# DokuWiki Plugin GitLab-Api Dokuwiki plugin to display some information from a GitLab project. ## Requirements The curl library (``php-curl``) for PHP is required. ## Install Download the plugin GitLab-Api into the `${dokuwiki_root}/lib/plugins` folder and restart DokuWiki or use the Extension Manager. ## Configuration The following values must be configured in the Configuration Manager: - **server.default**: Set your default GitLab url without slash ending. You can override this setting in `server.json` file. - **token.default**: Fill your admin token. You can override this setting in `server.json` file. ## Syntax ### Default Syntax ```php ``` - **NAMESPACE** is the namespace of your project. - **SUB_DIRS** is the sub-directories of your project if exists. - **PROJECT_NAME** is the name of your project. For instance, if your project is available at `http://gitlab.domain.com/ns/dir1/dir2/project`, then the syntax should be: ```php ``` ### Display Information The plugin displays following information if you add corresponded parameter: - **milestones="n"** lists the latest $n$ milestones. - **commits="n"** lists the latest $n$ commits. - **issues="n"** lists the latest $n$ issues. - **pipelines="n"** lists the latest $n$ pipelines. For instance, if you want to see the latest 3 milestones, 10 commits, 5 issues, and 10 pipelines, then the syntax will be: ```php ``` ### Override Server and Token There a JSON file `server.json` inside the root of plugin. You can add or change the servers and their tokens. For instance; you have a GitLab server namely `gitlab.home` and following JSON file: ```json { "gitlab.home": { "url": "", "token": "aabbccddeeffgghh" } } ``` Then you can add `server` parameter as follows: ```php ``` ## Thanks This plugis is an extended version of [Gitlab-Project](https://github.com/algorys/gitlabproject/). Thanks to [@algorys](https://github.com/algorys).