*/ $lang['pushAfterCommit'] = 'Push active branch to remote origin after every commit'; $lang['periodicPull'] = 'Pull the remote git repository every "periodicMinutes" triggered by a http page request'; $lang['periodicMinutes'] = 'Timespan (in minutes) between periodic pull requests'; $lang['commitPageMsg'] = 'Commit message for page edits (%user%,%summary%,%page% are replaced by the corresponding values)'; $lang['commitPageMsgDel'] = 'Commit message for deleted pages (%user%,%summary%,%page% are replaced by the corresponding values)'; $lang['commitMediaMsg'] = 'Commit message for media files (%user%,%media% are replaced by the corresponding values)'; $lang['commitMediaMsgDel'] = 'Commit message for deleted media files (%user%,%media% are replaced by the corresponding values)'; $lang['repoPath'] = 'Path of the git repo(s) (e.g. the savedir '.$GLOBALS['conf']['savedir'].')'; $lang['repoWorkDir'] = 'Path of the git working tree, must contain "pages" and "media" directories (e.g. the savedir '.$GLOBALS['conf']['savedir'].')'; $lang['gitPath'] = 'Path to the git binary (if empty, the default "/usr/bin/git" will be used)'; $lang['addParams'] = 'Additional git parameters (added to the git execution command) (%user% and %mail% are replaced by the corresponding values)'; $lang['ignorePaths'] = 'Paths/files which are ignored and not added to git (comma-separated)'; $lang['emailAddressOnError'] = 'If set, in case of a git error an eMail will be sent to this address rather than confusing the end user by the Exception raised. Multiple mail addresses can be configured comma separated'; $lang['notifyByMailOnSuccess'] = 'If emailAddressOnError is defined, an eMail will be sent on any git commit. This is supposed to be used for eMail notification test purposes only';