, based on code by Terence J. Grant */ $gads_loaded = 0; function gads_load() { global $gads_loaded, $gads_settings; $gads_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/local_pref.php'; if ($gads_loaded == 0) { if(file_exists($gads_file)) { include($gads_file); $gads_loaded = 1; } } } function gads_write($fp, $name, $val) { fwrite($fp, '$gads_settings[\''.$name.'\'] = \''.$val.'\';'."\n"); } function gads_save() { global $gads_loaded, $gads_settings; $gads_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/local_pref.php'; if (is_writable($gads_file) || is_writable(dirname(__FILE__))) { $fp = fopen($gads_file, "w"); fwrite($fp, ''.'Google Adsense pref saved successfully.'.''); } else { ptln('
'.'Google Adsense pref is not writable by the server.'.'
'); } } // this function should be included within some templates function gads_code($id, $styles=NULL) { global $gads_loaded, $gads_settings, $conf; $styles_array = gads_getstyle($styles); $code = gads_showADS($id, $styles_array); if ($code) { ptln($code); ptln('
'); } } function gads_getstyle($str) { if (!strlen($str)) return array(); $styles = array(); $tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $str, 9); // limit is defensive foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (preg_match('/^\d*\.?\d+(%|px|em|ex|pt|cm|mm|pi|in)$/', $token)) { $styles['width'] = $token; continue; } // restrict token (class names) characters to prevent any malicious data if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/',$token)) continue; $styles['class'] = (isset($styles['class']) ? $styles['class'].' ' : '').$token; } return $styles; } function gads_boxopen($style, $title=NULL) { if( $title ) { $class = "class='ads debug" . (isset($style['class']) ? ' '.$style['class'] : '') . "'"; } else { $class = "class='ads" . (isset($style['class']) ? ' '.$style['class'] : '') . "'"; } $style = isset($style['width']) ? " style='width: {$style['width']};'" : ''; $html = "
\n"; if( $title ) { $html .= "

" . $title . "

\n"; } return $html; } function gads_boxcontent($content) { return "
" . $content . "\n
\n"; } function gads_boxclose() { $html = "
\n"; return $html; } function gads_showADS($id, $style=NULL) { global $gads_loaded, $gads_settings, $conf; //FIXME: hardcoded value !! $id = 'googleads:' . $id; $obj = ''; if( !$gads_settings['enabled'] ) { $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } elseif( $gads_settings['dontcountadmin'] && auth_isadmin() ) { $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } elseif( $gads_settings['dontcountusers'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] ) { $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } elseif( $gads_settings['debug'] && auth_isadmin() ) { $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; $obj .= gads_boxopen($style, $id); $obj .= gads_boxcontent(gads_getADS($id)); $obj .= gads_boxclose(); $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } else { $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; $obj .= gads_boxopen($style); $obj .= gads_boxcontent(gads_getADS($id)); $obj .= gads_boxclose(); $obj .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } return $obj; } function gads_getADS($id) { global $gads_loaded, $gads_settings; $obj = ''; //check permission $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($id); if ($perm < AUTH_READ) return false; //Read embeded page $page = io_readfile(wikiFN($id)); //set pattern to be replaced $patterns[0] = '//'; $replacements[0] = $gads_settings['google_ad_client']; $patterns[1] = '//'; $replacements[1] = $gads_settings['google_color_border']; $patterns[2] = '//'; $replacements[2] = $gads_settings['google_color_bg']; $patterns[3] = '//'; $replacements[3] = $gads_settings['google_color_link']; $patterns[4] = '//'; $replacements[4] = $gads_settings['google_color_url']; $patterns[5] = '//'; $replacements[5] = $gads_settings['google_color_text']; //do replace $obj .= preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $page); return $obj; } //Load settings gads_load();