* @author Joe Lapp * @author Dave Doyle * @author Gerry Weissbach */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JpegMeta.php'); class syntax_plugin_gallery extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Andreas Gohr', 'email' => 'andi@splitbrain.org', 'date' => '2007-11-06', 'name' => 'Gallery Plugin', 'desc' => 'Creates a gallery of images from a namespace', 'url' => 'http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:gallery', ); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'substition'; } /** * What about paragraphs? */ function getPType(){ return 'block'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 301; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{gallery>[^}]*\}\}',$mode,'plugin_gallery'); } /** * Parse option */ function parseOpt($params, $name) { if(preg_match('/\b'.$name.'\b/i',$params,$match)) { return true; }else if(preg_match('/\bno'.$name.'\b/i',$params,$match)) { return false; }else{ return $this->getConf($name); } } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ $match = substr($match,10,-2); //strip markup from start and end $data = array(); //handle params list($ns,$params) = explode('?',$match,2); if ( substr($ns, 0, 1) == ' ' ) $data['float']="right"; else if ( substr($ns, -1) == ' ' ) $data['float']="left"; else $data['float'] = null; //namespace $data['ns'] = $ns; //max thumb dimensions if(preg_match('/\b(\d+)x(\d+)\b/',$params,$match)){ $data['w'] = $match[1]; $data['h'] = $match[2]; }else{ $data['w'] = $this->getConf('thumbnail_width'); $data['h'] = $this->getConf('thumbnail_height'); } //max lightbox dimensions if(preg_match('/\b(\d+)X(\d+)\b/',$params,$match)){ $data['w_lightbox'] = $match[1]; $data['h_lightbox'] = $match[2]; }else{ $data['w_lightbox'] = $this->getConf('image_width'); $data['h_lightbox'] = $this->getConf('image_height'); } //number of images per row if(preg_match('/\b(\d+)\b/i',$params,$match)){ $data['cols'] = $match[1]; }else{ $data['cols'] = $this->getConf('cols'); } //show the filename $data['showname'] = $this->parseOpt($params, 'showname'); //lightbox style? $data['lightbox'] = $this->parseOpt($params, 'lightbox'); //direct linking? if($data['lightbox']) { $data['direct'] = true; //implicit direct linking }else{ $data['direct'] = $this->parseOpt($params, 'direct'); } //reverse sort? $data['reverse'] = $this->parseOpt($params, 'reverse'); //resize thing? if(preg_match('/\bnoresize\b/i',$params,$match)) { $data['noresize'] = true; }else{ $data['noresize'] = false; } //Layout thing? if(preg_match('/\bmagazine\b/i',$params,$match)) { $data['magazine'] = true; }else{ $data['magazine'] = false; } //Layout thing? if(preg_match('/\bdiashow\b/i',$params,$match)) { $data['diashow'] = true; }else{ $data['diashow'] = false; } //Layout thing? if(preg_match('/\bpageAmount=(\d+)\b/i',$params,$match)) { $data['pageAmount'] = $match[1]; }else{ $data['pageAmount'] = -1; } return $data; } /** * Create output */ function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if ( $data['pageAmount'] > 0 ) $renderer->info['cache'] = FALSE; if($mode == 'xhtml'){ $renderer->doc .= $this->_gallery($data); return true; } return false; } /** * Does the gallery formatting */ function _gallery($data){ global $conf; global $lang; $ret = ''; //use the search to get all files $ns = cleanID($data['ns']); $dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns)); $files = array(); search($files,$conf['mediadir'],'search_media',array(),$dir); //anything found? if(!count($files)){ $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } //reverse if wanted if($data['reverse']) rsort($files); //startPoint of Pages $startPoint = intval($_REQUEST['startPoint']); // build magazine if ($data['magazine']) { require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/inc/magazinelayout.class.php'); $template = ''; $mag = new magazinelayout($data['w'], $data['h']!=120?$data['h']:5, $template); $cols = $data['cols']; $cols = $cols > 8 ? 8 : $cols; // $content = ''; $content .= $this->_pageSelect(count($files), $data['pageAmount'], $startPoint); return $content; } // build gallery if($data['cols'] > 0){ // format as table $ret .= ''; $i = 0; $amount = 0; foreach($files as $img){ if(!$img['isimg']) continue; $amount ++; if ( $amount < $startPoint ) continue; if ( $data['pageAmount'] > 0 && $amount-$startPoint >= $data['pageAmount'] ) break; if($i == 0){ $ret .= ''; } $ret .= ''; $i++; $close_tr = true; if($i == $data['cols']){ $ret .= ''; $close_tr = false; $i = 0; } } if ($close_tr){ // add remaining empty cells for(;$i < $data['cols']; $i++){ $ret .= ''; } $ret .= ''; } $ret .= ''; }else{ // format as div sequence $ret .= ''; } $ret .= $this->_pageSelect(count($files), $data['pageAmount'], $startPoint); return $ret; } /** * Defines how a thumbnail should look like */ function _image($img,$data){ global $ID; $w = $img['meta']->getField('File.Width'); $h = $img['meta']->getField('File.Height'); $dim = array(); if ( $data['noresize']) { $w = $data['w']; $h = $data['h']; } else if($w > $data['w'] || $h > $data['h']){ $ratio = $img['meta']->getResizeRatio($data['w'],$data['h']); $w = floor($w * $ratio); $h = floor($h * $ratio); $dim = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h); } //prepare img attributes $i = array(); $i['width'] = $w; $i['height'] = $h; $i['border'] = 0; $i['alt'] = $img['meta']->getField('Simple.Title'); $i['class'] = 'tn'; $iatt = buildAttributes($i); $src = ml($img['id'],$dim); // prepare lightbox dimensions $w_lightbox = $img['meta']->getField('File.Width'); $h_lightbox = $img['meta']->getField('File.Height'); $dim_lightbox = array(); if($w_lightbox > $data['w_lightbox'] || $h_lightbox > $data['h_lightbox']){ $ratio = $img['meta']->getResizeRatio($data['w_lightbox'],$data['h_lightbox']); $w_lightbox = floor($w_lightbox * $ratio); $h_lightbox = floor($h_lightbox * $ratio); $dim_lightbox = array('w'=>$w_lightbox,'h'=>$h_lightbox); } //prepare link attributes $a = array(); $a['title'] = $img['meta']->getField('Simple.Title'); if($data['lightbox']){ $href = ml($img['id'],$dim_lightbox); $a['class'] = "lightbox JSnocheck"; $a['rel'] = "lightbox"; }else{ $href = ml($img['id'],array('id'=>$ID),$data['direct']); } $aatt = buildAttributes($a); // prepare output $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; return $ret; } /** * Defines how a filename + link should look */ function _showname($img,$data){ global $ID; if(!$data['showname']) { return ''; } //prepare link $lnk = ml($img['id'],array('id'=>$ID),false); // prepare output $ret = ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $img['file']; // see fix posted on the wiki $ret .= ''; return $ret; } function _pageSelect($fileCount, $showCount, $startPoint) { global $ID; $content = '
'; $pages = ceil($fileCount / $showCount); if ( $pages <= 1 ) return ""; for ($i=0; $i<$pages; $i++) { $lnk = wl($ID, array('startPoint'=>$i*$showCount)); $content .= ''; $content .= $i+1; $content .= ''; if ( $i < $pages -1 ) $content .= ' - '; } $content .= '
'; return $content; } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :