OpenStreetMap XML encoder/decoder * * This adapter is not ready yet. It lacks a relation writer, and the reader has problems with invalid multipolygons * Since geoPHP doesn't support metadata, it cannot read and write OSM tags. */ class OSM implements GeoAdapter { const OSM_COORDINATE_PRECISION = '%.7f'; const OSM_API_URL = ''; /** @var \DOMDocument $xmlObj */ protected $xmlObj; protected $nodes = []; protected $ways = []; protected $idCounter = 0; /** * Read OpenStreetMap XML string into geometry objects * * @param string $osm An OSM XML string * * @return Geometry|GeometryCollection * @throws \Exception */ public function read($osm) { // Load into DOMDocument $xmlobj = new \DOMDocument(); $xmlobj->loadXML($osm); if ($xmlobj === false) { throw new \Exception("Invalid OSM XML: " . substr($osm, 0, 100)); } $this->xmlObj = $xmlobj; try { $geom = $this->geomFromXML(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception("Cannot read geometries from OSM XML: " . $e->getMessage()); } return $geom; } protected function geomFromXML() { $geometries = []; // Processing OSM Nodes $nodes = []; foreach ($this->xmlObj->getElementsByTagName('node') as $node) { /** @var \DOMElement $node */ $lat = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('lat')->nodeValue; $lon = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('lon')->nodeValue; $id = intval($node->attributes->getNamedItem('id')->nodeValue); $tags = []; foreach ($node->getElementsByTagName('tag') as $tag) { $key = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('k')->nodeValue; if ($key === 'source' || $key === 'fixme' || $key === 'created_by') { continue; } $tags[$key] = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('v')->nodeValue; } $nodes[$id] = [ 'point' => new Point($lon, $lat), 'assigned' => false, 'tags' => $tags ]; } if (empty($nodes)) { return new GeometryCollection(); } // Processing OSM Ways $ways = []; foreach ($this->xmlObj->getElementsByTagName('way') as $way) { /** @var \DOMElement $way */ $id = intval($way->attributes->getNamedItem('id')->nodeValue); $wayNodes = []; foreach ($way->getElementsByTagName('nd') as $node) { $ref = intval($node->attributes->getNamedItem('ref')->nodeValue); if (isset($nodes[$ref])) { $nodes[$ref]['assigned'] = true; $wayNodes[] = $ref; } } $tags = []; foreach ($way->getElementsByTagName('tag') as $tag) { $key = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('k')->nodeValue; if ($key === 'source' || $key === 'fixme' || $key === 'created_by') { continue; } $tags[$key] = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('v')->nodeValue; } if (count($wayNodes) >= 2) { $ways[$id] = [ 'nodes' => $wayNodes, 'assigned' => false, 'tags' => $tags, 'isRing' => ($wayNodes[0] === $wayNodes[count($wayNodes) - 1]) ]; } } // Processing OSM Relations foreach ($this->xmlObj->getElementsByTagName('relation') as $relation) { /** @var \DOMElement $relation */ /** @var Point[] */ $relationPoints = []; /** @var LineString[] */ $relationLines = []; /** @var Polygon[] */ $relationPolygons = []; static $polygonalTypes = ['multipolygon', 'boundary']; static $linearTypes = ['route', 'waterway']; $relationType = null; foreach ($relation->getElementsByTagName('tag') as $tag) { if ($tag->attributes->getNamedItem('k')->nodeValue == 'type') { $relationType = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('v')->nodeValue; } } // Collect relation members /** @var array[] $relationWays */ $relationWays = []; foreach ($relation->getElementsByTagName('member') as $member) { $memberType = $member->attributes->getNamedItem('type')->nodeValue; $ref = $member->attributes->getNamedItem('ref')->nodeValue; if ($memberType === 'node' && isset($nodes[$ref])) { $nodes[$ref]['assigned'] = true; $relationPoints[] = $nodes[$ref]['point']; } if ($memberType === 'way' && isset($ways[$ref])) { $ways[$ref]['assigned'] = true; $relationWays[$ref] = $ways[$ref]['nodes']; } } if (in_array($relationType, $polygonalTypes)) { $relationPolygons = $this->processMultipolygon($relationWays, $nodes); } if (in_array($relationType, $linearTypes)) { $relationLines = $this->processRoutes($relationWays, $nodes); } // Assemble relation geometries $geometryCollection = []; if (!empty($relationPolygons)) { $geometryCollection[] = count($relationPolygons) == 1 ? $relationPolygons[0] : new MultiPolygon($relationPolygons); } if (!empty($relationLines)) { $geometryCollection[] = count($relationLines) == 1 ? $relationLines[0] : new MultiLineString($relationLines); } if (!empty($relationPoints)) { $geometryCollection[] = count($relationPoints) == 1 ? $relationPoints[0] : new MultiPoint($relationPoints); } if (!empty($geometryCollection)) { $geometries[] = count($geometryCollection) == 1 ? $geometryCollection[0] : new GeometryCollection($geometryCollection); } } // Process ways foreach ($ways as $way) { if ( (!$way['assigned'] || !empty($way['tags'])) && !isset($way['tags']['boundary']) && (!isset($way['tags']['natural']) || $way['tags']['natural'] !== 'mountain_range') ) { $linePoints = []; foreach ($way['nodes'] as $wayNode) { $linePoints[] = $nodes[$wayNode]['point']; } $line = new LineString($linePoints); if ($way['isRing']) { $polygon = new Polygon([$line]); if ($polygon->isSimple()) { $geometries[] = $polygon; } else { $geometries[] = $line; } } else { $geometries[] = $line; } } } foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (!$node['assigned'] || !empty($node['tags'])) { $geometries[] = $node['point']; } } //var_dump($geometries); return count($geometries) == 1 ? $geometries[0] : new GeometryCollection($geometries); } protected function processRoutes(&$relationWays, &$nodes) { // Construct lines /** @var LineString[] $lineStrings */ $lineStrings = []; while (count($relationWays) > 0) { $line = array_shift($relationWays); if ($line[0] !== $line[count($line) - 1]) { do { $waysAdded = 0; foreach ($relationWays as $id => $wayNodes) { // Last node of ring = first node of way => put way to the end of ring if ($line[count($line) - 1] === $wayNodes[0]) { $line = array_merge($line, array_slice($wayNodes, 1)); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // Last node of ring = last node of way => reverse way and put to the end of ring } elseif ($line[count($line) - 1] === $wayNodes[count($wayNodes) - 1]) { $line = array_merge($line, array_slice(array_reverse($wayNodes), 1)); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // First node of ring = last node of way => put way to the beginning of ring } elseif ($line[0] === $wayNodes[count($wayNodes) - 1]) { $line = array_merge(array_slice($wayNodes, 0, count($wayNodes) - 1), $line); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // First node of ring = first node of way => reverse way and put to the beginning of ring } elseif ($line[0] === $wayNodes[0]) { $line = array_merge(array_reverse(array_slice($wayNodes, 1)), $line); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; } } // If line members are not ordered, we need to repeat end matching some times } while ($waysAdded > 0); } // Create the new LineString $linePoints = []; foreach ($line as $lineNode) { $linePoints[] = $nodes[$lineNode]['point']; } $lineStrings[] = new LineString($linePoints); } return $lineStrings; } protected function processMultipolygon(&$relationWays, &$nodes) { /* TODO: what to do with broken rings? * I propose to force-close if start -> end point distance is less then 10% of line length, otherwise drop it. * But if dropped, its inner ring will be outers, which is not good. * We should save the role for each ring (outer, inner, mixed) during ring creation and check it during ring grouping */ // Construct rings /** @var Polygon[] $rings */ $rings = []; while (!empty($relationWays)) { $ring = array_shift($relationWays); if ($ring[0] !== $ring[count($ring) - 1]) { do { $waysAdded = 0; foreach ($relationWays as $id => $wayNodes) { // Last node of ring = first node of way => put way to the end of ring if ($ring[count($ring) - 1] === $wayNodes[0]) { $ring = array_merge($ring, array_slice($wayNodes, 1)); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // Last node of ring = last node of way => reverse way and put to the end of ring } elseif ($ring[count($ring) - 1] === $wayNodes[count($wayNodes) - 1]) { $ring = array_merge($ring, array_slice(array_reverse($wayNodes), 1)); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // First node of ring = last node of way => put way to the beginning of ring } elseif ($ring[0] === $wayNodes[count($wayNodes) - 1]) { $ring = array_merge(array_slice($wayNodes, 0, count($wayNodes) - 1), $ring); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; // First node of ring = first node of way => reverse way and put to the beginning of ring } elseif ($ring[0] === $wayNodes[0]) { $ring = array_merge(array_reverse(array_slice($wayNodes, 1)), $ring); unset($relationWays[$id]); $waysAdded++; } } // If ring members are not ordered, we need to repeat end matching some times } while ($waysAdded > 0 && $ring[0] !== $ring[count($ring) - 1]); } // Create the new Polygon if ($ring[0] === $ring[count($ring) - 1]) { $ringPoints = []; foreach ($ring as $ringNode) { $ringPoints[] = $nodes[$ringNode]['point']; } $newPolygon = new Polygon([new LineString($ringPoints)]); if ($newPolygon->isSimple()) { $rings[] = $newPolygon; } } } // Calculate containment $containment = array_fill(0, count($rings), array_fill(0, count($rings), false)); foreach ($rings as $i => $ring) { foreach ($rings as $j => $ring2) { if ($i !== $j && $ring->contains($ring2)) { $containment[$i][$j] = true; } } } $containmentCount = count($containment); /* print '   '; for($i=0; $igetNumberOfPoints() . ' '; } print "
"; for($i=0; $igetNumberOfPoints() . ' '; for($j=0; $j"; }*/ // Group rings (outers and inners) /** @var boolean[] $found */ $found = array_fill(0, $containmentCount, false); $foundCount = 0; $round = 0; /** @var int[][] $polygonsRingIds */ $polygonsRingIds = []; /** @var Polygon[] $relationPolygons */ $relationPolygons = []; while ($foundCount < $containmentCount && $round < 100) { $ringsFound = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $containmentCount; $i++) { if ($found[$i]) { continue; } $containCount = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($containment[$i]); $j++) { if (!$found[$j]) { $containCount += $containment[$j][$i]; } } if ($containCount === 0) { $ringsFound[] = $i; } } if ($round % 2 === 0) { $polygonsRingIds = []; } foreach ($ringsFound as $ringId) { $found[$ringId] = true; $foundCount++; if ($round % 2 === 1) { foreach ($polygonsRingIds as $outerId => $polygon) { if ($containment[$outerId][$ringId]) { $polygonsRingIds[$outerId][] = $ringId; } } } else { $polygonsRingIds[$ringId] = [0 => $ringId]; } } if ($round % 2 === 1 || $foundCount === $containmentCount) { foreach ($polygonsRingIds as $k => $ringGroup) { $linearRings = []; foreach ($ringGroup as $polygonRing) { $linearRings[] = $rings[$polygonRing]->exteriorRing(); } $relationPolygons[] = new Polygon($linearRings); } } ++$round; } return $relationPolygons; } public function write(Geometry $geometry) { $this->processGeometry($geometry); $osm = "\n\n"; foreach ($this->nodes as $latlon => $node) { $latlon = explode('_', $latlon); $osm .= " \n"; } foreach ($this->ways as $wayId => $way) { $osm .= " \n"; foreach ($way as $nodeId) { $osm .= " \n"; } $osm .= " \n"; } $osm .= ""; return $osm; } /** * @param Geometry $geometry */ protected function processGeometry($geometry) { if (!$geometry->isEmpty()) { switch ($geometry->geometryType()) { case Geometry::POINT: /** @var Point $geometry */ $this->processPoint($geometry); break; case Geometry::LINE_STRING: /** @var LineString $geometry */ $this->processLineString($geometry); break; case Geometry::POLYGON: /** @var Polygon $geometry */ $this->processPolygon($geometry); break; case Geometry::MULTI_POINT: case Geometry::MULTI_LINE_STRING: case Geometry::MULTI_POLYGON: case Geometry::GEOMETRY_COLLECTION: /** @var Collection $geometry */ $this->processCollection($geometry); break; } } } /** * @param Point $point * @param bool|false $isWayPoint * @return int */ protected function processPoint($point, $isWayPoint = false) { $nodePosition = sprintf(self::OSM_COORDINATE_PRECISION . '_' . self::OSM_COORDINATE_PRECISION, $point->y(), $point->x()); if (!isset($this->nodes[$nodePosition])) { $this->nodes[$nodePosition] = ['id' => --$this->idCounter, "used" => $isWayPoint]; return $this->idCounter; } else { if ($isWayPoint) { $this->nodes[$nodePosition]['used'] = true; } return $this->nodes[$nodePosition]['id']; } } /** * @param LineString $line */ protected function processLineString($line) { $nodes = []; foreach ($line->getPoints() as $point) { $nodes[] = $this->processPoint($point, true); } $this->ways[--$this->idCounter] = $nodes; } /** * @param Polygon $polygon */ protected function processPolygon($polygon) { // TODO: Support interior rings $this->processLineString($polygon->exteriorRing()); } /** * @param Collection $collection */ protected function processCollection($collection) { // TODO: multi geometries should be converted to relations foreach ($collection->getComponents() as $component) { $this->processGeometry($component); } } public static function downloadFromOSMByBbox($left, $bottom, $right, $top) { /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ set_error_handler( function ($errNO, $errStr, $errFile, $errLine, $errContext) { if (isset($errContext['http_response_header'])) { foreach ($errContext['http_response_header'] as $line) { if (strpos($line, 'Error: ') > -1) { throw new \Exception($line); } } } throw new \Exception('unknown error'); }, E_WARNING ); try { $osmFile = file_get_contents(self::OSM_API_URL . "map?bbox={$left},{$bottom},{$right},{$top}"); restore_error_handler(); return $osmFile; } catch (\Exception $e) { restore_error_handler(); throw new \Exception("Failed to download from OSM. " . $e->getMessage()); } } }