getComponents() as $i => $component) { if ($component->numPoints() < 4) { throw new InvalidGeometryException( 'Cannot create Polygon: Invalid number of points in LinearRing. Found ' . $component->numPoints() . ', expected more than 3' ); } if (!$component->isClosed()) { if ($forceCreate) { $this->components[$i] = new LineString( array_merge($component->getComponents(), [$component->startPoint()]) ); } else { throw new InvalidGeometryException( 'Cannot create Polygon: contains non-closed ring (first point: ' . implode(' ', $component->startPoint()->asArray()) . ', last point: ' . implode(' ', $component->endPoint()->asArray()) . ')' ); } } // This check is tooo expensive //if (!$component->isSimple() && !$forceCreate) { // throw new \Exception('Cannot create Polygon: geometry should be simple'); //} } } public function geometryType() { return Geometry::POLYGON; } public function dimension() { return 2; } /** * @param bool|false $exteriorOnly Calculate the area of exterior ring only, or the polygon with holes * @param bool|false $signed Usually we want to get positive area, but vertices order (CW or CCW) can be determined from signed area. * * @return float|null */ public function area($exteriorOnly = false, $signed = false) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return 0.0; } if ($this->getGeos() && $exteriorOnly == false) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->area(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $exteriorRing = $this->components[0]; $points = $exteriorRing->getComponents(); $pointCount = count($points); if ($pointCount === 0) { return null; } $a = 0.0; foreach ($points as $k => $p) { $j = ($k + 1) % $pointCount; $a = $a + ($p->x() * $points[$j]->y()) - ($p->y() * $points[$j]->x()); } $area = $signed ? ($a / 2) : abs(($a / 2)); if ($exteriorOnly == true) { return $area; } foreach ($this->components as $delta => $component) { if ($delta != 0) { $innerPoly = new Polygon([$component]); $area -= $innerPoly->area(); } } return $area; } /** * @return Point */ public function centroid() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return new Point(); } if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return geoPHP::geosToGeometry($this->getGeos()->centroid()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $x = 0; $y = 0; $totalArea = 0; foreach ($this->getComponents() as $i => $component) { $ca = $this->getRingCentroidAndArea($component); if ($i == 0) { $totalArea += $ca['area']; $x += $ca['x'] * $ca['area']; $y += $ca['y'] * $ca['area']; } else { $totalArea -= $ca['area']; $x += $ca['x'] * $ca['area'] * -1; $y += $ca['y'] * $ca['area'] * -1; } } if ($totalArea == 0.0) { return new Point(); } return new Point($x / $totalArea, $y / $totalArea); } /** * @param LineString $ring * @return array */ protected function getRingCentroidAndArea($ring) { $area = (new Polygon([$ring]))->area(true, true); $points = $ring->getPoints(); $pointCount = count($points); if ($pointCount === 0 || $area == 0.0) { return ['area' => 0, 'x' => null, 'y' => null]; } $x = 0; $y = 0; foreach ($points as $k => $point) { $j = ($k + 1) % $pointCount; $P = ($point->x() * $points[$j]->y()) - ($point->y() * $points[$j]->x()); $x += ($point->x() + $points[$j]->x()) * $P; $y += ($point->y() + $points[$j]->y()) * $P; } return ['area' => abs($area), 'x' => $x / (6 * $area), 'y' => $y / (6 * $area)]; } /** * Find the outermost point from the centroid * * @returns Point The outermost point */ public function outermostPoint() { $centroid = $this->centroid(); if ($centroid->isEmpty()) { return $centroid; } $maxDistance = 0; $maxPoint = null; foreach ($this->exteriorRing()->getPoints() as $point) { $distance = $centroid->distance($point); if ($distance > $maxDistance) { $maxDistance = $distance; $maxPoint = $point; } } return $maxPoint; } /** * @return LineString */ public function exteriorRing() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return new LineString(); } return $this->components[0]; } public function numInteriorRings() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return 0; } return $this->numGeometries() - 1; } public function interiorRingN($n) { return $this->geometryN($n + 1); } public function isSimple() { if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->isSimple(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $segments = $this->explode(true); //TODO: instead of this O(n^2) algorithm implement Shamos-Hoey Algorithm which is only O(n*log(n)) foreach ($segments as $i => $segment) { foreach ($segments as $j => $checkSegment) { if ($i != $j) { if (Geometry::segmentIntersects($segment[0], $segment[1], $checkSegment[0], $checkSegment[1])) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * For a given point, determine whether it's bounded by the given polygon. * Adapted from @source * * @see * * @param Point $point * @param boolean $pointOnBoundary - whether a boundary should be considered "in" or not * @param boolean $pointOnVertex - whether a vertex should be considered "in" or not * @return boolean */ public function pointInPolygon($point, $pointOnBoundary = true, $pointOnVertex = true) { $vertices = $this->getPoints(); // Check if the point sits exactly on a vertex if ($this->pointOnVertex($point, $vertices)) { return $pointOnVertex ? true : false; } // Check if the point is inside the polygon or on the boundary $intersections = 0; $verticesCount = count($vertices); for ($i = 1; $i < $verticesCount; $i++) { $vertex1 = $vertices[$i - 1]; $vertex2 = $vertices[$i]; if ( $vertex1->y() == $vertex2->y() && $vertex1->y() == $point->y() && $point->x() > min($vertex1->x(), $vertex2->x()) && $point->x() < max($vertex1->x(), $vertex2->x()) ) { // Check if point is on an horizontal polygon boundary return $pointOnBoundary ? true : false; } if ( $point->y() > min($vertex1->y(), $vertex2->y()) && $point->y() <= max($vertex1->y(), $vertex2->y()) && $point->x() <= max($vertex1->x(), $vertex2->x()) && $vertex1->y() != $vertex2->y() ) { $xinters = ($point->y() - $vertex1->y()) * ($vertex2->x() - $vertex1->x()) / ($vertex2->y() - $vertex1->y()) + $vertex1->x(); if ($xinters == $point->x()) { // Check if point is on the polygon boundary (other than horizontal) return $pointOnBoundary ? true : false; } if ($vertex1->x() == $vertex2->x() || $point->x() <= $xinters) { $intersections++; } } } // If the number of edges we passed through is even, then it's in the polygon. if ($intersections % 2 != 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @param Point $point * @return bool */ public function pointOnVertex($point) { foreach ($this->getPoints() as $vertex) { if ($point->equals($vertex)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the given geometry is spatially inside the Polygon * TODO: rewrite this. Currently supports point, linestring and polygon with only outer ring * @param Geometry $geometry * @return bool */ public function contains(Geometry $geometry) { if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->contains($geometry->getGeos()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $isInside = false; foreach ($geometry->getPoints() as $p) { if ($this->pointInPolygon($p)) { $isInside = true; // at least one point of the innerPoly is inside the outerPoly break; } } if (!$isInside) { return false; } if ($geometry->geometryType() == Geometry::LINE_STRING) { } elseif ($geometry->geometryType() == Geometry::POLYGON) { $geometry = $geometry->exteriorRing(); } else { return false; } foreach ($geometry->explode(true) as $innerEdge) { foreach ($this->exteriorRing()->explode(true) as $outerEdge) { if (Geometry::segmentIntersects($innerEdge[0], $innerEdge[1], $outerEdge[0], $outerEdge[1])) { return false; } } } return true; } public function getBBox() { return $this->exteriorRing()->getBBox(); } public function boundary() { // TODO: Implement boundary() method. throw new UnsupportedMethodException(__METHOD__); } }