components); } /** * Returns the 1-based Nth point of the LineString. * Negative values are counted backwards from the end of the LineString. * * @param int $n Nth point of the LineString * @return Point|null */ public function pointN($n) { return $n >= 0 ? $this->geometryN($n) : $this->geometryN(count($this->components) - abs($n + 1)); } public function centroid() { return $this->getCentroidAndLength(); } public function getCentroidAndLength(&$length = 0.0) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return new Point(); } if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return geoPHP::geosToGeometry($this->getGeos()->centroid()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $x = 0; $y = 0; $length = 0.0; /** @var Point $previousPoint */ $previousPoint = null; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($previousPoint) { // Equivalent to $previousPoint->distance($point) but much faster $segmentLength = sqrt( pow(($previousPoint->x() - $point->x()), 2) + pow(($previousPoint->y() - $point->y()), 2) ); $length += $segmentLength; $x += ($previousPoint->x() + $point->x()) / 2 * $segmentLength; $y += ($previousPoint->y() + $point->y()) / 2 * $segmentLength; } $previousPoint = $point; } if ($length === 0.0) { return $this->startPoint(); } return new Point($x / $length, $y / $length); } /** * Returns the length of this Curve in its associated spatial reference. * Eg. if Geometry is in geographical coordinate system it returns the length in degrees * @return float|int */ public function length() { if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->length(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $length = 0.0; /** @var Point $previousPoint */ $previousPoint = null; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($previousPoint) { $length += sqrt( pow(($previousPoint->x() - $point->x()), 2) + pow(($previousPoint->y() - $point->y()), 2) ); } $previousPoint = $point; } return $length; } public function length3D() { $length = 0.0; /** @var Point $previousPoint */ $previousPoint = null; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($previousPoint) { $length += sqrt( pow(($previousPoint->x() - $point->x()), 2) + pow(($previousPoint->y() - $point->y()), 2) + pow(($previousPoint->z() - $point->z()), 2) ); } $previousPoint = $point; } return $length; } /** * @param float|null $radius Earth radius * @return float Length in meters */ public function greatCircleLength($radius = geoPHP::EARTH_WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS) { $length = 0.0; $rad = M_PI / 180; $points = $this->getPoints(); $numPoints = $this->numPoints() - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $numPoints; ++$i) { // Simplified Vincenty formula with equal major and minor axes (a sphere) $lat1 = $points[$i]->y() * $rad; $lat2 = $points[$i + 1]->y() * $rad; $lon1 = $points[$i]->x() * $rad; $lon2 = $points[$i + 1]->x() * $rad; $deltaLon = $lon2 - $lon1; $d = $radius * atan2( sqrt( pow(cos($lat2) * sin($deltaLon), 2) + pow(cos($lat1) * sin($lat2) - sin($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($deltaLon), 2) ), sin($lat1) * sin($lat2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($deltaLon) ); if ($points[$i]->is3D()) { $d = sqrt( pow($d, 2) + pow($points[$i + 1]->z() - $points[$i]->z(), 2) ); } $length += $d; } // Returns length in meters. return $length; } /** * @return float Haversine length of geometry in degrees */ public function haversineLength() { $distance = 0.0; $points = $this->getPoints(); $numPoints = $this->numPoints() - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $numPoints; ++$i) { $point = $points[$i]; $nextPoint = $points[$i + 1]; $degree = (geoPHP::EARTH_WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS * acos( sin(deg2rad($point->y())) * sin(deg2rad($nextPoint->y())) + cos(deg2rad($point->y())) * cos(deg2rad($nextPoint->y())) * cos(deg2rad(abs($point->x() - $nextPoint->x()))) ) ); if (!is_nan($degree)) { $distance += $degree; } } return $distance; } /** * @source * @author Marcus Jaschen * @license GPL * (note: geoPHP uses "GPL version 2 (or later)" license which is compatible with GPLv3) * * @return float Length in meters */ public function vincentyLength() { $length = 0.0; $rad = M_PI / 180; $points = $this->getPoints(); $numPoints = $this->numPoints() - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $numPoints; ++$i) { // Inverse Vincenty formula $lat1 = $points[$i]->y() * $rad; $lat2 = $points[$i + 1]->y() * $rad; $lng1 = $points[$i]->x() * $rad; $lng2 = $points[$i + 1]->x() * $rad; $a = geoPHP::EARTH_WGS84_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS; $b = geoPHP::EARTH_WGS84_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS; $f = 1 / geoPHP::EARTH_WGS84_FLATTENING; $L = $lng2 - $lng1; $U1 = atan((1 - $f) * tan($lat1)); $U2 = atan((1 - $f) * tan($lat2)); $iterationLimit = 100; $lambda = $L; $sinU1 = sin($U1); $sinU2 = sin($U2); $cosU1 = cos($U1); $cosU2 = cos($U2); do { $sinLambda = sin($lambda); $cosLambda = cos($lambda); $sinSigma = sqrt( ($cosU2 * $sinLambda) * ($cosU2 * $sinLambda) + ($cosU1 * $sinU2 - $sinU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda) * ($cosU1 * $sinU2 - $sinU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda) ); if ($sinSigma == 0) { return 0.0; } $cosSigma = $sinU1 * $sinU2 + $cosU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda; $sigma = atan2($sinSigma, $cosSigma); $sinAlpha = $cosU1 * $cosU2 * $sinLambda / $sinSigma; $cosSqAlpha = 1 - $sinAlpha * $sinAlpha; $cos2SigmaM = 0; if ($cosSqAlpha <> 0) { $cos2SigmaM = $cosSigma - 2 * $sinU1 * $sinU2 / $cosSqAlpha; } $C = $f / 16 * $cosSqAlpha * (4 + $f * (4 - 3 * $cosSqAlpha)); $lambdaP = $lambda; $lambda = $L + (1 - $C) * $f * $sinAlpha * ($sigma + $C * $sinSigma * ($cos2SigmaM + $C * $cosSigma * (- 1 + 2 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM))); } while (abs($lambda - $lambdaP) > 1e-12 && --$iterationLimit > 0); if ($iterationLimit == 0) { return null; // not converging } $uSq = $cosSqAlpha * ($a * $a - $b * $b) / ($b * $b); $A = 1 + $uSq / 16384 * (4096 + $uSq * (- 768 + $uSq * (320 - 175 * $uSq))); $B = $uSq / 1024 * (256 + $uSq * (- 128 + $uSq * (74 - 47 * $uSq))); $deltaSigma = $B * $sinSigma * ($cos2SigmaM + $B / 4 * ($cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM) - $B / 6 * $cos2SigmaM * (-3 + 4 * $sinSigma * $sinSigma) * (-3 + 4 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM))); $length += $b * $A * ($sigma - $deltaSigma); } // Returns length in meters. return $length; } public function minimumZ() { $min = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($point->hasZ() && $point->z() < $min) { $min = $point->z(); } } return $min < PHP_INT_MAX ? $min : null; } public function maximumZ() { $max = ~PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($point->hasZ() && $point->z() > $max) { $max = $point->z(); } } return $max > ~PHP_INT_MAX ? $max : null; } public function zDifference() { if ($this->startPoint()->hasZ() && $this->endPoint()->hasZ()) { return abs($this->startPoint()->z() - $this->endPoint()->z()); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the cumulative elevation gain of the LineString * * @param int|float|null $verticalTolerance Smoothing factor filtering noisy elevation data. * Its unit equals to the z-coordinates unit (meters for geographical coordinates) * If the elevation data comes from a DEM, a value around 3.5 can be acceptable. * * @return float */ public function elevationGain($verticalTolerance = 0) { $gain = 0.0; $lastEle = $this->startPoint()->z(); $pointCount = $this->numPoints(); foreach ($this->getPoints() as $i => $point) { if (abs($point->z() - $lastEle) > $verticalTolerance || $i === $pointCount - 1) { if ($point->z() > $lastEle) { $gain += $point->z() - $lastEle; } $lastEle = $point->z(); } } return $gain; } /** * Returns the cumulative elevation loss of the LineString * * @param int|float|null $verticalTolerance Smoothing factor filtering noisy elevation data. * Its unit equals to the z-coordinates unit (meters for geographical coordinates) * If the elevation data comes from a DEM, a value around 3.5 can be acceptable. * * @return float */ public function elevationLoss($verticalTolerance = 0) { $loss = 0.0; $lastEle = $this->startPoint()->z(); $pointCount = $this->numPoints(); foreach ($this->getPoints() as $i => $point) { if (abs($point->z() - $lastEle) > $verticalTolerance || $i === $pointCount - 1) { if ($point->z() < $lastEle) { $loss += $lastEle - $point->z(); } $lastEle = $point->z(); } } return $loss; } public function minimumM() { $min = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($point->isMeasured() && $point->m() < $min) { $min = $point->m(); } } return $min < PHP_INT_MAX ? $min : null; } public function maximumM() { $max = ~PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($this->getPoints() as $point) { if ($point->isMeasured() && $point->m() > $max) { $max = $point->m(); } } return $max > ~PHP_INT_MAX ? $max : null; } /** * Get all line segments * @param bool $toArray return segments as LineString or array of start and end points * * @return LineString[]|array[Point] */ public function explode($toArray = false) { $points = $this->getPoints(); $numPoints = count($points); if ($numPoints < 2) { return []; } $parts = []; for ($i = 1; $i < $numPoints; ++$i) { $segment = [$points[$i - 1], $points[$i]]; $parts[] = $toArray ? $segment : new LineString($segment); } return $parts; } /** * Checks that LineString is a Simple Geometry * * @return boolean */ public function isSimple() { if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->isSimple(); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // As of OGR specification a ring is simple only if its start and end points equals in all coordinates // Neither GEOS, nor PostGIS support it // if ($this->hasZ() // && $this->startPoint()->equals($this->endPoint()) // && $this->startPoint()->z() !== $this->endPoint()->z() // ) { // return false; // } $segments = $this->explode(true); foreach ($segments as $i => $segment) { foreach ($segments as $j => $checkSegment) { if ($i != $j) { if (Geometry::segmentIntersects($segment[0], $segment[1], $checkSegment[0], $checkSegment[1])) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * @param LineString $segment * @return bool */ public function lineSegmentIntersect($segment) { return Geometry::segmentIntersects( $this->startPoint(), $this->endPoint(), $segment->startPoint(), $segment->endPoint() ); } /** * @param Geometry|Collection $geometry * @return float|null */ public function distance($geometry) { if ($this->getGeos()) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ return $this->getGeos()->distance($geometry->getGeos()); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if ($geometry->geometryType() == Geometry::POINT) { // This is defined in the Point class nicely return $geometry->distance($this); } if ($geometry->geometryType() == Geometry::LINE_STRING) { $distance = null; $geometrySegments = $geometry->explode(); foreach ($this->explode() as $seg1) { /** @var LineString $seg2 */ foreach ($geometrySegments as $seg2) { if ($seg1->lineSegmentIntersect($seg2)) { return 0.0; } // Because line-segments are straight, the shortest distance will occur at an endpoint. // If they are parallel an endpoint calculation is still accurate. $checkDistance1 = $seg1->startPoint()->distance($seg2); $checkDistance2 = $seg1->endPoint()->distance($seg2); $checkDistance3 = $seg2->startPoint()->distance($seg1); $checkDistance4 = $seg2->endPoint()->distance($seg1); $checkDistance = min($checkDistance1, $checkDistance2, $checkDistance3, $checkDistance4); if ($checkDistance === 0.0) { return 0.0; } if ($distance === null || $checkDistance < $distance) { $distance = $checkDistance; } } } return $distance; } else { // It can be treated as collection return parent::distance($geometry); } } }