* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/pfctools.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/pfci18n.class.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/pfccontainer.class.php'; /** * pfcGlobalConfig stock configuration data into sessions and initialize some stuff * * @author Stephane Gully */ class pfcGlobalConfig { // ------------------ // public parameters // ------------------ /** *

This is the only mandatory parameter used to identify the chat server. * You can compare it to the server ip/host like on an IRC server. * If you don't know what to write, just try : $params["serverid"] = md5(__FILE__);

*/ var $serverid = ''; /** *

Used to translate the chat text and messages. Accepted values are the i18n/ sub directories names. * (By default, this is the local server language.)

*/ var $language = ''; /** *

Set a sepcific encoding for chat labels. * This is really useful when the Web page embedding the chat is not UTF-8 encoded. * This parameter should be the same as the chat web page. * Could be ISO-8859-1 or anything else but it must be supported by iconv php module. * (Default value: UTF-8)

*/ var $output_encoding = 'UTF-8'; /** *

If you have already identified the user (forum, portal...) you can force the user's nickname with this parameter. * Defining a nick will skip the "Please enter your nickname" popup.


Warning : Nicknames must be encoded in UTF-8. * For example, if you get nicks from a databases where they are ISO-8859-1 encoded, * you must convert it: $params["nick"] = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $bdd_nickname); * (Of course, change the $bdd_nickname parameter for your needs.)


(Default value: "" - means users must choose a nickname when s/he connects.)

*/ var $nick = ""; /** *

This is the maximum nickname length, a longer nickname is forbidden. * (Default value: 15)

*/ var $max_nick_len = 15; /** *

Setting this to true will forbid the user to change his/her nickname later. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $frozen_nick = false; /** *

Contains some extra data (metadata) about the user that can be used to customize the display. * For example: the user's gender, age, real name, etc. can be setup in order to display it in the user's info box. * A example for gender is : $params["nickmeta"] = array('gender'=>'f'); * (Default value: empty array)

*/ var $nickmeta = array(); /** *

Can be used to set user metadata that is only visible to admins. * (Default value: array('ip') - means that the user's IP address is shown to admins only)

*/ var $nickmeta_private = array('ip'); /** *

Can be used to hide keys in the final displayed whoisbox. * (Default value: array() - means that nothing is hidden)

*/ var $nickmeta_key_to_hide = array(); /** *

Set this parameter to true if you want to give admin rights to the connected user. * Attention : if you don't use any external registration system, all your users will be admins. * You have to test current user rights before setting this parameter to true. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $isadmin = false; /** *

This parameter contains a list of key/value that identify admin access. * The keys are the nicknames and the values are the corresponding passwords. * Note: The "isadmin" parameter does not depend on this variable. * (Default value: nick 'admin' with no password is available. Don't forget to change it.)

*/ var $admins = array("admin" => ""); /** *

When this parameter is true, it gives admin rights to the first connected user on the server. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $firstisadmin = false; /** *

Used to change the chat title that is visible just above the messages list. * (Default value: "My Chat")

*/ var $title = ''; /** *

Used to create default rooms (auto-joined at startup). It contains an array of rooms names. * (Default value: one room is created named "My room")

*/ var $channels = array(); /** *

This parameter can be used to restrict channels to users. * If the array is empty, it allows users to create their own channels. * (Default value: empty array)

*/ var $frozen_channels = array(); /** *

The maximum number of allowed channels for each user. * (Default value: 10)

*/ var $max_channels = 10; /** *

This array contains the nicknames list you want to initiate a private message at chat loading. * Of course, the listed nicknames should be online or it will just be ignored. * (Default value: empty array)

*/ var $privmsg = array(); /** *

This is the maximum number of private message allowed at the same time for one user. * (Default value: 5)

*/ var $max_privmsg = 5; /** *

This is the time to wait between two refreshes. * A refresh is an HTTP request which asks the server if there are new messages to display. * If there are no new messages, then an empty HTTP response is returned. * This parameter will be dynamically changed depending on the chat activity, see refresh_delay_steps * parameter for more information. * (Default value: 2000 it means 2000 ms or 2 seconds)

*/ var $refresh_delay = 2000; /** *

This parameter is used to control the refresh_delay value dynamically. * More the chat is active, more the refresh_delay is low, that means more the chat is responsive. * The first parameter is a refresh delay value, the second is a time inactivity boundary etc ... * (Default value: array(2000,20000,3000,60000 ... that means: start with 2s delay after 20s of inactivity, * 3s delay after 60s of inactivity ...)

*/ var $refresh_delay_steps = array(2000,20000,3000,30000,5000,60000,8000,300000,15000,600000,30000); /** *

This is the time of inactivity to wait before considering a user is disconnected (in milliseconds). * A user is inactive only if s/he closed his/her chat window. A user with an open chat window * is not inactive because s/he sends each refresh_delay an HTTP request. * (Default value: 35000 it means 35000 ms or 35 seconds)

*/ var $timeout = 35000; /** * When this parameter is true, all the chatters will be redirected * to the url indicated by the lockurl parameter. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $islocked = false; /** * This url is used when islocked parameter is true. * The users will be redirected (http redirect) to this url. * (Default value: http://www.phpfreechat.net) */ var $lockurl = 'http://www.phpfreechat.net'; /** *

Contains the list of proxies to ingore. * For example: append 'censor' to the list to disable words censoring. * The list of system proxies can be found in src/proxies/. * Attention: 'checktimeout' and 'checknickchange' proxies should not be disabled or the chat will not work anymore. * (Default value: empty array - no proxies will be skipped)

*/ var $skip_proxies = array(); /** *

This array contains the proxies that will be handled just before to process a command * and just after the system proxies. * You can use this array to execute your own proxy. * (Default value: empty array)

*/ var $post_proxies = array(); /** *

This array ocntains the proxies that will be handled just before system proxies. * You can use this array to execute your own proxy. * (Default value: empty array)

*/ var $pre_proxies = array(); /** *

Contains the proxies configuration. * TODO: explain the possible values for each proxies.

*/ var $proxies_cfg = array("auth" => array(), "noflood" => array("charlimit" => 450, "msglimit" => 10, "delay" => 5), "censor" => array("words" => array("fuck","sex","bitch"), "replaceby" => "*", "regex" => false), "log" => array("path" => "")); /** *

A custom proxies path. Used to easily plugin your own proxy to the chat without modifying the code. * (Default value: empty path)

*/ var $proxies_path = ''; /** *

Contains the default proxies location. * Do not change this parameter if you don't know what you are doing. * If you try to add your own proxy, check the proxies_path parameter. * (Default value: dirname(__FILE__).'/proxies')

*/ var $proxies_path_default = ''; /** *

This parameter indicates your own commands directory location. * The chat uses commands to communicate between client and server. * As an example, when a message is sent, the /send your message command is used, * when a nickname is changed, the /nick newnickname command is used. * To create a new command, you have to write it and indicate in this parameter where it is located. * (Default value: empty string - means no custom command path is used)

*/ var $cmd_path = ''; /** *

Contains the default command path used by the system. * Do not change this parameter if you don't know what you are doing. * If you try to add your own command, check the cmd_path parameter. * (Default value: dirname(__FILE__).'/commands')

*/ var $cmd_path_default = ''; /** *

This is the maximum message length in characters. A longer message is forbidden. * (Default value: 400)

*/ var $max_text_len = 400; /** *

This is the number of messages kept in the history. * This is what you see when you reload the chat. * The number of messages s/he can see is defined by this parameter. * (Default value: 20

*/ var $max_msg = 20; /** *

The maximum number of lines displayed in the window. * Old lines will be deleted to save browser's memory on clients. * Default value: 150)

*/ var $max_displayed_lines = 150; /** *

Setting this to true will send a /quit command when the user closes his/her window. * (NOTE: Doesn't work on Firefox). * This parameter isn't true by default because on IE and Konqueror/Safari, * reloading the window (F5) will generate the same event as closing the window which can be annoying. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $quit_on_closedwindow = true; /** *

Setting this to true will give the focus to the input text box when connecting to the chat. * It can be useful not to touch the focus when integrating the chat into an existing website * because when the focus is changed, the viewport follows the focus location. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $focus_on_connect = true; /** *

Setting this to false will oblige user to click on the connect button if s/he wants to chat. * (Default value: true - a connection to the chat is automaticaly performed)

*/ var $connect_at_startup = true; /** *

Setting it to true will start the chat minimized. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $start_minimized = false; /** *

Height of the chat area. * (Default value: "440px")

*/ var $height = "440px"; /** *

* (Default value: 7)

*/ var $shownotice = 7; /** *

Setting it to false will disable nickname colorization. * (Default value: true)

**/ var $nickmarker = true; /** *

Setting it to false will hide the date/hour column. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $clock = true; /** *

Setting it to false will start the chat without sound notifications. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $startwithsound = true; /** *

Setting it to true will open all links in a new window. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $openlinknewwindow = true; /** *

Setting it to false will disable the window title notification. * When a message is received and this parameter is true, the window title is modified with [n] * (n is the number of new posted messages). * (Default value: true)

*/ var $notify_window = true; /** *

Setting it to true will shorten long URLs entered by users in the chat area. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $short_url = true; /** *

Final width of the shortened URL in characters. (This includes the elipsis on shortened URLs.) * This parameter is taken into account only when short_url is true. * (Default value: 40)

*/ var $short_url_width = 40; /** *

Used to show/hide the ping information near the phpfreechat linkback logo. * The ping is the time between a client request and a server response. * More the ping is low, faster the chat is responding. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $display_ping = true; /** *

Used to hide the phpfreechat linkback logo. * Be sure that you are conform to the license page * before setting this to false! * (Default value: true)

*/ var $display_pfc_logo = true; /** *

Used to show/hide the images in the channels and pv tabs. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $displaytabimage = true; /** *

Used to show/hide the close button in the channels tabs. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $displaytabclosebutton = true; /** *

Used to show/hide online users list at startup. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $showwhosonline = true; /** *

Used to show/hide the smiley selector at startup. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $showsmileys = true; /** *

Used to show/hide the showwhosonline button. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $btn_sh_whosonline = true; /** *

Used to show/hide the showsmileys button. * (Default value: true)

*/ var $btn_sh_smileys = true; /** *

This is the list of colors that will appears into the bbcode palette. * (Default value: contains an array of basic colors: '#FFFFFF', '#000000', ...)

*/ var $bbcode_colorlist = array('#FFFFFF', '#000000', '#000055', '#008000', '#FF0000', '#800000', '#800080', '#FF5500', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#008080', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF', '#7F7F7F', '#D2D2D2'); /** *

This is the list of colors that will be used to automaticaly and randomly colorize the nicknames in the chat. * (Default value: contains an array of basic colors: '#CCCCCC','#000000')

*/ var $nickname_colorlist = array('#CCCCCC', '#000000', '#3636B2', '#2A8C2A', '#C33B3B', '#C73232', '#80267F', '#66361F', '#D9A641', '#3DCC3D', '#1A5555', '#2F8C74', '#4545E6', '#B037B0', '#4C4C4C', '#959595'); /** *

This parameter specifies which theme the chat will use. * A theme is a package that makes it possible to completly change the chat appearance (CSS) and the chat dynamics (JS) * You can find official themes in the themes/ directory on your local phpfreechat distribution. * (Default value: 'default')

*/ var $theme = 'default'; /** *

Indicates where the themes are located. * Use this parameter if you want to store your own theme in a special location. * (by default the same as theme_default_path)

*/ var $theme_path = ''; /** *

This url indicates the theme_path location. * It will be used by the browser to load theme resources : images, css, js. * If this parameter is not indicated, the themes will be copied to data_public_path/themes * and this parameter value will be set to data_public_url/theme. * (Default value: '')

*/ var $theme_url = ''; /** *

Indicate where the official pfc default theme is located. * Do not change this parameter if you don't know what you are doing. * If you try to add your own theme, check the theme_path parameter. * (Default value: '' - empty string means dirname(__FILE__).'/../themes' is used automatically)

*/ var $theme_default_path = ''; /** *

This url indicates the theme_default_path location. * Do not change this parameter if you don't know what you are doing. * If you try to add your own theme, check the theme_path parameter. * (Default value: the theme is copied into data_public_path/themes * and this parameter will be set to data_public_url/theme)

*/ var $theme_default_url = ''; /** *

Used to specify the chat container (chat database). * Accepted containers are : File and Mysql (maybe others in the future). * (Default value: 'File')

*/ var $container_type = 'File'; /** *

Used to specify the script that will handle asynchronous requests. * Very useful when the chat (client) script is resource consuming (ex: forum or portal chat integration). * (Default value: '' - means this parameter is automatically calculated)

*/ var $server_script_path = ''; /** *

This url indicates the server_script_path. * It will be used to do AJAX requests from the browser. Therefore, this URL should be a browsable public url. * This parameter is useful when using URL rewriting because basic auto-calculation will fail. * (Default value: '' - means this parameter is automatically calculated)

*/ var $server_script_url = ''; /** *

Used to specify the script path which first displays the chat. * This path will be used to calculate relatives paths for resources: javascript lib and images. * Useful when the php configuration is uncommon. This option can be used to force the automatic detection process. * (Default value: '' - means this parameter is automatically calculated)

*/ var $client_script_path = ''; /** *

Used to store private data like cache, logs and chat history. * Tip: you can optimize your chat performances, * see this FAQ entry. * (Default value: '' - means dirname(__FILE__)."/../data/private" is used automatically)

*/ var $data_private_path = ''; /** * This path must be reachable by your web server. * Javascript and every resources (theme) files will be stored here. * (Default value: '' - means dirname(__FILE__)."/../data/public" is used automatically) */ var $data_public_path = ''; /** * This URL should link to the data_private_path directory so that * the clients' browsers will be able to load needed javascript files and theme resources. * It can be useful when url rewriting is done on the server. * (Default value: '' - means this parameter is automatically calculated from data_private_path) */ var $data_public_url = ''; /** *

This is the prototype javascript library URL. * Use this parameter to use your external library. * (Default value: '' - means data/js/prototype.js is used automatically)

*/ var $prototypejs_url = ''; /** *

When debug is true, some traces will be shown on the chat clients * (Default value: false)

*/ var $debug = false; /** *

Can be used to setup the chat time zone. * It is the difference in seconds between chat clock and server clock. * (Default value: 0)

*/ var $time_offset = 0; /** *

How to display the dates in the chat. * (Default value: 'd/m/Y')

*/ var $date_format = 'd/m/Y'; /** *

How to display the time in the chat * (Default value: 'H:i:s')

*/ var $time_format = 'H:i:s'; /** *

This parameter is useful when your chat server is behind a reverse proxy that * forwards client ip address in HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR http header. * Some discutions about this parameter are available * on the forum. * (Default value: false)

*/ var $get_ip_from_xforwardedfor = false; /** *

Most of the chat parameters are stored in a internal cache for performances issues. * It means that for all the clients the chat will have the same parameters. However sometime you need * to customize some parameters for each clients. * For example: the 'language' parameter could depends on the chatter profil so it could interesting to * ignore the cache for this parameter. * The 'dyn_params' contains the parameters that need to be dynamic (not stored in the cache). * (Default value: array())

*/ var $dyn_params = array(); // ------------------ // private parameters // ------------------ /** * Contains proxies to execute on each commands. * Filled in the init step, this parameter cannot be overridden. */ var $proxies = array(); var $smileys = array(); var $errors = array(); var $is_init = false; // used internaly to know if the chat config is initialized var $version = ''; // the phpfreechat version: taken from the 'version' file content var $_sys_proxies = array("lock", "checktimeout", "checknickchange", "auth", "noflood", "censor", "log"); var $_dyn_params = array("nick","isadmin","islocked","admins","frozen_channels", "channels", "privmsg", "nickmeta","time_offset","date_format","time_format"); var $_params_type = array(); var $_query_string = ''; function pfcGlobalConfig( $params = array() ) { // @todo find a cleaner way to forward serverid to i18n functions $GLOBALS['serverid'] = isset($params['serverid']) ? $params['serverid'] : '_serverid_'; // setup the locales for the translated messages pfcI18N::Init(isset($params['language']) ? $params['language'] : ''); // check the serverid is really defined if (!isset($params["serverid"])) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter is mandatory by default use '%s' value", "serverid", "md5(__FILE__)"); $this->serverid = $params["serverid"]; // setup data_private_path because _GetCacheFile needs it if (!isset($params["data_private_path"])) $this->data_private_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/../data/private"; else $this->data_private_path = $params["data_private_path"]; // check if a cached configuration already exists // don't load parameters if the cache exists $cachefile = $this->_GetCacheFile(); if (!file_exists($cachefile)) { // first of all, save our current state in order to be able to check for variable types later $this->_saveParamsTypes(); if (!isset($params["data_public_path"])) $this->data_public_path = dirname(__FILE__)."/../data/public"; else $this->data_public_path = $params["data_public_path"]; // if the user didn't specify the server_script_url, then remember it and // append QUERY_STRING to it if (!isset($params['server_script_url'])) $this->_query_string = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '' ? '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; // load users container or keep default one if (isset($params["container_type"])) $this->container_type = $params["container_type"]; // load default container's config $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance($this->container_type, true); $ct_cfg = $ct->getDefaultConfig(); foreach( $ct_cfg as $k => $v ) { $attr = "container_cfg_".$k; if (!isset($this->$attr)) $this->$attr = $v; } // load all user's parameters which will override default ones foreach ( $params as $k => $v ) { if (!isset($this->$k)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("Error: undefined or obsolete parameter '%s', please correct or remove this parameter", $k); if (preg_match('/^_/',$k)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("Error: '%s' is a private parameter, you are not allowed to change it", $k); if ($k == "proxies_cfg") { // don't replace all the proxy_cfg parameters, just replace the specified ones foreach ( $params["proxies_cfg"] as $k2 => $v2 ) { if (is_array($v2)) foreach( $v2 as $k3 => $v3) $this->proxies_cfg[$k2][$k3] = $v3; else $this->proxies_cfg[$k2] = $v2; } } else $this->$k = $v; } } // load dynamic parameter even if the config exists in the cache if (isset($params['dyn_params']) && is_array($params['dyn_params'])) $this->_dyn_params = array_merge($this->_dyn_params,$params['dyn_params']); foreach ( $this->_dyn_params as $dp ) if (isset($params[$dp])) $this->$dp = $params[$dp]; // 'channels' is now a dynamic parameter, just check if I need to initialize it or not if (is_array($this->channels) && count($this->channels) == 0 && !isset($params['channels'])) $this->channels = array(_pfc("My room")); // now load or save the configuration in the cache $this->synchronizeWithCache(); // to be sure the container instance is initialized $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance($this->container_type, true); // This is a dirty workaround which fix a infinite loop when: // 'frozen_nick' is true // 'nick' length is > 'max_nick_len' $this->nick = $this->filterNickname($this->nick); } function &Instance( $params = array(), $destroy_instance = false ) { static $i; if ($destroy_instance) $i = NULL; else if (!isset($i)) $i = new pfcGlobalConfig( $params ); return $i; } /** * This function saves all the parameters types in order to check later if the types are ok */ function _saveParamsTypes() { $vars = get_object_vars($this); foreach($vars as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) $this->_params_type["string"][] = $k; else if (is_bool($v)) $this->_params_type["bool"][] = $k; else if (is_array($v)) $this->_params_type["array"][] = $k; else if (is_int($v) && $v>0) $this->_params_type["positivenumeric"][] = $k; else $this->_params_type["misc"][] = $k; } } /** * Initialize the phpfreechat configuration * this initialisation is done once at startup then it is stored into a session cache */ function init() { $ok = true; // check the parameters types $array_params = $this->_params_type["array"]; foreach( $array_params as $ap ) { if (!is_array($this->$ap)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter must be an array", $ap); } $numerical_positive_params = $this->_params_type["positivenumeric"]; foreach( $numerical_positive_params as $npp ) { if (!is_int($this->$npp) || $this->$npp < 0) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter must be a positive number", $npp); } $boolean_params = $this->_params_type["bool"]; foreach( $boolean_params as $bp ) { if (!is_bool($this->$bp)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter must be a boolean", $bp); } $string_params = $this->_params_type["string"]; foreach( $string_params as $sp ) { if (!is_string($this->$sp)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter must be a charatere string", $sp); } if ($this->title == "") $this->title = _pfc("My Chat"); // first of all, check the used functions $f_list["file_get_contents"] = _pfc("You need %s", "PHP 4 >= 4.3.0 or PHP 5"); $err_session_x = "You need PHP 4 or PHP 5"; $f_list["session_start"] = $err_session_x; $f_list["session_destroy"] = $err_session_x; $f_list["session_id"] = $err_session_x; $f_list["session_name"] = $err_session_x; $err_preg_x = _pfc("You need %s", "PHP 3 >= 3.0.9 or PHP 4 or PHP 5"); $f_list["preg_match"] = $err_preg_x; $f_list["preg_replace"] = $err_preg_x; $f_list["preg_split"] = $err_preg_x; $err_ob_x = _pfc("You need %s", "PHP 4 or PHP 5"); $f_list["ob_start"] = $err_ob_x; $f_list["ob_get_contents"] = $err_ob_x; $f_list["ob_end_clean"] = $err_ob_x; $f_list["get_object_vars"] = _pfc("You need %s", "PHP 4 or PHP 5"); $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, check_functions_exist($f_list)); // $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, @test_writable_dir($this->data_public_path, "data_public_path")); $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, @test_writable_dir($this->data_private_path, "data_private_path")); $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, @test_writable_dir($this->data_private_path."/cache", "data_private_path/cache")); // install the public directory content $dir = dirname(__FILE__)."/../data/public/js"; $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { $f_src = $dir.'/'.$file; $f_dst = $this->data_public_path.'/js/'.$file; if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || !is_file($f_src)) continue; // skip . and .. generic files // install js files only if the destination doesn't exists or if the destination timestamp is older than the source timestamp if (!file_exists($f_dst) || filemtime($f_dst) < filemtime($f_src) ) { mkdir_r($this->data_public_path.'/js/'); copy( $f_src, $f_dst ); } if (!file_exists($f_dst)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("%s doesn't exist, data_public_path cannot be installed", $f_dst); } closedir($dh); // --- // test client script // try to find the path into server configuration if ($this->client_script_path == '') $this->client_script_path = pfc_GetScriptFilename(); if ($this->server_script_url == '' && $this->server_script_path == '') { $filetotest = $this->client_script_path; // do not take into account the url parameters if (preg_match("/(.*)\?(.*)/", $filetotest, $res)) $filetotest = $res[1]; if ( !file_exists($filetotest) ) $this->errors[] = _pfc("%s doesn't exist", $filetotest); $this->server_script_url = './'.basename($filetotest).$this->_query_string; } // calculate datapublic url if ($this->data_public_url == "") $this->data_public_url = pfc_RelativePath($this->client_script_path, $this->data_public_path); if ($this->server_script_path == '') $this->server_script_path = $this->client_script_path; // --- // test server script if ($this->server_script_url == '') { $filetotest = $this->server_script_path; // do not take into account the url parameters if (preg_match("/(.*)\?(.*)/",$this->server_script_path, $res)) $filetotest = $res[1]; if ( !file_exists($filetotest) ) $this->errors[] = _pfc("%s doesn't exist", $filetotest); $this->server_script_url = pfc_RelativePath($this->client_script_path, $this->server_script_path).'/'.basename($filetotest).$this->_query_string; } // check if the theme_path parameter are correctly setup if ($this->theme_default_path == '' || !is_dir($this->theme_default_path)) $this->theme_default_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/../themes'; if ($this->theme_path == '' || !is_dir($this->theme_path)) $this->theme_path = $this->theme_default_path; // If the user didn't give any theme_default_url value, // copy the default theme resources in a public directory if ($this->theme_default_url == '') { mkdir_r($this->data_public_path.'/themes/default'); if (!is_dir($this->data_public_path.'/themes/default')) $this->errors[] = _pfc("cannot create %s", $this->data_public_path.'/themes/default'); else { $ret = copy_r( dirname(__FILE__).'/../themes/default', $this->data_public_path.'/themes/default' ); if (!$ret) $this->errors[] = _pfc("cannot copy %s in %s", dirname(__FILE__).'/../themes/default', $this->data_public_path.'/themes/default'); } $this->theme_default_url = $this->data_public_url.'/themes'; } if ($this->theme_url == '') { mkdir_r($this->data_public_path.'/themes/'.$this->theme); if (!is_dir($this->data_public_path.'/themes/'.$this->theme)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("cannot create %s", $this->data_public_path.'/themes/'.$this->theme); else { $ret = copy_r( $this->theme_path.'/'.$this->theme, $this->data_public_path.'/themes/'.$this->theme ); if (!$ret) $this->errors[] = _pfc("cannot copy %s in %s", $this->theme_path.'/'.$this->theme, $this->data_public_path.'/themes/'.$this->theme); } $this->theme_url = $this->data_public_url.'/themes'; } // if the user do not have an existing prototype.js library, we use the embeded one if ($this->prototypejs_url == '') $this->prototypejs_url = $this->data_public_url.'/js/prototype.js'; // --- // run specific container initialisation $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance(); $ct_errors = $ct->init($this); $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $ct_errors); // check if the wanted language is known $lg_list = pfcI18N::GetAcceptedLanguage(); if ( $this->language != "" && !in_array($this->language, $lg_list) ) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' parameter is not valid. Available values are : '%s'", "language", implode(", ", $lg_list)); // calculate the proxies chaine $this->proxies = array(); foreach($this->pre_proxies as $px) { if (!in_array($px,$this->skip_proxies) && !in_array($px,$this->proxies)) $this->proxies[] = $px; } foreach($this->_sys_proxies as $px) { if (!in_array($px,$this->skip_proxies) && !in_array($px,$this->proxies)) $this->proxies[] = $px; } foreach($this->post_proxies as $px) { if (!in_array($px,$this->skip_proxies) && !in_array($px,$this->proxies)) $this->proxies[] = $px; } if (in_array('log',$this->proxies)) { // test the LOCK_EX feature because the log proxy needs to write in a file $filename = $this->data_private_path.'/filemtime2.test'; if (is_writable(dirname($filename))) { $data1 = time(); file_put_contents($filename, $data1, LOCK_EX); $data2 = file_get_contents($filename); if ($data1 != $data2) { unset($this->proxies[array_search('log',$this->proxies)]); } } } // save the proxies path $this->proxies_path_default = dirname(__FILE__).'/proxies'; // check the customized proxies path if ($this->proxies_path != '' && !is_dir($this->proxies_path)) $this->errors[] = _pfc("'%s' directory doesn't exist", $this->proxies_path); if ($this->proxies_path == '') $this->proxies_path = $this->proxies_path_default; // save the commands path $this->cmd_path_default = dirname(__FILE__).'/commands'; if ($this->cmd_path == '') $this->cmd_path = $this->cmd_path_default; // load smileys from file $this->loadSmileyTheme(); // load version number from file $this->version = trim(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__)."/../version.txt")); $this->is_init = (count($this->errors) == 0); } function isInit() { return $this->is_init; } function &getErrors() { return $this->errors; } function loadSmileyTheme() { $theme = file($this->getFilePathFromTheme("smileys/theme.txt")); $result = array(); foreach($theme as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (preg_match("/^#.*/",$line)) continue; else if (preg_match("/([a-z_\-0-9\.]+)(.*)$/i",$line,$res)) { $smiley_file = 'smileys/'.$res[1]; $smiley_str = trim($res[2])."\n"; $smiley_str = str_replace("\n", "", $smiley_str); $smiley_str = str_replace("\t", " ", $smiley_str); $smiley_str_tab = explode(" ", $smiley_str); foreach($smiley_str_tab as $str) $result[$smiley_file][] = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($str)); } } $this->smileys =& $result; } function getId() { return $this->serverid; } function _GetCacheFile($serverid = "", $data_private_path = "") { if ($serverid == '') $serverid = $this->getId(); if ($data_private_path == '') $data_private_path = $this->data_private_path; return $data_private_path.'/cache/'.$serverid.'.php'; } function destroyCache() { $cachefile = $this->_GetCacheFile(); if (!file_exists($cachefile)) return false; $this->is_init = false; // destroy the cache lock file $cachefile_lock = $cachefile."_lock"; if (file_exists($cachefile_lock)) @unlink($cachefile_lock); // destroy the cache file return @unlink($cachefile); } /** * Save the pfcConfig object into cache if it doesn't exists yet * else restore the old pfcConfig object */ function synchronizeWithCache() { $cachefile = $this->_GetCacheFile(); $cachefile_lock = $cachefile."_lock"; if (file_exists($cachefile)) { // if a cache file exists, remove the lock file because config has been succesfully stored if (file_exists($cachefile_lock)) @unlink($cachefile_lock); include $cachefile; foreach($pfc_conf as $key => $val) // the dynamics parameters must not be cached if (!in_array($key,$this->_dyn_params)) $this->$key = $val; return true; // synchronized } else { if (file_exists($cachefile_lock)) { // delete too old lockfiles (more than 15 seconds) $locktime = filemtime($cachefile_lock); if ($locktime+15 < time()) unlink($cachefile_lock); else return false; // do nothing if the lock file exists } else @touch($cachefile_lock); // create the lockfile if (!$this->isInit()) $this->init(); $errors =& $this->getErrors(); if (count($errors) == 0) { // save the validated config in cache $this->saveInCache(); } else @unlink($cachefile_lock); // destroy the lock file for the next attempt return false; // new cache created } } function saveInCache() { $cachefile = $this->_GetCacheFile(); $data = '_dyn_params as $k) unset($conf[$k]); $data .= '$pfc_conf = '.var_export($conf,true).";\n"; $data .= '?>'; file_put_contents($cachefile, $data/*serialize(get_object_vars($this))*/); } function isDefaultFile($file) { $fexists1 = file_exists($this->theme_path."/default/".$file); $fexists2 = file_exists($this->theme_path."/".$this->theme."/".$file); return ($this->theme == "default" ? $fexists1 : !$fexists2); } function getFilePathFromTheme($file) { if (file_exists($this->theme_path."/".$this->theme."/".$file)) return $this->theme_path."/".$this->theme."/".$file; else if (file_exists($this->theme_default_path."/default/".$file)) return $this->theme_default_path."/default/".$file; else { $this->destroyCache(); die(_pfc("Error: '%s' could not be found, please check your themepath '%s' and your theme '%s' are correct", $file, $this->theme_path, $this->theme)); } } function getFileUrlFromTheme($file) { if (file_exists($this->theme_path.'/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file)) return $this->theme_url.'/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file; else if (file_exists($this->theme_default_path.'/default/'.$file)) return $this->theme_default_url.'/default/'.$file; else return 'notfound'; } function filterNickname($nickname) { $nickname = trim($nickname); require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../lib/utf8/utf8_substr.php"; $nickname = (string)utf8_substr($nickname, 0, $this->max_nick_len); return $nickname; } } ?>