/* DOKUWIKI:include_once simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include script/prosemirror.js */ jQuery(function () { /** * Add a quicklink to the media popup */ (function() { const $opts = jQuery('#media__opts'); if (!$opts.length) return; if (!window.opener) return; // we're not in the popup const glbl = document.createElement('label'); const glnk = document.createElement('a'); const gbrk = document.createElement('br'); glnk.innerHTML = LANG.plugins.gallery.addgal; glnk.style.cursor = 'pointer'; glnk.href = '#'; glnk.onclick = function () { const $h1 = jQuery('#media__ns'); if (!$h1.length) return; const ns = $h1[0].textContent; opener.insertAtCarret('wiki__text', '{{gallery>' + ns + '}}'); if (!dw_mediamanager.keepopen) window.close(); }; $opts[0].appendChild(glbl); glbl.appendChild(glnk); $opts[0].appendChild(gbrk); })(); /** * Display a selected page and hide all others */ (function() { // hide all pages except the first one in each gallery jQuery('.plugin-gallery').each(function() { const $gallery = jQuery(this); $gallery.find('.gallery-page').hide().eq(0).show(); $gallery.find('.gallery-page-selector a').eq(0).addClass('active'); }); // attach page selector jQuery('.gallery-page-selector a').click(function(e) { const $self = jQuery(this); $self.siblings().removeClass('active'); $self.addClass('active'); const $gallery = $self.closest('.plugin-gallery'); $gallery.find('.gallery-page').hide(); $gallery.find(e.target.hash).show(); e.preventDefault(); }); // make page selector visible jQuery('.gallery-page-selector').show(); })(); /** * Initialize the lightbox */ new SimpleLightbox("a.lightbox, a[rel^='lightbox']", { sourceAttr: 'data-url', captionSelector: 'self', captionType: 'data', captionsData: 'caption', captionPosition: 'outside', captionHTML: true, // we allow HTML and double escape in the formatter alertError: false, fileExt: false, uniqueImages: false }); });