# Plugin Gitlab-Project Plugin Gitlab-Project display a Gitlab project inside Dokuwiki. ## Requirements This plugin does not need any requirements. ## Install Download Gitlab Project into your `${dokuwiki_root}/lib/plugins` folder and restart dokuwiki or use the Extension Manager. ## Configuration You can configure Gitlab-Project in the Configuration Manager of Dokuwiki: * **server.default**: Set your default Gitlab url, without slash ending. You can override this setting in `server.json` file. * **token.default**: Fill your admin token. You can override this setting in `server.json` file. * **unwanted.users**: If you want to not display some users of your project, add them here, separated by commas. Gitlab-Project will use this data by default. ## Syntax ### Default Syntax: ```php ``` **NAMESPACE** is the namespace of your project, typically the name of the user or group in which the project is located. **PROJECT_NAME** is the name of project. For e.g., if you have a project available at `http://my-gitlab/foo/bar`, the syntax will be: ```php ``` ### Override Server and Token Inside the root of the plugin, you will have a JSON file called: `server.json`. Inside you can add other servers and their tokens, than the one defined in the plugin settings. Just call it after by its name. E.g.: Say that you've the following json file: ```json { "second": { "url": "http://my-second-gitlab.com", "api_token": "a1a1a1a1a1a11a1a" }, "third": { "url": "http://my-third-gitlab.com", "api_token": "b2b2b2b2b2b222b2" } } ``` Then simply add `server` parameter: ```php ``` For further information, see also this plugins on [dokuwiki.org](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:gitlabproject).