bd:(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\b#", $params, $match)) { $todo['date'] = $match[1]; $todo['priority'] = $this->_get_priority($todo['date'], $expiries); $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } elseif(preg_match("#\bd:(\d{2}-\d{2})#", $params, $match)) { $todo['date'] = date('Y') . '-' . $match[1]; $todo['priority'] = $this->_get_priority($todo['date'], $expiries); $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } elseif(preg_match("#\bd:(\d{2})\b#", $params, $match)) { $todo['date'] = date('Y') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . $match[1]; $todo['priority'] = $this->_get_priority($todo['date'], $expiries); $params = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $params)); } if($todo['date']) { $todos_bydate[$todo['date']][] = $todo; } else { array_push($todos_nodate, $todo); } } // do some expensive sorting $dates = array_keys($todos_bydate); natsort($dates); // sort todos by dates first foreach($dates as $date) { foreach($todos_bydate[$date] as $todo) { if(!empty($todo['project'])) { $todolist[$todo['context']]['projects'][$todo['project']][] = array( 'date' => $todo['date'], 'desc' => $todo['desc'], 'priority' => $todo['priority'], 'done' => $todo['done'] ); } else { $todolist[$todo['context']]['todos'][] = array( 'date' => $todo['date'], 'desc' => $todo['desc'], 'priority' => $todo['priority'], 'done' => $todo['done'] ); } } } // sort todos with no date provided foreach($todos_nodate as $todo) { if(!empty($todo['project'])) { $todolist[$todo['context']]['projects'][$todo['project']][] = array( 'desc' => $todo['desc'], 'priority' => $todo['priority'], 'done' => $todo['done'] ); } else { $todolist[$todo['context']]['todos'][] = array( 'desc' => $todo['desc'], 'priority' => $todo['priority'], 'done' => $todo['done'] ); } } // serialize todolist so we don't have to render it each time if($ACT == 'save') { if(!file_exists($conf['savedir'] . '/cache/gtd/')) { mkdir($conf['savedir'] . '/cache/gtd/', $conf['dmode']); } io_saveFile($this->_todoFN(md5($data)), serialize($todolist)); } // we're done return the list return ($todolist); } /** * Generates the XHTML output * * @author Michael Klier */ function _todolist_xhtml($todolist) { $out = ''; // create new renderer for the description part $renderer = & new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); $renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $renderer->entities = getEntities(); $renderer->acronyms = getAcronyms(); $renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); foreach($todolist as $context => $todos) { $out .= '
' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '

' . htmlspecialchars($context) . '

' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
    ' . DOKU_LF; if(!empty($todolist[$context]['projects'])) { foreach($todolist[$context]['projects'] as $project => $todos) { $out .= '
  • ' . htmlspecialchars($project) . '' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
      ' . DOKU_LF; foreach($todos as $todo) { $out .= @$this->_todo_xhtml(&$renderer, $todo); } $out .= '
    ' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
  • ' . DOKU_LF; } } if(!empty($todolist[$context]['todos'])) { $out .= '
  • ' . $this->getLang('noproject') . '' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
      ' . DOKU_LF; foreach($todolist[$context]['todos'] as $todo) { $out .= @$this->_todo_xhtml(&$renderer, $todo); } $out .= '
    ' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
  • ' . DOKU_LF; } $out .= '
' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
' . DOKU_LF; } return ($out); } /** * returns the xhtml for single todo item * * @author Michael Klier */ function _todo_xhtml(&$renderer, $todo) { $out = ''; // reset doc $renderer->doc = ''; $out .= '
  • ' . DOKU_LF; if(isset($todo['date'])) { $out .= '
    ' . $todo['date'] . '' . DOKU_LF; } $out .= '
    '; if($todo['done']) $out .= ''; // turn description into instructions $instructions = p_get_instructions($todo['desc']); // loop thru instructions foreach($instructions as $instruction) { call_user_func_array(array(&$renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]); } // strip


    $desc = $renderer->doc; $desc = str_replace("

    ", '', $desc); $desc = str_replace("

    ", '', $desc); $out .= $desc; if($todo['done']) $out .= '
    '; $out .= '
    ' . DOKU_LF; $out .= '
  • ' . DOKU_LF; return ($out); } /** * Calculates the priority by a given date string * and returns the CSS class to use * * @author Michael Klier */ function _get_priority($date, $expiries) { $ctime = time(); list($y,$m,$d) = explode('-', $date); $etime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); if(($etime - $ctime) < 0) return 'pass'; if(($etime - $ctime) <= 60*60*24*$expiries['due']) return 'due'; if(($etime - $ctime) <= 60*60*24*$expiries['warn']) return 'warn'; return 'upco'; } /** * Returns a file name to store the todolist * * @author Michael Klier */ function _todoFN($md5) { global $ID; global $conf; $ID = cleanID($ID); $ID = str_replace(':', '/', $ID); $ID = utf8_encodeFN($ID); $fn = $conf['savedir'] . '/cache/gtd/' . $ID . '.' . $md5 . '.gtd'; return ($fn); } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: