==== Tooltip Plugin Changelog ==== 2010-06-01 Luis Machuca Bezzaza * DokuWiki page: corrected link to HTTP version. * style.css: (add) Screen-mode stylesheet. * print.css: (add) Print-mode stylesheet. * syntax.php: improved output with tooltip, print-stylesheet compatibility. * syntax.php: plugin syntax now accepts comma as decimal separator. * syntax.php: the plugin checks for connectivity to Yahoo Services on load. 2009-10-04 Luis Machuca Bezzaza * DokuWiki page: corrected download and demo links to HTTPS. 2009-10-04 Luis Machuca Bezzaza * Version: 0.2b * lang/: (add) Support for English and Spanish languages (en, es). * syntax.php: (add) Basic form of caching for conversion factor. Instead of performing (input*source*targets) requests to Yahoo Finances, the plugin now performs only (source*targets) requests, thus reducing traffic and server load in about one order of magnitude. * syntax.php: (add) Basic support for the text renderer. * README: created 2009-06-22 Luis Machuca Bezzaza * DokuWiki page: (add) created 2009-06-21 Luis Machuca Bezzaza * Version: 0.1b * Tagged as: Experimental. * First documented release