2020-04-03 Luffah * bug with multiple bccgroup * lint / simplify code (use mail_isvalid from dokuwiki core; add generic functions to validate fields and extract emails) 2018-12-06 David Cabernel * bug with bccgroup fixed 2018-11-30 David Cabernel * Added support for ccemail, ccuser, ccgroup * Added support for bccemail, bccuser, bccgroup 2018-06-26 David Cabernel * Plugin no longer works if dokuwiki is running under PHP7 because of ereg/eregi commands removed from it Replaced with preg_match command 2015-09-27 Roland Wunderling * Added support to email to emails, wikiusers, wikigroups controlled via toemail=..., touser=..., togroup=..., respectively * Added support to preset content text with content=.... * Added support for auto-control of from by setting autofrom=true * Disabled overriding subject when setting subject=... by no longer showing the subject input text box * changed plugin name to 'groupmail' (from 'moderncontact.) * added sendlog=..., to setup a log page where sent emails are logged ------------------------------------------------ 2013-01-25 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Changed plugin name (thanks to Tekki) 2012-06-09 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Spanish translation added (thanks to Cristian Wente) 2012-06-06 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Reply-to set to senders email address (thanks to Cristian Wente) 2011-09-14 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Polish translation added (thanks to Alex Setlak - http://alek.magazynek.org/) 2011-04-16 Marvin Thomas Rabe * If user is already logged in then email and name field are already filled. * Updated path to plugin wiki site. 2011-01-22 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Fixed localisation bug. * Added localization for success message. * Renamed some variables. * reCaptcha field has now a red border, if there is an error. 2011-01-05 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Changelog added. * Mistakes in language files fixed. * Renamed plugin name translation to "Modern Contact Form". * Error with captcha parameter solved. * Readme updated. 2010-12-28 Marvin Thomas Rabe * Initial release.