* * Dit is vrij beschikbare software; u kunt dit verspreiden en/of * aanpassen onder de voorwaarden van het GNU Lesser General Public * License zoals gepubliceerd door de Free Software Foundation; zowel * versie 2.1 van de License, of een latere versie. * * Deze software wordt verspreid in de hoop dat het bruikbaar is, * maar ZONDER ENIGE GARANTIE; zonder zelfs een impliciete garantie van * VERKOOPBAARHEID of GESCHIKHEID VOOR PARTICULIERE DOELEINDEN. Zie de GNU * Lesser General Public License voor meer details. * * U heeft een kopie van de GNU Lesser General Public * License ontvangen samen met dit programma; zoniet, schrijf dan naar de * Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * Nederlandse vertaling van de berichten (utf8 encoded!) * * @author Toon Van de Putte (gebaseerd op Robert de Ruiter) */ // line 45 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["My Chat"] = "Mijn chat"; // line 201 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s not found, %s library can't be found."] = "%s niet gevonden, %s bestand niet gevonden."; // line 355 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please enter your nickname"] = "Vul hier een nickname in"; // line 565 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Text cannot be empty"] = "Tekstvak kan niet leeg zijn"; // line 392 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s changes his nickname to %s"] = "%s verandert de nickname in %s"; // line 398 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s is connected"] = "%s is verbonden"; // line 452 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s quit"] = "%s stop"; // line 468 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s disconnected (timeout)"] = "%s niet verbonden (timeout)"; // line 262 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Unknown command [%s]"] = "Onbekende opdracht [%s]"; // line 149 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s doesn't exist: %s"] = "%s bestaat niet: %s"; // line 180 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You need %s"] = "Je hebt nodig %s"; // line 241 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s doesn't exist, %s library can't be found"] = "%s bestaat niet, %s bestand niet gevonden"; // line 280 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s doesn't exist"] = "%s bestaat niet"; // line 433 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s directory must be specified"] = "%s geef de directory aan"; // line 439 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s must be a directory"] = "%s moet een directory zijn"; // line 446 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s can't be created"] = "%s kan niet worden gemaakt"; // line 451 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s is not writeable"] = "%s kan niet worden beschreven"; // line 496 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s is not readable"] = "%s is niet leesbaar"; // line 469 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s is not a file"] = "%s is geen bestand"; // line 491 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s is not a directory"] = "%s is geen directory"; // line 23 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["PHP FREE CHAT [powered by phpFreeChat-%s]"] = "PHP FREE CHAT [powered by phpFreeChat-%s]"; // line 296 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Hide nickname marker"] = "Geen gekleurde nicknames"; // line 304 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Show nickname marker"] = "Toon gekleurde nicknames"; // line 389 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Disconnect"] = "Verbreek verbinding"; // line 395 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Connect"] = "Maak contact"; // line 427 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Magnify"] = "Vergroot"; // line 434 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Cut down"] = "Verklein"; // line 345 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Hide dates and hours"] = "Verberg data en tijd"; // line 353 in javascript1.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Show dates and hours"] = "Toon data en tijd"; // line 21 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Enter your message here"] = "Voer hier je bericht in"; // line 24 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Enter your nickname here"] = "Voer hier je nickname in"; // line 93 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: undefined or obsolete parameter '%s', please correct or remove this parameter"] = "Fout: niet-gedefinieerde of lege parameter '%s', verbeter of verwijder deze parameter"; // line 86 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Hide smiley box"] = "Verberg smiley venster"; // line 87 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Show smiley box"] = "Toon smiley venster"; // line 88 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Hide online users box"] = "Verberg online venster"; // line 89 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Show online users box"] = "Toon online venster"; // line 33 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Bold"] = "Vet"; // line 34 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Italics"] = "Cursief"; // line 35 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Underline"] = "Onderstreept"; // line 36 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Delete"] = "Verwijder"; // line 37 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Pre"] = "Pre"; // line 38 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Mail"] = "Mail"; // line 39 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Color"] = "Kleur"; // line 48 in phpfreechattemplate.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s template could not be found"] = "%s template niet gevonden"; // line 512 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: '%s' could not be found, please check your themepath '%s' and your theme '%s' are correct"] = "Fout: '%s' kan niet worden gevonden, controleer het pad naar thema '%s' en uw thema '%s' is correct"; // line 75 in pfccommand.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s must be implemented"] = "%s moet worden geïmplementeerd"; // line 343 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter is mandatory by default use '%s' value"] = "'%s' parameter is verplicht bij standaard gebruik '%s' waarde"; // line 378 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter must be a positive number"] = "'%s' parameter moet een positief getal zijn"; // line 386 in phpfreechatconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter is not valid. Available values are : '%s'"] = "'%s' parameter is niet geldig. Beschikbare waarden zijn: '%s'"; // line 186 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["My room"] = "Mijn Kamer"; // line 19 in unban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Missing parameter"] = "Deze parameter ontbreekt"; // line 38 in ban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["banished from %s by %s"] = "verbannen uit %s door %s"; // line 23 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["The banished user's id list is:"] = "De id-lijst van de verbannen gebruiker is:"; // line 32 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Empty"] = "Leeg"; // line 34 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'/unban {id}' will unban the user identified by {id}"] = "'/unban {id}' maakt de verbanning van gebruiker {id} ongedaan"; // line 35 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'/unban all' will unban all the users on this channel"] = "'/unban all' maakt alle verbanningen in dit kanaal ongedaan"; // line 24 in update.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s quit (timeout)"] = "%s is vertrokken (timeout)"; // line 46 in join.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s joins %s"] = "%s komt binnen in %s"; // line 31 in kick.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["kicked from %s by %s"] = "gekickt uit %s door %s"; // line 38 in send.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Can't send the message, %s is offline"] = "Kan de boodschap niet versturen, % is offline"; // line 27 in unban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Nobody has been unbanished"] = "Geen enkele verbanning werd ongedaan gemaakt"; // line 42 in unban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s has been unbanished"] = "% is niet langer verbannen"; // line 49 in unban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s users have been unbanished"] = "%s gebruikers zijn niet langer verbannen"; // line 47 in auth.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You are not allowed to run '%s' command"] = "Je hebt geen toelating om het commando '%s' uit te voeren"; // line 66 in auth.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Can't join %s because you are banished"] = "Kan niet in %s omdat je verbannen bent"; // line 76 in auth.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Can't join %s because the channels list is restricted"] = "Kan niet in %s omdat de kanalenlijst beperkt is"; // line 89 in auth.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You are not allowed to change your nickname"] = "Je mag je nickname niet veranderen"; // line 56 in noflood.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please don't post so many message, flood is not tolerated"] = "Niet zo veel berichten plaatsen, flooden is niet toegelaten"; // line 109 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Private message"] = "Privé-bericht"; // line 110 in pfcclient.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Close this tab"] = "Sluit deze tab"; // line 199 in pfcgui.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Do you really want to leave this room ?"] = "Wil je echt vertrekken uit deze kamer?"; // line 169 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: '%s' is a private parameter, you are not allowed to change it"] = "Fout: '%s' is een private parameter, je mag die niet veranderen"; // line 253 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter must be an array"] = "'%s' parameter moet een array zijn"; // line 265 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter must be a boolean"] = "'%s' parameter moet een boolean zijn"; // line 271 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' parameter must be a charatere string"] = "'%s' moet een charactere string zijn"; // line 395 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' must be writable"] = "'%s' moet schrijfbaar zijn"; // line 425 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'%s' directory doesn't exist"] = "'%s' directory bestaat niet"; // line 544 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please correct these errors"] = "Pas deze fouten aan"; // line 21 in pfcinfo.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: the cached config file doesn't exists"] = "Fout: het gebufferde configuratiebestand bestaat niet"; // line 190 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: the chat cannot be loaded! two possibilities: your browser doesn't support javascript or you didn't setup correctly the server directories rights - don't hesitate to ask some help on the forum"] = "Error: de chat kan niet geladen worden! Twee mogelijkheden: je browser ondersteunt geen javascript of de chat staat fout ingesteld. Mail naar webmaster@yeti.be"; // line 31 in help.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Here is the command list:"] = "Dit is de lijst met commando's:"; // line 63 in identify.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Succesfully identified"] = "Identificatie succesvol"; // line 68 in identify.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Identification failure"] = "Identificatie mislukt"; // line 25 in send.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Your must be connected to send a message"] = "Je moet verbonden zijn om een bericht te kunnen sturen"; // line 87 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Click here to send your message"] = "Klik hier om je bericht te versturen"; // line 80 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Enter the text to format"] = "Voer de tekst in die geformatteerd moet worden"; // line 81 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Configuration has been rehashed"] = "Configuratie is gerehashed"; // line 82 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["A problem occurs during rehash"] = "Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het rehashen"; // line 83 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Choosen nickname is allready used"] = "Die nickname is al in gebruik"; // line 84 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["phpfreechat current version is %s"] = "phpfreechat versie is %s"; // line 85 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Maximum number of joined channels has been reached"] = "Het maximum aantal kanalen dat je kan betreden is bereikt"; // line 86 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Maximum number of private chat has been reached"] = "Het maximum aantal privé-chats is bereikt"; // line 88 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Send"] = "Verzenden"; // line 86 in mysql.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Mysql container: connect error"] = "Mysql container: verbindingsfout"; // line 101 in mysql.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Mysql container: create database error '%s'"] = "Mysql container: database creatie fout"; // line 112 in mysql.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Mysql container: create table error '%s'"] = "Mysql container: tabel creatie fout"; // line 80 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You are not allowed to speak to yourself"] = "Je mag niet tegen jezelf praten"; // line 82 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Choosen nickname is not allowed"] = "De gekozen nickname is niet toegelaten"; // line 83 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Enable sound notifications"] = "Geluidsmeldingen aanzetten"; // line 84 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Disable sound notifications"] = "Geluidsmeldingen uitzetten"; // line 23 in kick.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["no reason"] = "geen reden"; // line 24 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["The banished user list is:"] = "De lijst van verbannen gebruikers is:"; // line 39 in banlist.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["'/unban {nickname}' will unban the user identified by {nickname}"] = "'/unban {nickname}' maakt de verbanning van gebruiker {nickname} ongedaan"; // line 43 in kick.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["kicked from %s by %s - reason: %s"] = "gekickt uit %s door %s - reden: %s"; // line 20 in quit.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s quit (%s)"] = "%s is vertrokken (%s)"; // line 124 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Chat loading ..."] = "Chat is bezig met inladen ..."; // line 124 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please wait"] = "Even geduld"; // line 139 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s appears to be either disabled or unsupported by your browser."] = "%s lijkt uitgeschakeld te zijn of wordt niet ondersteund door uw browser."; // line 139 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["This web application requires %s to work properly."] = "Deze web-applicatie vereist %s"; // line 135 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please enable %s in your browser settings, or upgrade to a browser with %s support and try again."] = "Zet %s aan in de instellingen van je browser, of upgrade naar een browser die %s ondersteunt."; // line 137 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Please upgrade to a browser with %s support and try again."] = "Upgrade naar een browser die %s ondersteunt en probeer opnieuw."; // line 139 in chat.js.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["In Internet Explorer versions earlier than 7.0, Ajax is implemented using ActiveX. Please enable ActiveX in your browser security settings or upgrade to a browser with Ajax support and try again."] = "In Internet Explorer voor versie 7.0 wordt Ajax toegepast via ActiveX. Zet ActiveX aan in de veiligheidsinstellingen of upgrade naar een browser met standaard Ajax ondersteuning."; // line 359 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s doesn't exist, data_public_path cannot be installed"] = "%s bestaat niet, data_public_path kan niet geïnstalleerd worden"; // line 73 in invite.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You must join %s to invite users in this channel"] = "Je moet bij %s gaan om gebruikers in dit kanaal uit te nodigen"; // line 47 in chat.html.tpl.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Ping"] = "Ping"; // line 477 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Input Required"] = "Invoer vereist"; // line 478 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["OK"] = "OK"; // line 479 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Cancel"] = "Annuleren"; // line 430 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["cannot create %s"] = "kan %s niet aanmaken"; // line 436 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["cannot copy %s in %s"] = "kan %s niet in %s kopiëren"; // line 667 in pfcglobalconfig.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Error: '%s' could not be found, please check your theme_path '%s' and your theme '%s' are correct"] = "Fout: '%s' kan niet gevonden worden, kijk of je theme_path '%s' en je theme '%s' correct zijn"; // line 414 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Are you sure you want to close this tab ?"] = "Ben je zeker dat je deze tab wil sluiten?"; // line 42 in ban.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s banished from %s by %s"] = "%s is verbannen uit %s door %s"; // line 446 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Chosen nickname is already used"] = ""; // line 454 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["Chosen nickname is not allowed"] = ""; // line 460 in phpfreechat.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["You are trying to speak to a unknown (or not connected) user"] = ""; // line 89 in invite.class.php $GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s was invited by %s"] = ""; ?>