_resetChannelIdentifier($clientid); // check if the user is alone on the server, and give it the admin status if yes $isadmin = $ct->getUserMeta($u->nickid, 'isadmin'); if ($isadmin == NULL) $isadmin = $c->isadmin; if ($c->firstisadmin && !$isadmin) { $users = $ct->getOnlineNick(NULL); if (isset($users["nickid"]) && (count($users["nickid"]) == 0 || (count($users["nickid"]) == 1 && $users["nickid"][0] == $u->nickid))) $isadmin = true; } // create the nickid and setup some user meta $nickid = $u->nickid; $ct->joinChan($nickid, NULL); // join the server // store the user ip $ip = ( $c->get_ip_from_xforwardedfor && isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if ($ip == "::1") $ip = ""; // fix for konqueror & localhost $ct->setUserMeta($nickid, 'ip', $ip); // store the admin flag $ct->setUserMeta($nickid, 'isadmin', $isadmin); // store the customized nick metadata foreach($c->nickmeta as $k => $v) $ct->setUserMeta($nickid, $k, $v); // run the /nick command to assign the user nick $cmdp = array(); $cmdp["param"] = $nick; $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory('nick'); $ret = $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp); if ($ret) { $chanlist = (count($u->channels) == 0) ? $c->channels : $u->getChannelNames(); for($i = 0 ; $i < count($chanlist) ; $i++) { $cmdp = array(); $cmdp["param"] = $chanlist[$i]; $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory( $i < count($chanlist)-1 || !$joinoldchan ? 'join2' : 'join' ); $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp); } $pvlist = (count($u->privmsg) == 0) ? $c->privmsg : $u->getPrivMsgNames(); for($i = 0 ; $i < count($pvlist) ; $i++) { $cmdp = array(); $cmdp["params"][0] = $pvlist[$i]; $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory( $i < count($pvlist)-1 || !$joinoldchan ? 'privmsg2' : 'privmsg' ); $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp); } $xml_reponse->script("pfc.handleResponse('".$this->name."', 'ok', Array('".addslashes($nick)."'));"); } else { $xml_reponse->script("pfc.handleResponse('".$this->name."', 'ko', Array('".addslashes($nick)."'));"); } } /** * reset the channel identifiers */ function _resetChannelIdentifier($clientid) { $c =& pfcGlobalConfig::Instance(); $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance(); $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance(); // reset the channel identifiers require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/join.class.php"); $channels = array(); if (count($u->channels) == 0) $channels = $c->channels; else foreach($u->channels as $chan) $channels[] = $chan["name"]; foreach($channels as $channame) { $chanrecip = pfcCommand_join::GetRecipient($channame); $chanid = pfcCommand_join::GetRecipientId($channame); // reset the fromid flag $from_id_sid = "pfc_from_id_".$c->getId()."_".$clientid."_".$chanid; $from_id = $ct->getLastId($chanrecip)-$c->max_msg+1; $_SESSION[$from_id_sid] = ($from_id<0) ? 0 : $from_id; // reset the oldmsg flag $oldmsg_sid = "pfc_oldmsg_".$c->getId()."_".$clientid."_".$chanid; $_SESSION[$oldmsg_sid] = true; } // reset the private messages identifiers if (count($u->privmsg) > 0) { foreach($u->privmsg as $recipientid2 => $pv) { $recipient2 = $pv['recipient']; // reset the fromid flag $from_id_sid = "pfc_from_id_".$c->getId()."_".$clientid."_".$recipientid2; $from_id = $ct->getLastId($recipient2)-$c->max_msg+1; $_SESSION[$from_id_sid] = ($from_id<0) ? 0 : $from_id; // reset the oldmsg flag $oldmsg_sid = "pfc_oldmsg_".$c->getId()."_".$clientid."_".$recipientid2; $_SESSION[$oldmsg_sid] = true; } } } } ?>