# Git repository log viewer for Dokuwiki This dokuwiki plugin displays your last commits for a given repository and the changed files. This plugin is based on: https://github.com/tuomasj/dokugitviewer ## Demo ![Image](screenshot.png?raw=true) ## Requirements: * Git * PHP5 ## Installation: - Clone or download this into plugins/ directory in your dokuwiki installation - if nessecary, rename directory to "gitlog" - activate plugin inside dokuwiki - goto admin configuration page, section "plugin/gitlog" and set up plugin - Add shortcode into your wiki page ## Configuration #### Location of your git executable Usally ```/usr/bin/git``` on linux maschines. If you use git on windows, use ```git```. #### Root directory for your repositories Put here the path, where your repositories are. This is optional! You can customize the path to your repo also within the shortcode. #### Date format Use php ```date()``` format strings. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php ## Usage Just add this into wiki page: ```` ```` Parameters in brackets [] are optional. Please dont use brackets within shortcode! ## Info Author: Alexander Wenzel (https://plus.google.com/+alexwenzel86) Plugin page: http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:gitlog